Lovin'/Hatin'/ dat HOVER MODE!


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle

Soon our beloved HOVER MODE will be updated to a more manageable flight model and its sure been a whiz bang (more like BOOM!) time learning how to use it. I thought that you might wan to memorialize your time landing and crashing your ships by posting any videos you might have saved from your experience with CIG's brainchild called HOVER MODE! Let's see what you've got whether its's you or someone else!

View: https://youtu.be/l_tNgolJtd0
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle

Soon our beloved HOVER MODE will be updated to a more manageable flight model and its sure been a whiz bang (more like BOOM!) time learning how to use it. I thought that you might wan to memorialize your time landing and crashing your ships by posting any videos you might have saved from your experience with CIG's brainchild called HOVER MODE! Let's see what you've got whether its's you or someone else!

View: https://youtu.be/l_tNgolJtd0

I honestly liked hover mode. I think it needs a little tweaking and have to wonder how many of the issues are not caused by hover mode but by client/server desyncing. My concern with the new method is that they are not necessarily removing hover mode just-auto reducing your thruster's acceleration when you are close to the ground. The issue I see with this is going to be with attempting to make a quick getaway as your thrust is going to be dynamically slowed down until you get clear of the ground instead of being able to make use of your full thrust capabilities and get out of dodge quickly.

I would be ok with this dynamically slowing down acceleration if it was toggled by your landing gear instead of your height above the ground.


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I honestly liked hover mode. I think it needs a little tweaking and have to wonder how many of the issues are not caused by hover mode but by client/server desyncing. My concern with the new method is that they are not necessarily removing hover mode just-auto reducing your thruster's acceleration when you are close to the ground. The issue I see with this is going to be with attempting to make a quick getaway as your thrust is going to be dynamically slowed down until you get clear of the ground instead of being able to make use of your full thrust capabilities and get out of dodge quickly.

I would be ok with this dynamically slowing down acceleration if it was toggled by your landing gear instead of your height above the ground.
I have to say for those who "hung in there", we were able to get HM to work 95% of the time without issue. CIG failed by not giving an direction on its use. A simple tutorial video would have taken away a lot of frustration for players. I have more issues with not having a clear line of site when lading and having to go to 3rd person which is immersion breaking for most people. Something as simple as not having your cursor centered, horizon level and understand Cruise/hover made playing the game horrible for many. Hopefully the update will keep the landing procedure challenging and at the same time be a bit more forgiving.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2016
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Some funny videos!

Hover mode is fine but the ship computer needs to be smarter about velocity and acceleration as you get closer to the ground.

Nobody ever wants to flip a ship over when hovering lol.


Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
After getting used to it, i wouldn't say i like it, but i felt okay with it. There have been some issues ofc:
- I always thought that athmosphere/gravity should have an effect on thrusters, like less powerful with rising density of the athmosphere. Also a possible idea would be that MAV thrusters can't fire for too long without getting damaged.
- And i wanted that hover mode is more "non linear". So that you need to hover in the higher athmosphere less than on the ground. And that it doesn't kick in at a certain speed.
- A UI that helps you in the ships with less visibility to the ground (Why does my Caterpillar has parking sensors but doesn't warn me! ^^)

What makes me sceptical is that we already had a system in place where we had the ability to adjust our thrust output, but we will find out what they are up to soon :)

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I loved the initial hover mode. I think people were so upset with it because they had never flown anything like it before.
That might be very true ha ha ha 🙃 , reason I say it is crap is cause it work against the games own mechanic physics.

As in a planet for example with 1.0G gravity and a ship that have MAV thrusters that have a 4 - 10G push make it easy for a ship to hang steady as a brick in a brick wall.
And still it flap around like a drunk seagull on it's first flight.. there is no logic in that just bad programming not understanding the law's of physics they have set in the world.

Personally I had not much problem adapting to it since I am very use to fly the UH-1 "Huey" chopper in DCS world, that have no tolerance for mistakes.
So main reason I say it is silly, ridiculous and poorly thought through from the start is cause It make no sense or logic.
Just a lets try and wing something together and see how it goes with no regard to already working physics.

Idea is cool for sure, but implementation was not, that is what happen when you attempt to do something you don't have a clue what you're doing,
Instead using some logic it would been smart and time saving to use known flight sim mechanic and see how that differ from the game mechanic and go from there.
But I got great hope they get it together and eventually figure out a solution.

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Grand Admiral
Aug 26, 2018
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Essentially, my first experience with HM, I though I was back in some prior version of the game when my Avenger would just shoot off and then flip upside down.

I don't like HM. To me it makes no sense. Im in a space ship, not a helicopter. If I wanted to fly something that performed like a helicopter, I would play 20th century flight sims. There are planes today where computers help control flight mechanics....I don't see it so unreasonable that the old mechanic worked b/c of this type of assistance. It's not like you didn't have to be careful and have some skill when landing back then. It kinda pisses me off they are screwing around with this type of stuff when there are so many other things that could be addressed in game play. The game has improved and expanded since I dropped out last year, but many times it feels like 2 steps forward, 3 steps back during these patches.
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I always thought that athmosphere/gravity should have an effect on thrusters, like less powerful with rising density of the athmosphere. Also a possible idea would be that MAV thrusters can't fire for too long without getting damaged.
Thruster overheating limited run time was supposed to have been implemented but somewhere in the PTE patches, it was removed, reduced the effect.
Also its illogic that MAVs are almost as powerful as your much larger main thruster
This has been my issue, and the direction I think they should have gone in instead of this forced flight model. Make the ship thrusters locations numbers and thrust values such that the ships have effective flight characteristics along a specific axis instead of being equal in all directions. Make the bottom thrusters more numerous than the side and top thrusters thus its possible to hover against gravity but the sides and top thrusters unless overclocked might be able to support the ship weight. This would also make combat more dynamic as you would need to twist the ship to put your larger thrust axis along the vector you wish to change.

There is still hope as the flight engine is well crafted and they can easily make tweaks to the thrust values and hopefully they will in some future pass.
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Space Marshal
Sep 7, 2015
RSI Handle
I have not played enough to get good with HM. However, I found I can get a few meters above where I want to land and just kill power. You drop that last few meters but still end up ok.
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I have not played enough to get good with HM. However, I found I can get a few meters above where I want to land and just kill power. You drop that last few meters but still end up ok.
Hopefully on fire and possibly upside down or on its side like a true test pilot.
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