Looking for some C&C on planned rig upgrades


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
So, here is my rig as it currently stands.

Plays most games very well for having an older card, but it's starting to show its age on newer titles, and I'm looking to start upgrading a bit for SC.

1) I am content with my CPU, but want to get a prebuilt liquid cooler both over overclock a bit more (EVO 212 keeps it cool at 4.2 Ghz) and also because I live in Florida and gaming during the summer turns my apartment into a miniature swamp, so not having a bunch of excess heat would be fantastic. Looking at a Corsair H90i since my case has a 140mm top fan I can swap it out with.

2) Graphics cards, graphics cards, graphics cards. So many options it could be an entire post by itself. Let's just leave it at I'm planning on getting one 980/390x/Fury Nano now (ie in the next two months), and SLI/Crossfiring another once VR hits for solid 90hz for Vive (twin 1200 x 1080 screens will probably need dual cards for max level graphics and decent Anti-Aliasing, I'm guessing) Waiting on full benchmarks from AMD's new lineup to make a final decision.

3) PSU. My current one is an 850, but a) with plans to Crossfire, and b) just general reasons, I want to get an 80+ Gold, probably 1000W. I have heard good things about the EVGA Supernova and Corsair RM series, so those are at the top of my list.

So if anyone has some recommendations for/against any of the parts, I would appreciate it.


Digital Janitor
Staff member
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
o.O you already got a 970


Space Marshal
Mar 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Looks like you've got it figured out already... The GPU wars are gonna be going strong the next few months, it may be better to wait it out a little longer and pick up something for cheaper.. Competition and all the new cards coming out will be sure to drop prices on a lot of the cards..

I've been running a Corsair 650w TX since early 2013 and its still going strong, running pretty much the same build as your current PC.

I'm still in the planning process of either upgrading or building a new system as well. My plan is to wait at least until SC hits the PU Alpha/Beta and have a better idea of system requirements for it.

My shopping list so far includes either a MSI 980 or 980ti(depending on performance vs price), a new power supply, probably 1000w Corsair. Possibly more/faster RAM which would be Corsair Vengeance. Possibly a new case(by this point I might as well call it a new system) and at least some liquid cooling, probably corsair as well. And also a bigger SSD as mine is only 128gb atm, but those might be getting bigger and dropping in price soon with the new technology that was recently announced.

Lots of reason to wait until upgrading since the primary need to upgrade will be Star Citizen which is still months out at least and everything I play now runs just fine.


Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
For a gpu I would wait for about 4 months, things are going to drop and the new goodies will be thoroughly tested (so you know its worth its price tag). But what you are looking at doing sounds like a good direction, I don't see any issues. Right now I have the evga gtx 960 ssc and it runs the game just fine right now unoptimized and with a fx-6350. With whats coming in the game optimizing wise on top of DX12 what you have should only get much better at the task. As far as vr though a gtx 980 was the recommenced minimum, I really don't feel thats a fair beginning card more like they are covering their ass, but only time will tell obviously.


Space Marshal
Feb 20, 2015
RSI Handle
Wait until there is an official beta date for SC, or until black friday.Prices are just going to drop, new tech, and so on.
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Rear Admiral
May 25, 2015
RSI Handle
Wait until there is an official beta date for SC, or until black friday.Prices are just going to drop, new tech, and so on.
Black Friday, and 4th of July are when I look at buying parts. BF is for whole builds and any 4th sales are for additions/upgrades.
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