Montoya's thoughts on the Nautilus


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I love everything about this ship and the new gameplay it’s intended to introduce. I can see reasons for a fleet to own many, and I’m especially interested in just how quiet it can run. I can envision flying half dozen into Vanduul space to lay traps a day in advance of an assault. There’s just so much rich strategy to be had with this. Imagine a lone Sentinel broadcasting a false sig of a squadron of Gladius approaching, and swarms of Vanduul fighers flying head long into firey death! Just so cool. No other game comes close.

Given this is Aegis, it could be it’s wearing some stealth already. I’d certainly want to see stealth recon fly in advance of minelayers, and the Nautilus itself could need stealth escorts to keep it safe during ops, but once a minefield is in place it can offer incredible advantages in combat. Keep in mind the most effective minefields are where an enemy would not suspect.

As soon as mines are in game we need to test various ways to clear them. Methinks they’ll be very hard to hit with standard weapons and probably impossible to lock S1 missiles on. I’d like to see what the Prospector’s continuous beam does to mines. Mixing shooting and proximity mines could make them very hard to remove without the drones.
I'm not so enthusiastic about the Nautilus, the design and purpose is kind of old school. It's also expensive and surprisingly large for its purpose. However this does not mean there is no purpose for the ship. It is capable of moving into an area alone to lay a minefield. It is also capable of removing minefields itself. It has drones to do that.

Is it fame or infamy?
That's a matter of perspective.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Look, to me I like these types of ships, it tells me that this game is going to be complicated and tactical, its nice to know you might be needed and not just another X = tank/dps/healer type of role, there are so many options in this game so many chances to grab a ship that will be unique to your Org or fleet I love it, will I buy it? Prolly not as I wont be flying anything large I tend to stick to the 2-3 man ships myself, would I serve on one? Absolutely!!!

Great ship, great concept, I love how the roles and specialty ships keep coming!!
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