Oh me me me!My Connie is still in need of a couple gunners. First call gets the top turret!
I just found my theme song!
(can any1 explain what's with this operation pitchfork? i don't get it...)
But, but I can't call shotgun for both your's and Monilas' Idrises (is that the correct plural of Idris?) :(
But, but I can't call shotgun for both your's and Monilas' Idrises (is that the correct plural of Idris?) :(
Wow that's freaking awesome! Jealous :DI imagine the utility ship will just be attached. Captain's Yacht IMO. Have no idea if the crew members are going to go up. An extra hundred meters is basically increasing it by 40%. The possibilities are endless.
Also, blah blah official