At this point, instead of crashing auroras into the sun it's going to be Polarises
ThunderKraken Space Marshal Mar 30, 2016 227 735 2,350 RSI Handle Thunder_Kraken Nov 26, 2023 #21 At this point, instead of crashing auroras into the sun it's going to be Polarises Reactions: Bambooza, Ayeteeone, Thugari and 4 others
EVPilot Space Marshal Apr 1, 2018 87 302 1,700 RSI Handle EVPilot Nov 29, 2023 #22 I too just upgraded to the Polaris. I am now over the feeling. Does someone want to buy it? Reactions: Thugari, Mich Angel, Bambooza and 3 others
Ayeteeone Space Marshal Donor Oct 22, 2018 683 2,698 2,500 RSI Handle Ayeteeone Nov 29, 2023 #23 ThunderKraken said: At this point, instead of crashing auroras into the sun it's going to be Polarises Click to expand... Goals. Reactions: Thugari, Mich Angel, Bambooza and 2 others
ThunderKraken said: At this point, instead of crashing auroras into the sun it's going to be Polarises Click to expand... Goals.
Talonsbane Space Marshal Donor Jul 29, 2017 5,987 20,534 3,025 RSI Handle Talonsbane Nov 29, 2023 #24 EVPilot said: I too just upgraded to the Polaris. I am now over the feeling. Does someone want to buy it? Click to expand... Here's what my budget allows me to offer for the purchase of your new Polaris. Reactions: Thugari, Ayeteeone, Mich Angel and 4 others
EVPilot said: I too just upgraded to the Polaris. I am now over the feeling. Does someone want to buy it? Click to expand... Here's what my budget allows me to offer for the purchase of your new Polaris.
Richard Bong Space Marshal Jul 29, 2017 2,380 6,636 2,850 RSI Handle McHale Nov 30, 2023 #25 Thugari said: Not sure how i am going to crew it, but its mine. Click to expand... The "crew it" question is why I melted mine in my big fleet reorganization a while back. It is now a Liberator and the Retaliator that grew into a Polaris is back to a Retaliator and my only ship with a "max crew" bigger than 3. Last edited: Nov 30, 2023 Reactions: Thugari, NomadicHavoc, Garonman and 5 others
Thugari said: Not sure how i am going to crew it, but its mine. Click to expand... The "crew it" question is why I melted mine in my big fleet reorganization a while back. It is now a Liberator and the Retaliator that grew into a Polaris is back to a Retaliator and my only ship with a "max crew" bigger than 3.