My Little not so sci fi Stream.


Dec 15, 2015
RSI Handle
I at first thought I should not make a Thread, I mean I can't even stream Star Citizen without Melting my PC into a hot pile of Metal and Plastic.

I mostly only stream APB reloaded, even though the Community of the game is more toxic that League of Legends and Dota together, I still try to somehow maintain a chilled stream, not too much to watch out for, freedom of speech. The rules are quite simple as well.

since I have song requests activated I have a rule for that as well, John Cena songs that are overtuned and loud as fu** get you a ban.

Other rules are no politics, I know how enraged I get at that topic.

And the Obvious no Racism, even though I allow Jokes about other nations till a Certain point. I already had a french making Jokes about Germany at the 2nd WW, he got the answer and we all laughed. As long as none takes stuff to serious.

If you ever wondered what APB Reloaded is about, you got me as a source of knowledge that it isn't like most tell you it is.

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