Well if you think that's irritating then imagine riding along in your (t)rusty Taurus, cargo hold full of totaly legally aquired loo... err.. merchandise.
In comes the 30k, out you go.
So you log back in and find yourself on New Babbage and your Taurus is sitting in the hangar.
So you think "Phew, lucky day" and hopp over to TDD to cash in. But the cargo hold is empty.
So youn think "Darn, not my lucky day" and head back to the hangar. Same old, yince you're already used to that kind of loss and an Alpha will be an Alpha, right?
Then you spawn your ship and lo and behold, the cargo hold is full of them boxes.
Okay, you heard about that, spawn and despawn until the server gets the notice.
So back into the train and a little sprint to the TDD terminal.
And this time about 50% of your cargo shows up. So obviously you sell what you can to minimalize the losses. But it does make's you curious.
So back to the hangar and blimey!, half of the boxes still decorate the interiour. Only they are completely, utterly useless.
But they can still be used to build a mysterious pyramid on the planetary surface of your choice.
One that's gonna last for all eternity it seems... :-)
On the Pro side, bunker missions seem to be a whole lot less buggy. Only had one wall-crawler in the last couple of weeks.
Weirdly enough those bunker guys sure like to camp in their elevators. Makes grenades rather usefull though.
Well, ships showing signs of amnesia every darn time you step outside is a joke. And an old one at that. Do they store prefrences in a cache that's getting deleted if you're 10 feet away from your ship?
Can't really bend my mind around that one, it's simply stupid.
But do not complain about the clouds. Clouds are awesome! And blocking the view is what clouds are all about!
Apart from thunder, storm and lightning that is... :-)