
Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Brie Karson totally threw her director under the bus in a way like I have never seen before. It appears most of it was based upon creative differences about how much back story to include but regardless of the issue, this is really childish, narcissistic behavior. Really horrid stuff. If Brie never works again I will not be surprised. Everyone seemed to dislike her before this, and now. . .who would want to work with someone who acts this way?



Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
The people at Disney that keep hiring these overwhelmingly toxic actors to portray important chars should be blacklisted throughout the industry alongside these toxic individuals & make examples of them as the sources of losses. While everybody is welcome to their own opinions & beliefs, when these people take advantage of the platforms they are granted to spread their beliefs at the cost of what they are paid to promote, justifies their loss of future in the industry. It's fairly obvious that the main factor that the films revolving around these actors characters did so poorly in the box office was because these actors offended large portions of those that would have otherwise paid to watch.


Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
I don't know anything about Brie, but this clip couldn't be more biased straight outa the gait. Has more of a hit piece/click bait flavor to me. IMHO it's certainly best to keep your personal feelings close to your chest regarding work and certainly co-workers...but I also feel that women who speak out about their criticisms of this or that are held at a different standard compared to their male counterparts.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Em, if I may respectfully disagree, I cannot think of a single example in all my long life, of an actor ripping a director during release of their film. There is literally no context where it could possibly be appropriate for Brie to make these complaints in public. It doesn’t matter if she’s right or wrong about her opinions of what sort of back story should be included or left on the cutting room floor. Making derogatory comments during release confirms all the worst stuff anyone has ever thought about Brie, IMHO.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I don't know anything about Brie, but this clip couldn't be more biased straight outa the gait. Has more of a hit piece/click bait flavor to me. IMHO it's certainly best to keep your personal feelings close to your chest regarding work and certainly co-workers...but I also feel that women who speak out about their criticisms of this or that are held at a different standard compared to their male counterparts.
Brie got herself on the international shit list by going around & publicly talking trash about males & especially straight males leading up to the release of the movie Captain Marvel, in which she held the title starring role. That pretty much nerfed a large portion of the people that normally would've gone to see the movie in theaters. Then when those that got to see it in advance came back reporting that her character basically trashes males through the movie, that sealed the fate of the movie for the most part. Disney should've recast that role immediately during the Avengers movies that came out after that, using the Snap as the means to swap the actress with somebody not so toxic.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Having seen the marvels. There was definitely room for improvement. The whole ‘captain marvel is a Disney princess’ scene was only funny because of how horrible it was. And the whole shifting battle stuff was either a bad concept, or one that was badly executed. Either way, not on the actors but writer/director.
honestly, the movie cut that was put out was a disaster, and was very badly written. I think the actors did a great job with the pile of dung they were given.

that said, I don’t give credence to these YouTube reviewers that have been bashing this movie since it was announced, not even waiting for the release. They did the same with the original captain marvel movie, and it was pretty good imo. If you are bashing the movies pre-release under the guise of doing a movie review, you are a biased reviewer with an agenda that does not involve reviewing movies

I think there are just a bunch of folks who don’t like Brie Larson and will put out anything they can to make her look bad. I’ve seen similar hit pieces on any female actor that “doesn’t know her place”, so IMO, these are just a bunch of misogynistic idiots who get their feelings hurt when women are the lead characters.


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Well I don't especially follow Brie Larson on social media so I have no idea who she may or may not thrash.
But I did watch Cpt. Marvel and I was not under the impression that Mr. Samuel L. Jackson got trash talked in any way. (Though he got whacked by a certain cat and maybe that was a female).
Jude Law did get ripped a new one but that was actually aligned with the story.
All in all I was not under the impression that this movie was any more feministic than any other action movie with a strong female lead. And as far as toxicity goes, either I'm completely immune or it just wasn't there.
I do agree that it's a bad idea for an actress to trashtalk their own movie. Even if you just released the most moronic flic of the century, you gotta promote it.
Otherwise the question stands: why take part in the first place? Just for the money? Well, then play your part until the bitter end. And after production promoting is part of that.
Or did you do it for the art?
An MCU flic?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Just for the sake of full disclosure, I was friended to Brie’s FB account before the first film, and fully supportive of her and Disney’s offering, until Brie went public with some feminazis bullshit and I disconnected. That is on her. I’m no misogynist but I am not supportive of radical, man-hating, third wave feminism.

I would also note, complaints about this movie being woke are essentially non-existent. Apparently Disney turned down the political stuff. Good for them. This movie may or may not fail on other merits. IMHO though, you do not shit-talk your director during release of a film.

Brie actually says she likes the film and the director did good, then makes two dozen complaints about the creative decisions that were never hers to make. That is the result of being a pathologically low self-monitor. It’s pure narcissism. It’s scary that she apparently has no apprehension how her mouthing off hurts her director, her employer and this project. She sounds like she smokes too much dope. Really bad PR. She needs to be fired. Doesn’t matter she’s hot at this point. No one in their right mind would hire her, IMHO.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Obsessive much?

This is OP's what? 5-6th time ranting about Brie Larson? Talk about living rent free in one's head.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I do agree that it's a bad idea for an actress to trashtalk their own movie. Even if you just released the most moronic flic of the century, you gotta promote it.
I would like to state, an example of calling a movie stupid in a way that is beneficial to the film, would be in the form of comparing the movie Idiocracy to the movie Airplane!, because both of those movies were made to be as stupid in a humorous sense as possible. Sadly, Idiocracy proved that sometimes life will imitate art. *Looks around at current society* For example ...
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Obsessive much?

This is OP's what? 5-6th time ranting about Brie Larson? Talk about living rent free in one's head.
Out of curiosity, apart from this and the thread "Brie Larson punted from Star Wars?" what are the other 3-4 threads?


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Out of curiosity, apart from this and the thread "Brie Larson punted from Star Wars?" what are the other 3-4 threads?
There's a few. I'm exaggerating of course but many of OP's posts about films/TV shows go like this:

Star Wars/Marvel/Disney bad...Kathleen Kennedy sucks, Brie Larson evil, something something WOKE Feminazi Hollywood. All this supported by evidence provided by only the finest popular culture experts to ever clickbait grace YouTube. OP's posts about entertainment almost always go political instantly, it's a broken record.

Our friend here doesn't tolerate any deviation from his views. He expects us to nod away in full agreement. When we don't comply, we get shut down and/or get put on ignore.

Just for the sake of full disclosure, I was friended to Brie’s FB account before the first film, and fully supportive of her and Disney’s offering, until Brie went public with some feminazis bullshit and I disconnected. That is on her. I’m no misogynist but I am not supportive of radical, man-hating, third wave feminism.
Major cringe. Friended to Brie's FB account? Mate...she has no clue who you are.

I get it, her Marvel stuff sucks and she sounds difficult to work with but folks gotta ease off on the personal attacks. Especially when all you have to go on are YouTube 'Insider' info and tabloid gossip. Too many guys are foaming at the mouth at nothingburgers. It ain't healthy.

I work in the film/TV industry and have been for over a decade. Cast and Crew do not upload juicy scoop videos on YouTube. If they do, they don't stay employed in the industry for long. Any YouTuber who uploads tons of clickbait videos and professes exclusive insider info are exactly what they appear. Hacks.

For the record, I have never worked with her. That said, I do know that many of the issues she addressed about discrimination, sexual harassment, and bullying in the general industry are absolutely true. Much of the abuse have been perpetrated by people working above the line (Producers, Directors, A-listers, etc.). I've served as an IATSE shop steward and am fully aware of many of these problems. I personally know people who have gone down the deep spiral of substance abuse and self harm due to their workplace experiences. No Internet keyboard warrior can convince me that none of this is true.

Does her film/shows suck? Sure. Is she difficult to work with and unappreciative of the director she worked with? I dunno maybe. Do we need a post on these forums dedicated to how terrible of a Feminazi she is? Probably Not.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
If you think that justifies trash talking your director publicly, I guess that’s your choice. Most of us understand things like loyalty and discretion somewhat differently. Do you think Nia DeCosta somehow deserved the trash talk, or does the beer make that irrelevant somehow?

I can’t help think of John Wayne admitting he had lots of creative differences with his good friend and director John Ford, but he never once said what any of them were. It feels like the age of wisdom and grace has been replaced with a time the narcissists eat their own.

The most telling point to me was that Brie claims Nia fought with management to implement Brie’s ideas, but that she didn’t fight hard enough. Brie wasn’t in those meetings. How could she possibly know such a thing? All she really knows is she didn’t get her way. Makes her sound like a six year-old having a tantrum, IMHO.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Since OP has me on ignore, I'll advise fellow TESTies here not to go down the rabbit hole of this post or the videos he posts. Your YouTube algorithm will thank you, trust me.

First of all you need to ask yourself why does this topic matter? (Brie Larson being the worst thing since unsliced bread). You then need to ask yourself whether any of this outrage is true. A random YouTube video by anyone professing 'insider information' is problematic as it is. Mike Zeroh on the other hand (the YouTuber OP LOVES to cite) is a notorious click baiter of the worst kind of (Look up his Star Wars nonsense).

Shadow Reaper put me on ignore awhile back because I called him out on his Mike Zeroh posts about Disney...Star Wars...Evil Woke, etc, etc. Funny huh?

The simple fact is that this Mike Zeroh guy is a nobody. He's a self professed 'Insider' who realizes awhile back that his anti-woke videos tap into manufactured right wing outrage. He's obviously done well for himself on YouTube as demonstrated by his subscribers and views.

I on the other am NOT a YouTuber. I have, however, worked with the likes of Mark Hamill, multiple actors from the MCU universe (Yes I have selfies with some of them on set). Hell...I'm more of an insider than YouTube clowns like Mike Zeroh.

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