Looking for a deep exploration/recon ship...


Space Marshal
Feb 8, 2015
RSI Handle
Way back in like...2016 I believe it was I bought the 315p. I loved the ship mainly because of it's explorer look!
The exposed piping in the back, the kinda rough edges, the jet engines in the back that opened and closed as you sped up, loved it!

I don't like what it looks like now really... It's sleek, sporty, stylish.... I want to feel like I'm roughing it when I'm out there, not like I'm in a luxury spacecraft!

I really like the Terrapin. Love the look of it, but from what I've read it might not be the best for deep space exploration.
Can you guys convince me that the Terrapin is a good deep space explorer? :p


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Unless the Terrapin goes through a redesign (like the Cutlass did) I don't see it being a good deep space explorer.

Currently the Carrack is probably the best deep space explorer, but from what has been released so far the Corsair has a lot of potential to be an outstanding deep space explorer.


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Terrapin will be a damn good fleet SCOUT for sure !!

Exploration not so good i'd say, but it is one of the few explo ships able to enter small jump points so still worth it.

But yes do you, i choose my ships here based on looks and stats, prolly 50/50, so i cant influence you too much :) ans i don't want.

You do you, that's the best way anyway.

Does your 315P have LTI?
If not, quicklu grab a 315P to Nomad Warbond CCU for $5. Only available during this sale. Then whatever you upgrade to will have LTI.
And what Texelis said !

So if you dont like the Terrapin, you can continue to upgrade it to the next explo ship like DUR or Corsair (Corsair !:love:) and have those ships as LTI because of Nomad CCU.


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
no, not the Terrapin. When it comes to exploration and reasonable price go for a freelancer dur. reason being is cargo capacity, supposed ability to enter any jump point, decent sized fuel tanks, the ability to allow up to 4 friends to explore with you and decent armament. with a terrapin you get some decent scanners, but no cargo and the ability for 1 person to travel with you. if your wanting something a bit bigger go with a constellation class ship


Space Marshal
Feb 8, 2015
RSI Handle
no, not the Terrapin. When it comes to exploration and reasonable price go for a freelancer dur. reason being is cargo capacity, supposed ability to enter any jump point, decent sized fuel tanks, the ability to allow up to 4 friends to explore with you and decent armament. with a terrapin you get some decent scanners, but no cargo and the ability for 1 person to travel with you. if your wanting something a bit bigger go with a constellation class ship
Yeah, but I really don't like the look of the freelancer :p. I don't mind the small space. It's mostly just going to be me.


Space Marshal
Feb 8, 2015
RSI Handle
Just keep the Terrapin. It's like a space caravan/tank haha. And you love it, so.. done.

There are going to be ships that don't check all the boxes, that we fly because we are drawn to them.
Oh, maybe it wasn't clear from the main post I still had the 315p, Now I've sidegraded to a nomad for the lifetime ensurance. I'll see, maybe in the future I'll upgrade to a terrapin if they change the stats a bit...

Chip Hazzard

Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2018
RSI Handle
The Corsair is what I'm waiting for. But in the interim, I have been using the Freelancer DUR.

It took me a while to adjust to the cockpit view after flying a Cutlass Black, but I have come to really like it!
For a solo explorer, it has some great pluses.
  • Fuel refinery. Will be able to make Hydrogen fuel from different gases, giving you better range (wish it was quantum... But hey ho)
  • Good firepower. 4x S3 turreted lasers controlled by pilot, so no worrying about ammo. And the rear turret can have some Blades put on it.
  • Living area. Granted, not as plush as the Carracks, but you do have beds, toilet/shower and food facilities.
  • Cargo space. 36scu, so you can take extra supplies and to bring back what you find. It is also split into 2 bays.
  • Small jump points. Supposed to be the largest ship to be able to jump through small jump points
  • Supposed to have good scanners. To find shiz!
Down sides
  • The view. You will either love it or hate it, I have come to like it, but took me a while.
  • Small cargo bay with annoying struts. Makes it difficult to get some vehicles in.
  • Not inspired interior. Everything is in one long line. With a few different rooms/sections. Buy it does work
Anyhow, those are some of my thoughts. I think it is a really good solo explorer, and once we get jump points and more scanning gameplay I think it will start to shine. :like:


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
Way back in like...2016 I believe it was I bought the 315p. I loved the ship mainly because of it's explorer look!
The exposed piping in the back, the kinda rough edges, the jet engines in the back that opened and closed as you sped up, loved it!

I don't like what it looks like now really... It's sleek, sporty, stylish.... I want to feel like I'm roughing it when I'm out there, not like I'm in a luxury spacecraft!

I really like the Terrapin. Love the look of it, but from what I've read it might not be the best for deep space exploration.
Can you guys convince me that the Terrapin is a good deep space explorer? :p
The Terriblepin is not a deep space explorer. Unless CIG completely alters both it's Quantum Fuel capacity AND it's non-existent stores capacity, it's got a pretty strong leash to support/civilization.

Of course, how YOU define deep space might make a difference in this. The Dur has a huge QT range, and also makes it's own SCM fuel. The Aquila, MSR and Corsair(?) all have extended tanks as well and can be run solo. The Corsair's sensors have not been defined; the MSR has been specifically stated to NOT have long range sensors.

Taking into account all of our understanding of ship and game mechanics - there is no competitor for the Dur. Longest possible range ship for scanning and travel that will fit through a small wormhole. I fully expect that there will be places only it can go... at least, until the next game system update from the Dev's and/or something like a 415p from Origin.

Everything is subject to change, and at some point they WILL change everything :)

P.S. - Yes, I am aware that at one point the devs stated they expected the MSR to fit through the same size wormholes as a Freelancer. That was before we knew the MSR had inflated to Connie size.
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