Lovin'/Hatin'/ dat HOVER MODE!


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I hate hovermode...mostly because it is glitchy and inconsistent and not well developed,

I am traveling at 40 m/s slowing down to land. I am perfectly level in both pitch and roll.

Once below 40 m/s, hover mode switches on, and I am now suddenly accelerated and am now going 70 m/s...WTF?

other ships I am flying and it’s hard to get out of hover mode because “cruise speed” is very close to hover transition...

They balanced hover mode on one ship during testing and it shows, instead of working with several different sized ships, they tested on the Gladius, and then said...ok, works there, now let’s just push it to all other ships.

Landed at a small angle? Sucks to be you because we are going to turtle you as soon as you try to life with that 5 degree tilt.

HM could have been a lot better than it was, but the cluster f*)k they released was an abomination that killed interest in HM. I have found that most that like it usually have smaller ships close in size to the Gladius, so it mostly works,


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I hate hovermode...mostly because it is glitchy and inconsistent and not well developed,

I am traveling at 40 m/s slowing down to land. I am perfectly level in both pitch and roll.

Once below 40 m/s, hover mode switches on, and I am now suddenly accelerated and am now going 70 m/s...WTF?

other ships I am flying and it’s hard to get out of hover mode because “cruise speed” is very close to hover transition...

They balanced hover mode on one ship during testing and it shows, instead of working with several different sized ships, they tested on the Gladius, and then said...ok, works there, now let’s just push it to all other ships.

Landed at a small angle? Sucks to be you because we are going to turtle you as soon as you try to life with that 5 degree tilt.

HM could have been a lot better than it was, but the cluster f*)k they released was an abomination that killed interest in HM. I have found that most that like it usually have smaller ships close in size to the Gladius, so it mostly works,

I tried it with the Hammerhead, 600i and given I've been mostly flying the MIS recently have had none of these effects. While my current setup is K+M I have to wonder if the glitchiness is not caused by the mode (it does need some tweaking) but by client-server lag and server performance issues. Especially when I hear the sudden acceleration and the sudden flipping or other sporadic behaviors.
Two things I would like to see would be the modification of ground-based modification to thrust values to be instead toggle based on landing gear. The second would be that hover mode would be a percent of max flight speed of the ship instead of a fixed flight speed like it is now.
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