Made me sad, from the Elite Dangerous forum, The poster has no idea what has occured,nor do we


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
RSI Handle
I was on the ED forum and I saw this it made me angry, then sad.

patrick68000 claims to be from France, a country that has had several terrible multiple murders recently.

At this time we do not know what has occurred or why.

Patrick 68000 would be banned from this forum I hope, or spoken to privately by the mods.
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Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
Just another asshole that thinks he's better or knows better. Most fucktard gamers and social media users that post like this are so far removed from decency that they deserved to be demoted from human status to insect. People like him are so blind to their own bullshit. There's thousands of years old proverbs about this, there's AFAIK always been people like this who think their own shit doesn't stink and gladly point at others... ego.. vanity.. stupid ignorance...bad parenting.. bad friends.. easily influenced... chemical imbalance in the brain... lots of things can bring these kind of people to their spiraling broken flawed logic way of thinking.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The writer of that post is extremely insensitive, and has an opinion that does not appear to be open to discussing, exploring and learning the complexities of the situation.

Yes, compassion fatigue is a thing, but if you are suffering from it you don't have to be an bum-pipe and broadcast it to everyone.

I made the Guns: Good Or Bad? thread in Off Topic section when the Las Vegas incident which killed 58 and injured 851 in attempt to learn where America might be able to compromise to make sure nothing like that happens again.

We spoke at great length and the thread endured through a few more mass shootings which bought new angles on the discussion - we came to a great many conclusions and I learned a whole hell of a lot. Although at times things may have got heated and things may have been misinterpreted, we really got somewhere...

...but still the thread had to be closed - one of my unspoken rules for that thread was to include a comment and link to mass shootings whenever they were reported on my TV screen sat in a country 3000 miles away from where the event was happening. It was closed because the atrocities kept coming but the discussion could go no further.

If you want to read the thread, use the search tool to search "Guns. Good or Bad?" and tick the box for thread titles only. Beware, it is 22 pages long and has at least one forced derail and re-rail.
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Space Marshal
Feb 16, 2017
RSI Handle
The message I get from this posting by Patrick_68000 is that 1. He seems to be trying to express himself in a language that is not his natural one, and 2. He seems to be expressing dismay that shit like this seems to keep happening. It may be that incidents like these tend to get more media attention when they happen in America, or perhaps they just DO happen more here in America... and it seems that little is done about it. "Thoughts and Prayers" don't seem to be cutting it.. do they?


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
The message I get from this posting by Patrick_68000 is that 1. He seems to be trying to express himself in a language that is not his natural one, and 2. He seems to be expressing dismay that shit like this seems to keep happening. It may be that incidents like these tend to get more media attention when they happen in America, or perhaps they just DO happen more here in America... and it seems that little is done about it. "Thoughts and Prayers" don't seem to be cutting it.. do they?
Yes, that is the feeling I got...Patrick_68000 was:
a) trying to express himself in a language that is not his native tongue, and
b) trying to express a sense of despair and frustration that a lot of people can get when they care deeply about something and want to make a difference, but no matter what they do, keeps happening. The term "Sisyphean" comes to mind, although that doesn't necessarily capture the feeling of helplessness a lot of people feel.

In any event, compassion is always a good thing. For him, and for us.


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
This is a perfect example of how the internet is a curse as well. The world has always been choked full of stupid. It has always existed and the uneducated, misplaced, ill-advised, and even inflammatory statements are a byproduct of said stupid. Everyone is capable of it. I've had my moments and likely so have you all. Once upon a time, it faded into obscurity after only having encountered a handful of people. I look back at my younger, less tempered years and I have had more than my fair share of those moments.

Now, those moments are public and permanent. They are burned onto the internet while the author is shrouded in a warm, safe blanket of anonymity. These stupid statements and ideas are thrown out into the world to be permanently archived for the entire world to see.... forever. Over the weeks and months after these moments are posted, everyone has the chance to see and comment. So instead of some random statement made in front of a person or two, it becomes visible to thousands or more. Instead of a verbal hiccup, destined to fade as quickly as it was said, it is stamped into the minds of everyone it touches in it's now permanent lifespan.

One of the reasons I like this forum, is that it tends to be populated by adults. Not all of us are of course. Even more of us revel in our immaturity from time to time (the shitpost meter is off the charts here). For the most part though, this is a very mature forum. A lot of thought has gone into some of the more serious topics and the discussions here are thought provoking at times. These forums are not the norm though.

Just imagine if you found out that the poster on the ED forums was a 13yo. It's entirely possible. What if they were piss drunk at the time. What if they had mascara running down their face while they listened to "Vindicated" by Dashboard Confessional. What if they actually owned a pair of jnco pants. What if they were just trolling. Would it change your opinion? Would you be able to take the post as seriously?

That's the curse of the internet. Anyone at any time and under any circumstance can post up anything. It sticks like a fly to a windshield every time, for better or worse. Once it's there, the world can review it and interpret it however they feel. It can empower more stupid to stand up and agree just as easily as it can provoke deep and changing thought.
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