Just watched VIDEODROME...


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
My fiancee and I have agreed to watch all the films in our collection we have never watched. Most of them are still in their cellophane, many of them bought over 5 years ago...

Previously we were confused by DUNE... Today, we watched VIDEODROME...

After the first ten minutes I had to pause the movie, turn to my beloved wife-to-be and say "Well, i'm sorry my dear, I had no idea this film is full of tits." awkwardly - it was a little like watching a nature documentary with your mum only to find it was the 'Mating habits from around the world' special.

"Nah, it's alright" was the very kind, yet very perplexed response.

EDIT - As we have had no responses to this thread, I take it no one has seen it. A synopsis of this film is as follows: James Woods (yes the family Guy Villain) is a TV station exec that looks for raunchy stuff to get viewers to channel 86. It's a small station and they have to fight for every viewer, including fighting dirty - useing pirate technology to scan the broadcast satellites looking for stuff they can then approach the owners to broadcast on their station. One day they pick up Videodrome... and it has teeth. - EDIT

Well, we had agreed to watch the films we had never watched, and along with the good we were going to watch the odd, deranged and awful. At this point, we couldn't tell what this one was going to be, but we both agreed it was racier than anything either of us had expected 1982 to produce although probably a little tamer than todays standards for an 18 movie.

In my defense I had bought it from a second-hand shop for £2 and had no idea what it was about, although being directed by David Chronenberg should have been a dead giveaway.

The most annoying part for me was not knowing if he was in or out of a hallucination (but I know that was the point, I saw Existenz when it came out and wish i'd seen this first.) The other half found it annoying all the action happened in the last 14 minutes and had an open ending (although she admitted it was a good story and knows that was the point of the ending).

Best bit, amongst other actually not too bad bits, was an actor in a film being watched by the protagonist taking a small Japanese doll apart, only to reveal it was actually a dildo in disguise. This is why Transformers movies are getting worse all the time.

Overall rating, not bad, had decent story but lacked the 3 P's that DUNE had: A Pug, Papoose and Patrick Stewart which I think you'll agree visually is going to take some beating.

Anyone seen this? Any idea what was hallucination and what wasn't? Is there a VIDEODROME 2?

Oh, and one more thing...

...Long live the New Flesh.
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