
Oct 11, 2016
RSI Handle
Is that you uncle horse. Welcome to test Also test has a very active discord channels. Check test discord. Hope to see you in the verse.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Where you from stranger?
'From?' Originally Southwest Louisiana. Currently living in South Texas. Favorite State I've lived in: Alaska. I'm a Marine Corps Veteran with two trips to the sand box, and I am a helicopter mechanic by trade. I fixed AH-1W Super Cobras and UH-1N Super Hueys in the Marines. I currently maintain AS-350B3's, UH-1H Single engine Hueys, and Cessna 206 airframes for the border patrol.

What drew you to Star Citizen?
I 'heard' about SC in 2012, but I was skeptical, so I waited. I finally backed in 2014 with a two year anniversary Super Hornet package. For me, the initial draw was exploration, mining and cargo transport. When I heard you can be a SPACE MECHANIC, I was hooked. Now, with such a fully detailed list of coming functionality... It's hard to not be excited about the whole package.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
The Crucible! I want the name Uncle Horse to be synonymous with spot-on ship repair.

What was the first game you remember playing?
E.T. on our Atari 2600 OR Frogger running through qbasic on DOS. Can't remember which I played first. E.T. was frustrating and not much fun. That's all I can recall.

What other games do you play?
Paragon, Overwatch and League currently. I have tons of games on Steam, and I've gone through many gaming phases (Diablo 1995-1997, The Realm 1997-1999, Everquest 1999-2003, World of Warcraft 2003-2005, and so on)

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?
Honestly? I didn't like the Org drama that is out there, and I figured I can get in a pilot's seat and bash my space ship up against other space ships. The choice was obvious. I figured as hilarious as TEST Squadron's propaganda is, there are bound to be some fun and interesting people to meet! :slight_smile:

Picard or Kirk?
I have to side with Kirk, and this isn't an anti-Picard issue. This is about who's middle name is mufuggin Tiberius.
Welcome to TEST Squadron BEST Squardon!

Make yourself comfortable on our TEST-Welcome-Couch


and feel free for taking a coffee in the best coffee bar around ;)

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