MISC Fury first look! Here it is!


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Okey, so we knew it was going to be small, and it does look like it's basically a cockpit with guns. And the guns even move a bit, so it could have a very compact landing mode. It would be cool if this was a super compact snub fighter with lots of firepower.

As for 4x S1 guns, that's what P-72 Archimedes has, so it's possible for a snub.

As for the price, Archimedes is $35, so I'll go guess $50. I'm terrible at guessing though, so I guess I'll be wrong.


Space Marshal
Dec 3, 2018
RSI Handle
Like I posed on the YT vid... since it already looks like a turret, what I think would be a cool idea is if it had magnetic clamps on it that allowed it to fasten itself to larger vessles to essentially be an extra manned turret on its hull. As in purpose built, and not what we can sort of do with light fighters on Carrack, etc.


Grand Admiral
Aug 31, 2019
RSI Handle
I think it is a hybrid vehicle. Space to ground. The lower 'engines' look like grav-lev or similar. If true, then I'd guess it is more of a snub. Unless they went the way of the Pisces .. without extra seats and cargo. More I think about it, I think it is a snub that can Quantum.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle

vehicle_DescMisc_Fury=Manufacturer: Mirai\nFocus: Snub Fighter\n\nFeaturing best-in-class maneuverability and fully integrated, cutting-edge Xi’an tech, the next-generation Fury snub fighter from Mirai uses its four halo-mounted size 4 laser repeaters to redefine short-range space combat.

vehicle_DescMisc_Fury_Miru=Manufacturer: Mirai\nFocus: Snub Bomber\n\nFeaturing best-in-class maneuverability and fully integrated, cutting-edge Xi’an tech, the next-generation Fury MX snub bomber from Mirai uses its twenty halo-mounted missiles to devastate targets during short-range space combat.

It's certainly looks different from that angle\"folded up"...
For scale:

Stats (from pipeline):
4xS2 Guns
4xS2 Missiles
1xS1 Power Plant
1xS1 Shield
2xS1 Cooler
No QD or quantum fuel tank
Also, Mirai details:
The Mirai design team is dedicated to pairing the craftsmanship of their parent company MISC with Xi’an technology and traditional Saisei aesthetics to create the next generation of cutting-edge vehicles.
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Vice Admiral
Jul 16, 2022
RSI Handle
They seem to want to imply a Starfury.
I'm not seeing a need, or even really a desire.
My guess is since the last MISC ship was the "Odyssey" these are named for the the "Furies" from the Iliad matching the Mythology naming convention, there were 3 sisters so I would expect a racing variant later this year.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
So how many of these puppies can we fit in a Carrack? Asking the important questions!
At a guess (and assuming the images are scaled correctly [1]), you might be able to squeeze 2 (maybe 3) into the hangar, and possibly 3 or 4 in the vehicle bay, plus extras in the cargo pods if they ever let them have external doors for cargo loading\unloading.

[1] The Fury appears to be about the same length and height as the Lynx, which should match the Ursa. The C8 is the same height as the Ursa, but longer and wider.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
Something I thought of on the way home from work tonight:
  • MISC (through MIRAI) make the Fury.
  • MISC also make the Starfarer.
  • The Fury is smaller than the fuel pods on the Starfarer.

What are the chances that CIG will make changes to the Starfarer (or a variant of it) to allow 6-8 Fury's to be carried as snub fighters\bombers in place of the fuel pods?

The central walkway between the fuel pods should be sufficient to get the pilots from the Starfarer to the cockpits of the Fury's, and there would be plenty of space to have them hang from the ship where the fuel pods are located, so in theory there wouldn't be too much work required for this...


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
It looks like we may have the first ship usable as a carrier in 3.19, to go with the Fury...

It almost looks like you could squeeze in 2 per bay if you were careful, although you'd have to stagger the launching of them.
Bloody hell, want!

Something I thought of on the way home from work tonight:
  • MISC (through MIRAI) make the Fury.
  • MISC also make the Starfarer.
  • The Fury is smaller than the fuel pods on the Starfarer.

What are the chances that CIG will make changes to the Starfarer (or a variant of it) to allow 6-8 Fury's to be carried as snub fighters\bombers in place of the fuel pods?

The central walkway between the fuel pods should be sufficient to get the pilots from the Starfarer to the cockpits of the Fury's, and there would be plenty of space to have them hang from the ship where the fuel pods are located, so in theory there wouldn't be too much work required for this...

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I have always loved the whole Bubble Fighter design as seen in Lost In Space, Oblivion and especially Cowboy Bebop. I would not be surprised if it has 4 S2, and comes in under $100. Certainly CIG could get more but this is competing with the Arrow. My guess is it totally lacks handling in atmo, but excels in vacuum. It would be cool if the variable geometry can be changed in a dogfight to gain some specific advantage. Fold a gun back out of the way to fire hidden missiles, or find there are effectors on the ends of the arms that can grasp other vessels and cling to them. Something cool.

Certainly, I'm ever a fan of the Reliant, and this seems like that without the huge target area. High coolness factor. Serious competition with the Arrow for Carrier based fighters? Does seem to fold down into a tiny space. . .


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Grim from Star Jump broke the model down last night so Q-drive or Q-fuel tank and it is so small it fits in a Cutlass
If that is true, that's insane. Cutlass being a pocket carrier... how many would fit in a freelancer max?
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