Mercury Shape Change


Space Marshal
Dec 28, 2016
RSI Handle
I actually like the new version of the Mercury better. I know its obviously NOT fully symmetrical, but I like that its MORE symmetrical then it used to be. (unless I have the wrong ship in mind.. if thats the case.. just ignore me)


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
After hearing about why it changed I'm ok with it. It wasn't arbitrary. Do I still like the original look more? Yes, absolutely. But I'm more than willing to give this new version the chance I didn't give the Carrack's exterior.
Having flown the Carrack for over a month now I have to say its exterior has grown on me and I don't mind its form as much as I did originally. I still wish the main elevator went to the ground but otherwise the ship layout is pretty nice functionality. And the way its landing gear works has allowed me to easily land at most poi's like the orphanage.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I think the Ursa should be able to fit.

G12 is 7.2m Length, 5.8m beam, 2.7m height (with turret lowered)

Ursa is 8m Length, 5m beam, 3.5m height.

I much prefer the Cyclone/Ursa to the G12 purely because the G12 looks stupid imo, so I really hope the Ursa will fit.
She'll go.

Thanks my non-squeaking friend.
No clue if the Ursa but they did say it was expanded to allow rovers.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
They say that if it fits, it sits. So given this is TEST Squadron, I'm sure that if it's in any way possible to get 1 in, 1 of us will achieve that while most likely too intoxicated to remember how or more importantly how to get it out.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Wow! The G12 fits inside?! :-)
That or the Ursa...

in the initial concept, if I still remember ti right, the SR even if it's able to carry 96 SCU as the Conny, was planned ot have the cargo grid splitted in to separate pad, one on each side of the loading ramp, with at the center the (top?) turret access, in this arrangements there will no possibility to fit a rover inside, other then the Greycat (and bike of course..).

If they modify the cargohold to fit a rover then they could have done it in a coulple of way: either joining the two cargo plate (making room for the Ursa like in the conny), or re-arrange them compleatly, having a slightly shot cargo hold but a bit wider, so that can fit the G12.

Htere is another opption and is that they arrange the space mostly oon the wide of the ship, that way it could possibily fit 2 Cyclone (or 1 with some spare space) side by side... that will be, for me, the best solution in relation to this ship: both the Ursa and the G12 are explorer/military rover, I don't really see them fith with the SR role...
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Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Htere is another opption and is that they arrange the space mostly oon the wide of the ship, that way it could possibily fit 2 Cyclone (or 1 with some spare space) side by side... that will be, for me, the best solution in relation to this ship: both the Ursa and the G12 are explorer/military rover, I don't really see them fith with the SR role...
For a mission in which you have to recover or deliver some special cargo or data in a deep cave where you can't just land & go.

G12 has:
- 2 computers
- 2 SCUs
- A defensive gun.

I think G12 is the most complete land vehicle today for the SR role.

The sabre raven was designed as interdictor and has 2 computers too, for data storage missions. The G12 is the first land vehicle with 2 computers so that can store data, and probably 2 small computers would be the basic standard for data recovering missions in the same way 2 SCUs would be the basic standard for cargo delivering missions.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
For a mission in which you have to recover or deliver some special cargo or data in a deep cave where you can't just land & go.

G12 has:
- 2 computers
- 2 SCUs
- A defensive gun.

I think G12 is the most complete land vehicle today for the SR role.

The sabre raven was designed as interdictor and has 2 computers too, for data storage missions. The G12 is the first land vehicle with 2 computers so that can store data, and probably 2 small computers would be the basic standard for data recovering missions in the same way 2 SCUs would be the basic standard for cargo delivering missions.
That changes my perception of the G12 completely. Especially if she fits in my Merc.
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