Let's find something amazing

Mirax Arneau

Dec 23, 2015
RSI Handle
Hi, I'm Mirax,
Handle: Mirax-Arneau

I'm from Tennessee
I was drawn to Star Citizen by my buddy Tasgall, who is a huge Wing Commander fan, and him knowing how much I was into Space flight-sims and MMO's from the heady days of SWG, he more or less dragged me in by spamming the RSI link on Skyype till I clicked it and was immediately hooked.

I am seriously into exploration and building, If I can find, name, and colonize a new world then, gosh darnit I will. Likely call it Kuat and turn into a shipyard......but that's the Star Wars fanboy in me. Still it would be nice to be able to pump out the odd Capitol Ship here and there :D That being said, I'm not averse to the occasional combat foray, I can and enjoy playing Fighter Jockey, I just prefer being Admiral and having the big guns rather than CAG that's all.

The First game I remember playing was Missile Command on the old Atari, I was 3 at the time, and apparently good at it....

Other games that i frequently play are: Warhammer 40k both Tabletop holding the line with the Imperial Guard, and the Dawn of War franchise. Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, Fallout 4, Sid Meiers Civilization V, Star Trek Online, DC Universe, World of Tanks, World of Warships, Recently acquired the remastered version of Grim Fandango, and Banished, i'm feeling all medieval sim-city-ish.

I first noticed Test Squadron while perusing the live streams for which ever one looked most likely to be helpful to a person new to the game. Watched a hand-full of Captain Richard's and found them instructive, and hilarious. After participating in a couple RSI forum discussions, Among a few others I noticed an invite from Montoya to join. Let it sit while I looked over some of the other organizations that had sent invites, and discussed it with a couple of friends (including the a fore mentioned Tasgall) who are getting into SC/S42 also, and out of all the Organization descriptions, Test Squadron seemed like the best combination, of Support, comfort, and Insanity.

Favorite Captain: They both have their merits, but Kirk, definitely Kirk. For him the frontier was still the frontier, Pirates, smugglers, free-traders, actual exploration.


Space Marshal
Mar 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Welcome to TEST Squadron.

I too have an Imperial Guard army for 40k, been painting them damn infantry for over 10 years now... Probably why I went with an armored company, not as many models to paint. I still play Dawn of War occasionally, one of my favorite RTS's.

If you like Captain Richards streams I'd suggest Admiral Nolan's stream as well as the rest of our TEST Stream Team. Again, welcome to the BEST squardon.
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