Mining Changes coming in 3.19


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Check out the last few minutes of SCLive from Feb 17, 2023 and Jared notes that for 3.19, there are going to be some mining changes coming, but these are not yet being seen on the roadmap.

This information should come out in next week's (2/23/2023 or 23/2/2023 depending on how you write your dates) ISC.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I don't know what changes they're planning, but I'm hoping for at least this:
If they can change the colors of the mining laser display so there's some contrast between the components.

But I would also welcome it becoming more, well, industrial.
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't know what changes they're planning, but I'm hoping for at least this:
If they can change the colors of the mining laser display so there's some contrast between the components.

But I would also welcome it becoming more, well, industrial.
Maybe more like salvage where you need to scan and identify the areas of the rock you want to mine instead of breaking it into a hundred little bits?


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
A little more information would have been welcome for sure, although one of the best improvements they could make is to put a small remote turret on the MOLE similar to the RAFT.

Guess we will see next week!


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
I suspect the 'major change' is mining missions. They have talked about them, but they aren't on the roadmap
That is the most likely change to be on the way.

Some other possible changes I can think of:
  • Sub-surface mining (mining resources below the surface, not just the rock nodes on top of the surface) being implemented for the Prospector (as was originally intended for it, I believe)
  • The ability for the Prospector to filter "tailings and waste material" (inert material) and dump it, rather than storing it with the other resources (as was originally intended for it, I believe).
  • Implementation of (or, more likely concept sale of) the mining ship voted on last year.
  • Ability to remotely control central mining station on the MOLE from the Pilot's seat
  • Ability to "drop" saddlebags from MOLE and Prospector and keep mining while other ships collect and transport them for refining or sale.
  • Impementation of the Expanse and the ability to refine in it rather than having to head to refinery stations.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
That is the most likely change to be on the way.

Some other possible changes I can think of:
  • Sub-surface mining (mining resources below the surface, not just the rock nodes on top of the surface) being implemented for the Prospector (as was originally intended for it, I believe)
  • The ability for the Prospector to filter "tailings and waste material" (inert material) and dump it, rather than storing it with the other resources (as was originally intended for it, I believe).
  • Implementation of (or, more likely concept sale of) the mining ship voted on last year.
  • Ability to remotely control central mining station on the MOLE from the Pilot's seat
  • Ability to "drop" saddlebags from MOLE and Prospector and keep mining while other ships collect and transport them for refining or sale.
  • Impementation of the Expanse and the ability to refine in it rather than having to head to refinery stations.
While I can see some of it especially the missions and saddle bag physicalization. I am baffled as to why people thing the Prospector and MOLE will eject inert material when that is the role of refining. While I understand the confusion because of the ui when normally it would be expressed as a percent concentration. But the ability to spawn ore with different concentration is already sort of seen and I believe we will see far more of that in mining in the future as it has lots of knock on game loops like ore transport and refining and feeds nicely into the reward paths. It will lead to Prospector pilots more choosy in what ore they hoover up while allowing ships like the Orion to operate on economics of scale in having the refinery part of the process. It also gives value to the refinery ship operating in tandem with moles and prospectors capitalize on being able to discharge the inert material for hauling.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
While I can see some of it especially the missions and saddle bag physicalization. I am baffled as to why people thing the Prospector and MOLE will eject inert material when that is the role of refining. While I understand the confusion because of the ui when normally it would be expressed as a percent concentration. But the ability to spawn ore with different concentration is already sort of seen and I believe we will see far more of that in mining in the future as it has lots of knock on game loops like ore transport and refining and feeds nicely into the reward paths. It will lead to Prospector pilots more choosy in what ore they hoover up while allowing ships like the Orion to operate on economics of scale in having the refinery part of the process. It also gives value to the refinery ship operating in tandem with moles and prospectors capitalize on being able to discharge the inert material for hauling.
The reason people talk about the prospector ejecting inert material was because that was one of the features it was sold with (I'm not sure about the MOLE, but I don't believe that was one of its abilities) which allows the bags to be completely filled with the useful raw resources rather than wasting space to store valueless inert material:

Is the ore filtering the same refining technique that the Orion has, or just a first reduction step to do a coarse removal of useless rock?

The Prospector will only be removing things like useless rock, the processing equipment on the Orion is much more advanced.

Refining is a different process, taking the lower value harvested ore and changing it to valuable useable materials (mined ore - > Metal Ingots, for example, or Quantanium-> Refined Quantanium) which can then be used for manufacturing with a higher profit for the miner. When you take a loaded Prospector or MOLE to a refinery, you can sell the raw harvested ore (and inert material), or refine it to turn it into a higher value resource that then needs shipping elsewhere to sell. At present, "refining" doubles the value of the mined material for a small cost, and with the loss of a varying amount of "SCU" (and time while it is refined) depending on the refining method used and location of the refinery.

For some reason, the mining outposts currently sell refined products for traders to buy and sell, but I'd expect once refinery ships arrive (expanse, etc.) they will be switched to selling the raw materials, with players able to buy, refine, and sell.

To clarify, the removal of inert materials by the prospector is similar to the way the "FLTR" mining modules currently work, but rather than decreasing the collection of inert material (as the modules do), the prospector would remove that inert material that had been scooped up before storing the ore in the saddlebags. Using these modules with a Prospector could still have value, as they would limit the amount that required filtering by the ship, allowing it to fill quicker as a greater % of the "scooped" material would be going to the saddlebags rather than being filtered out by the ship.
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Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
As an update to the previous reply, I've tracked down the MOLE's Q and A.

The relevent items related to filtering\refining are:
Does the ARGO MOLE come with any refinery abilities?

No. Refining ore and materials is a separate function that the MOLE, and Prospector, do not have the capability for.


Does it filter the ore as the Prospector does?

The Prospector doesn’t currently filter ore, but the MOLE and Prospector reduce the number of inert materials stored onboard.

Reading this, it seems to sugest that the Prospector was\is still intended to filter ore ("The Prospector doesn’t currently filter ore"), and that the MOLE will also likely have some filtering (or method of removing inert material - possibly manual, rather than automatic?), but not neccesarily to the same level\efficiency\capacity as the Prospector.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I've put the details in another post to specifically keep the discussion on those changes
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