That Grand Mernier would have come in handy this afternoon.
After finding one bad server after another today and then just taking a break, I finally did get a chance to log back on and try another run.
I was suprised to see no one outside Jump Town as I landed and went in and actually bought some cargo this time. I went back to the ship and took off and noticed someone in the chat saying that "the server is going down bois". Aw crap...
I made it out of the atmosphere and that is when I noticed... QT spooling wasn't working at all... pressing 'B' did nothing... Whaaaat??
I couldn't even get it to target GH so I was flying blindly toward that general direction. I couldn't log out because I just spent all my cash on cargo and would lose it all. All I could do was wait for the server to crash and hope that I got the message to reload my prior instance when I reloaded the game.
Success!! I was able to reload my prior instance and pick up where I left off on the way to GH but the QT still wouldn't spool. However, I was able to use F2 now, which was not working before, to select my destination and when I got out of F2, GH was targeted by the QT calibrate circle even though pressing "B" still did nothing so I couldn't actually use the Quantum Drive. I just had to do a full-burn all the way to Grim.
I was able to land and start to sell my cargo and then boom... server crash again. (eye roll)
I reloaded the game again and still had all my previous cash and the remaining 2 SCU's to sell but couldn't sell due to server bug... again. I re-logged yet again and was able to sell the last 2 SCU so now I'm up to 19K. 'whew'... break time...