Labor Day Weekend

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
It's time to rest from your labors. You have a three day weekend and your SC group has 12 players planning to be around almost all the hours coming. Each has several NPCs, so you could actually field about 50 combined. Your goal as a group is to go out into uncharted space and seek to find and explore an unknown world, which means you need to plan for surface exploration. Since you are planning to be away for three days real time, you need beds for all 12 players.

What ships, vehicles, etc do you decide to bring?
  • o7
Reactions: Talonsbane


Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Starfarer to harvest and refuel the fleet -> Also a nice and cosy place to sleep

Freelancer DUR as a forward Scout with 2x ranger bike

3-4 Vanguards (or other heavy fighters) for some more protection

Carrack just bc for the real exploration shit (ofc with rover) also as transporter

Thats my first basic ideas (probably more) This should be good for 9 players + roughly the same amount of NPC

Kraken maybe? Could also transport the DUR and Vanguards.
  • o7
Reactions: Talonsbane


Space Marshal
Aug 24, 2019
RSI Handle
Hm.....I would have to say:

A Polaris with a Gladius or Hornet - fleet defence

Starfarer for refueling and harvesting - I'm very tempted to see if the little Argos will fit in the cargo bay, could shuttle goods and people with them.

Carrack because it'll find all the little and unknown jump points, Depending if the Pisces gets a jump drive, might not need the DUR or a Terrapin for the little jump points.

maybe 2 Vanguards?

Edit: Attempted the Argo experiment.....they don't fit lol
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
4 Starfarers (1 full of fuel, 3 having its tanks cleaned out & sterilized before filled with high quality beer), 4 Auroras, 6 Cyclones ( 2 Cyclone TR, 2 Cyclone RN & 2 Cyclone base).

That would make up a group of 12 if the Starfarers have run a 2 person crew each.

The cyclones can operate in teams of 3, 1 of each to cover scanning, defense & bringing back whatever they find & can carry.

The 4 Auroras are obvious.

Why have so many Starfarers that are only carrying beer? We're TEST Squadron, all of that will be consumed for sure over 3 days by 12 of us. Then on the way back, all 4 of the Starfarers can swing by a local gas giant or nebula & stock up the empty tanks to enjoy the profitable weekend.


Space Marshal
Aug 14, 2017
RSI Handle
OK, setting the great, mighty, and awesome Aurora aside, what can we come up with.

First, let's get the setting clear, but at the same time let's try to keep things simple.

  • 12 Players, require beds
  • 48 NPCs, may or may not require beds

  1. Find an unknown world.
  2. When found, explore the unknown world.
  3. When explored, perform a surface exploration.

  • 3 days real time.
  • Medium scale mission, 12 players and 50 crew max, so using a Carrier is out of scope.

  • The world is unknown to UEE or any lawful UEE related entity, and may be known to unlawful entities (pirates).
  • No UEE presence or support.
  • The world may be accessible by a jump point not yet identified.

  • Lack of supplies: fuel, etc. (Medium, given 3 days autonomy only)
  • The world is populated by unknown hostile civilization (Low, if it's unknown, it's unlikely to be hostile upfront, also should be able to detect civilization early)
  • Threats of pirate attack (Low, assuming it's a unknown world, not much interest for pirates)
  • Hostile planet environment: atmosphere, flora, fauna, etc. (Medium, given unknown world)
  • Inability to return (Low, given the preparation, info to relevant entities for SAR Ops if not returned after 3 days)

Now, when we have our basics laid out, we can do some thinking.

High Level Requirements:

  1. Need exploration ships, capable of planetary landing and resistant to hostile planet environments (atmosphere, climate, etc.).
  2. Need a supply ship capable of planetary landing and resistant to hostile planet environments (atmosphere, climate, etc.). The ship should carry Fuel for ships and vehicles, and Supplies for 50 crew for 3 days.
  3. Need a strong scanning capability for exploration purposes, not scientific: jump point, star system, planetary and situational awareness scanning.
  4. Need adequate protection for space and planetary threats with low likelihood.
  5. Need emergency facilities: medical. Low threat.
  6. Need emergency facilities: evac/escape. Low threat.
  7. Need land transport, which ideally can carry cargo. Sealed cabin preferred. Defensive capabilities preferred.
  8. Beds for the minimum of 12 crew members. Preferable beds for 20 crew members, as NPCs need to sleep to perform well. 20 beds provide 60 sleeping places in 3 sleep sessions for 8 hours in a 24 time period.
  9. Need command and coordination.
  10. Need exploration data collection and secure storage capabilities.
  11. Need exploration artifacts collection and transportation capabilities.

Potential Solution (max crew = sleeping spaces and sustained ops, not the maximum possible crew, which can vary significantly from sleeping spaces):

  • 1 x Carrack (max crew 6) - being the flag ship, - covering the requirements 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11
  • 4 x Constellation Aquila (max crew 4, total of 16 for 4 ships) - covering the requirements 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11
  • 1 x Terrapin (max crew 1) - covering the requirement 3, 8
  • 1 x Starfarer (standard not Gemini, max crew 6) - covering the requirements 2, 8, 11
  • 5 x Ursa Rovers carried by the Aquilas and the Carrack - covering the requirement 7, 11
  • 4 x Vanguard Warden (max crew 2, total of 8 for 3 ships) - covering the requirement 4, 8
  • 10 x Dragonfiles carried by teh Carrack, Starfarer and Star Runner - covering the requirements 7 and 11 for a gravlev transport solution, given planet surface and traverseability is unknown
  • 1 x Star Runner (max crew 3) - covering the requirements 3, 4, 8, 10, 11

This provides 12 ships for 12 players, covers all the requirements, and gives a total of 40 crew, which allows for 10 crew to be added as necessary to ships where extended crew is required.

  • The set up is orientated towards increased reliability, therefore ships with escape pods, good quality components and robust design standards are used.
  • No Medium or Light fighters are used, as these are Carrier-based, and using a carrier is out of scope of this mission.

  • 4 Constellation Aquila ships and the Carrack carry 5 snub fighters, which reinforce the 4 Wardens.
  • The snubs do not require a dedicated carrier, can be refuelled and rearmed by the parent ship.
  • The snubs can act as a light recon crafts for aerial surveys before land vehicles are dispatched.
  • The snubs can provide aerial support to land vehicles.

  • Carrack is the flag ship and base of operations, supported by Aquilas.
  • Scan and analysis is done first, then the fleet moves safely in a defensive order, convoyed by the Wardens.
  • The star system is scanned first, then planets are scanned, then one planed is explored in detail.

Tactics (the focus is on safety, when the system/planet is researched enough, the safety measures may be relaxed):
  1. The Carrack is to find a jump point, scan it, chart a safe way through for the fleet.
  2. Terrapin jumps first and scans the space for threats.
  3. Wardens move in second and secure the area.
  4. The fleet moves in.
  5. The Carrack is to scan the star system with long range scanners.
  6. Each planet orbit is first scanned by the Terrapin, protected by 2 Wardens. When done, the Terrapin and 2 Wardens move on, and 1 Aquila and 1 Warden move in to stay on the orbit.
  7. The Aquilas scan planets from orbit to understand the atmosphere and other details, protected by a Warden.
  8. While Terrapin is away, Star Runner uses it's 360 degree scanner in lieu.
  9. When done, all the information is passed to the Carrack for analysis and decisions. Backup to Star Runner.
  10. When a planet is chosen, the fleet moves in.
  11. The Carrack uses its drones to chart the planet's map.
  12. In the meantime - refuel via Starfarer.
  13. A landing place is selected.
  14. The Terrapin moves in for a close up examination of the landing place, and air space scanning. If all is good for the fleet to land and the situation is clear, the Terrapin lands and keeps scanning the space for threats.
  15. The fleet lands.
  16. Snubs are sent to scout the area.
  17. Ursa Rovers and/or dragonflies are sent to points of interest. 1 Ursa Rover is supported by 2 Dragonfiles and 1 snub.
  18. Portable mining equipment is carried in Ursa cargo bays.
  19. Artifacts (minerals, soil and air samples, plants etc.) collected, initial analysis is done, artifacts stored.
  20. Data is stored at the Carrack and is backed up into Star Runner.
  21. Re-supply when needed.
  22. Keep security measures up.
  23. When done, leave safely.
  24. Debrief.
  25. Use the findings wisely.
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