My Poor Freelancer


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Here is how I ended my adventure. I'm not sure if I was to close to Port O or if it was the rubber banding thing.
Wow? That was neither, rubber banding or being too close to Port Olisar. Im pretty sure I've been even closer. Except that your freelancer demonstrated a little of the quantum mastic tape at the beginning of the ascent, everything looked normal until you blew up. It looks like you hit something, but I have no idea what, OR something hit you.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Heh. Your HUD shows your ship had no serious damage, until your HUD is blanked out by the explosion.
This is kind of longer than I wanted but I think it unravels your mystery .

I had troubles sleeping so I watched the video again, and went through it almost frame by frame. I think, that something hit you from below and to the left. I think it was a missile, and I think I know where it came from. There are just too many things that point to it.
  • After you exited Mobiglas, there are two ships, below and behind you.
  • You begin your turn, and those ships both move to the left, since your turn is to the left. But one of them drops off the radar. The other does not, and so is probably in motion. It is also rising in the vertical plane slightly, i.e. toward you.
  • just before the quantum drive animation starts, he appears to make a sudden change in his motion, and begins to move to the right. At first I chalked this up to quantum drive spool up, but no.. his motion starts while you're waiting for it to start.
  • Then the quantum acceleration begins, your screen just starts to constrict - you are gaining forward momentum, but more importantly part of your hud is replaced to show the quantum effect. You're clearly moving forward at that point, with no vertical velocity relative to your camera.
  • Then the explosion happens, but the first few frames of that, your ship is no longer moving forward. The dust particles in the screen all are moving down, indicating your ship is moving up.
Cut scene to the explosion cloud:
  • This is being tracked by the camera with the dust particles clearly going down, slightly to the left - in just about the same direction of that second ship. Your ship should be moving to the left in that shot, but it's moving to the right, and up.
  • In the first frame or two there is also what appears to be the remnant of another explosion, moving upward from your ship. It looks different from your ship's blue/grey explosion, and appears to have a red component, with a jet coming off of it. This looks like the animated explosion of a missile. It's not very large, but quite visible as the explosion sequence starts.
My money is on that guy took a pot shot at you with a missile, and got lucky. You didn't get a missile alert because your quantum drive was spooling, which replaces most of your HUD functionality.



Space Marshal
Sep 7, 2015
RSI Handle
Heh. Your HUD shows your ship had no serious damage, until your HUD is blanked out by the explosion.
This is kind of longer than I wanted but I think it unravels your mystery .

I had troubles sleeping so I watched the video again, and went through it almost frame by frame. I think, that something hit you from below and to the left. I think it was a missile, and I think I know where it came from. There are just too many things that point to it.
  • After you exited Mobiglas, there are two ships, below and behind you.
  • You begin your turn, and those ships both move to the left, since your turn is to the left. But one of them drops off the radar. The other does not, and so is probably in motion. It is also rising in the vertical plane slightly, i.e. toward you.
  • just before the quantum drive animation starts, he appears to make a sudden change in his motion, and begins to move to the right. At first I chalked this up to quantum drive spool up, but no.. his motion starts while you're waiting for it to start.
  • Then the quantum acceleration begins, your screen just starts to constrict - you are gaining forward momentum, but more importantly part of your hud is replaced to show the quantum effect. You're clearly moving forward at that point, with no vertical velocity relative to your camera.
  • Then the explosion happens, but the first few frames of that, your ship is no longer moving forward. The dust particles in the screen all are moving down, indicating your ship is moving up.
Cut scene to the explosion cloud:
  • This is being tracked by the camera with the dust particles clearly going down, slightly to the left - in just about the same direction of that second ship. Your ship should be moving to the left in that shot, but it's moving to the right, and up.
  • In the first frame or two there is also what appears to be the remnant of another explosion, moving upward from your ship. It looks different from your ship's blue/grey explosion, and appears to have a red component, with a jet coming off of it. This looks like the animated explosion of a missile. It's not very large, but quite visible as the explosion sequence starts.
My money is on that guy took a pot shot at you with a missile, and got lucky. You didn't get a missile alert because your quantum drive was spooling, which replaces most of your HUD functionality.
That's some pretty good analysis. I think I tend to agree with it. I tried to recreate the explosion and couldn't.
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