My prediction for the Ship Show Down


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Pisces is so very useful it should defo win.
Cheap (in-game at least), Fast, Has Cargo, Has RAMP!!!, Has guns (it's weakest point), very very easy to fly (in atmo as well). It's not offensively ugly. What's not to love?!
It's been my daily driver in 3.16 and once 3.18 drops in about a year or so, I'll be getting one as well, it's the perfect runabout for basic missions like grinding bunkers.

Also it's a "cheap addon" ship, kind of a troll choice in the mind of maximalists/overly serious players and especially whales, so that's one more reason it should take away the prize this year.


Nov 27, 2020
RSI Handle
Hopefully the 400i does well. I don't think the Scorpius will show well because that ship is just so miserable to use currently (cycle gear 40 times to get all guns to fire, then lose one permanently, then lose the turret permanently, etc. . .) I really hope the Cutlass beats out the MSR in round 1. Barely over 1/3 the price of the MSR without the annoying doors/WTF elevator. Pisces over Mule for sure, memes are for stocks, not starships 💎🙌!!! Perhaps most concerning to me is what's up with this new ticktok push bullshit? I sure hope that doesn't ruin the normally enjoyable showdown this year! :(


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I think people here who are hoping for the 400i are on the right track, but there is enough pushback on Origin's pricing that Pisces is going to win between the two. For the same reason, if the MULE isn't ousted by the Pisces and wins instead, then 400i vs MULE and MULE would win - and it would just be due to that same pushback.

... note that I am historically terrible at this.
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Vice Admiral
Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
There's certainly some nice ships in there, although quite a few there which I have no interest in (most of Pool A, for example).

I can understand the MULE getting a few votes (possible in the belief\expectation that if it wins it will be a "referral" reward with LTI), but I'd rather see the Pisces win, even though it has little\no chance of becoming an LTI token, simply because it is so useful and also is the cheapest option which comes in a "starter pack" for new players (While the Avenger Titan is nice, if this years invictus is any indication if it wins a Pisces starter pack may again drop in price to be the same as the cost of the ship, giving new players the option of this, a Mustang or an Aurora for the same price - I can't see them dropping the Avenger Titan starter to that price).

Instead of looking at it as free\more skins, though, it may be worth looking at the voting from a financial point of view: The final 4 (one from each pool) will end up with discounted WB CCU's if last year's sale is anything to go by, with these having a $5-$10 greater discount than the "standard" WB CCU prices during IAE\Invictus sales (with the likely exception of the MULE, Avenger Titan, and Pisces which I would expect to have the base $5 saving).

I'm currently trying to calculate which ships are the "best" for my existing chains (both connecting to\from current links, as well as potentially better values substitute links) and will likely work from that unless I particularly like a ship from the day's selection (or don't want a ship to go through).


Space Marshal
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm not sure about the scorpius, i've got one, I best describe it as 'meh' looks cool, but I'd rather use a hurricane. The annoying thing I hate is the pilot and the gunner can't get in and out at the same time. (I'm sure they'll address it eventually)

Honestly though, I think the pices will win or the mule will for the meme lols

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Pisces is so very useful it should defo win.
Cheap (in-game at least), Fast, Has Cargo, Has RAMP!!!, Has guns (it's weakest point), very very easy to fly (in atmo as well). It's not offensively ugly. What's not to love?!
It's been my daily driver in 3.16 and once 3.18 drops in about a year or so, I'll be getting one as well, it's the perfect runabout for basic missions like grinding bunkers.

Also it's a "cheap addon" ship, kind of a troll choice in the mind of maximalists/overly serious players and especially whales, so that's one more reason it should take away the prize this year.
Please compare the Pisces to the 315P.

I still think the 315 looms over all competitors due to its stealth and extreme speed. It's the archetypal "Blockade Runner" and beginner smuggling ship. Tractor disabled, it is still the base qualifier for many purposes.

Put all power to engines, with nothing to weapons nor shields, and who can catch a 315P?

It's a ghost. Nothing to "grab".

And yeah, the Pisces has 1/3 the cargo hauling of the 315, about 1/4 the maneuvering acceleration and 1/2 the linear acceleration of the 315P.

Fly and die in a Pisces, or fly and win in a 315P.
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Please compare the Pisces to the 315P.

I still think the 315 looms over all competitors due to its stealth and extreme speed. It's the archetypal "Blockade Runner" and beginner smuggling ship. Tractor disabled, it is still the base qualifier for many purposes.

Put all power to engines, with nothing to weapons nor shields, and who can catch a 315P?

It's a ghost. Nothing to "grab".

And yeah, the Pisces has 1/3 the cargo hauling of the 315, about 1/4 the maneuvering acceleration and 1/2 the linear acceleration of the 315P.

Fly and die in a Pisces, or fly and win in a 315P.
Comparing eggs to avocado. It's kinda pointless. Vastly different price point and use cases.

In the perfect world of theory you are correct, in the imperfect reality of current gameplay you are wrong.
I'd love if the 300 series was as versatile and practice as it is on paper, sadly that's not the case yet and I doubt it ever will be due to its design flaws.

Your argument is sound, in theory. But.

The current gameplay reality is that the pisces is a great all around runabout for tasks you want to perform on foot, and you do spend a significant portion of your time on foot. It's also very cheap and easy to aquire with little gameplay, and it's respawn timer is so low it can be entirely ignored. It's a throaway ship you don't mind loosing which suits current gameplay very well. Very fast to get into and out of where the 300 takes ages with its ladder. The pisces ramp provides instant access to hoarding loot, which is currently a huge pain in the butt for a 300 with its totally broken outer cargo space (it takes ages to open, gets stuck in the ground, bugs out and can't be closed, not big enough for regular sized boxes, stuff clips through it). You can use a grav gun and try to fit the bodies and boxes through the door, but it's just so much trouble for so little reward.

Both ships are 100% useless when it comes to trading.
Too low margins for such small volume, its not worth the effort. Literally any activity earns you more per hour than straight up trading at the moment with small loads like these ships have.
That cargo space in the pisces is important in that there is room to put loot, bodies and players into fast and easily.

The 300s only Current gameplay advantage is that it can be upgunned to be usable as a light bounty hunter ship, which is its supposed role in the game. Or at least it was the sales pitch originally. It's a glass without the cannon, armor doesn't exist yet and it's shields aren't good enough.

The pisces absolutely lacks in that regard as it was never intended to fight, but instead it can easily fit over 4 players in its back for a quick trip to a bunker without having to spend literal minutes getting everyone on board. Again, practical for real current gameplay.

You keep comparing every ship like this universe is an all out war zone of free for all gameplay where everyone is out to get you all the time because only kills matter.
Reality is that since the alpha universe was accessible over all these years, I was attacked by other players less then 10 times. So while on paper the stealth and speed and such is the more important factor for survival, in reality you rarely get any use out of it unless you wilfully get into situations where it makes a difference.

Thus the simplicity and practicality of the pisces wins in my book, and I'm saying this as someone who hasn't owned anything other then a 300i and an aurora up until like 2 years ago


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Hmm this year competition looks interesting, aside the MULE it seams a very balanced pool of ships.
I'll wont be so sure for the Scorpius win: the Vanguard is an older ship and does have a lot of fun, it might leverage the general fun base to push for it.
Also not so sure for the Avenger to bbe kicked out so early: the Titan is alsways a very fun favorite and versatile ship compared to the Eclipse that is single-purpose... Outside ERT mission I don't see any many Eclispe users, while instead there are a lot of penguin around lately. Considering tthat this is not the first time It enter in the final 16 I hope it get some love this time.

The pisces is defenetly an underrated ship: I flow it during ILW and is a really nice shit to fly, capable of doing a lot a things from cargo mission to even personal transportation. For me it defenetly need to get into the semyfinals and I won't complaing if it also win... I still consider it the best starter pachage there is.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Fly and die in a Pisces, or fly and win in a 315P.
CIG did not create any particular ship to be hands down better than all the rest. They are doing balance passes every patch to make sure. I think you might need to get your head out of erkul, and actually get into the game to see.

The Pisces is not designed as a combat fighter. It is designed to be a small fast transport, and a utility ship for a Carrack. It can carry 2 passengers along side the pilot as well as a bit of cargo. It can also accelerate out of a hanger with full afterburner, and be at altitude to execute a quantum jump in seconds. In space it has the same fast acceleration characteristics. With it, sure you don't get as much cargo capacity as other ships, but I have a lot of ships that don't cost a lot more than the 315p, but dwarf it's cargo and defensive capability. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the 315p, I'm just saying it is not the be all and end all of the starter ships. It depends on what your individual needs are, not what others think.

Also, the 315 is not exactly in this contest.
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Nov 27, 2020
RSI Handle
I still think the 315 looms over all competitors due to its stealth and extreme speed.
You know, I haven't flown the 315p in a LONG time. And while I'd never really consider it as a competitor to the Pisces, I've always enjoyed flying the 325a, and perhaps it's time I spent some aUEC to try toying around with the 315p again. Is it really *that* stealthy?


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
You know, I haven't flown the 315p in a LONG time. And while I'd never really consider it as a competitor to the Pisces, I've always enjoyed flying the 325a, and perhaps it's time I spent some aUEC to try toying around with the 315p again. Is it really *that* stealthy?
As someone who does fly the 315p quite often, I'll endorse it as a jack-of-all-trades.. or maybe a 10-of-all-trades, because it decidedly lacks damage output compared to most other ships near it's size. 2 size 3 guns can certainly do the job, albeit slower than light fighters or even other starters. It's role in PvP will eventually be to locate and relay back the positions of enemy ships.. then GTFO or go silent, because it can't do a reasonable alpha strike or dps.

It is fast, accelerates quickly, has a lot of QF and seems to sip hydrogen in recent patches. It is one of only a few ships with size 1 QD's that will be able to reach Ruin Station based on the current Starmap. More data-based speculation coming on this subject soon..

Signatures are 'middlin' in the sense that stealth gameplay is kind of undefined right now.. but it rolls very close to the named stealth fighters. Then again, so do a lot of other small ships.

Features wise, it's designed to be lived aboard for days at a time. Not a thing right now, but expected to become extremely important during long scanning sessions. Also quite useful for scouting missions in 'enemy territory' where loiter time matters.

Bottom line for the 315p is really going to be how well it can do what's written on the label. If it's sensor suite is hugely inferior to the Terrapin, then there will not be much reason for Explorers (or anyone else) to use it. As the current design for that aspect of gameplay is not public yet, we are stuck with SWAG's and swigs.. of your favorite adult beverage. I prefer single malt, thank you very much.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
You know, I haven't flown the 315p in a LONG time. And while I'd never really consider it as a competitor to the Pisces, I've always enjoyed flying the 325a, and perhaps it's time I spent some aUEC to try toying around with the 315p again. Is it really *that* stealthy?
Yes. Put a pair of Ultraflow coolers in it, turn off the shields, and and move the triangle power to engines only. You'll be impressed with its speed and stealth. I wouldn't want to fight in it, but you won't need to and certainly should not if you have a hold full of erm. . ."special" cargo. It's fast, and any of the few ships that can catch it will have a very hard time doing so if they're splitting their power to shields and weapons. Certainly the Cutty Blue cannot catch it. It pulls 20 Gees lateral, which is twice as much as a Gladius or Arrow. That's extremely high for a "cargo" ship. I'm uncertain but I believe this is higher than any other ship save the Razors, and the 325. It's greased lightning, and with the right coolers it can go invisible pretty quickly.

All the Origin ships 400i and smaller are stealthy ships, and they put three coolers in the 400i for that reason.

I think Ayeteeeone hit the nail on the head with the fuel tanks. It carries about 3/2 the fuel of comparable ships. Likewise I agree it will probably fall short of the Terrapin's scan, but it has something the Terrapin doesn't: pretty big cargo hold and eventually, a tractor. Did you want to keep that S5 plasma cannon the Vanduul just dropped? Cut it off and stow it away. I'm hoping to see a lot of that. When cargo is properly containerized, tractors are going to allow players to load in vastly less time, which is again really important if you have "special" cargo.

I will respectfully disagree with Ayeteeone about harkening to the label.. The label says "explorer" but the class A stealth reactor that comes stock tells a different story.

It's not as if Origin could reasonably market this bird as a "premium smuggling whip".
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Vice Admiral
Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
The Gladius (7K votes) vs Redeemer (10K votes) is going to need a big come from behind win now!
It's a shame how this one is working out - I had a few CCU chains that would have benefitted from gladius WB CCU's... Not that this was critical to them, but it would have been a nice bonus.

Being the easiest ship in the pool to get (cheapest to buy or "free" with 10 referrals), having it win the pool would have seemed to be of benefit to the most players, as well. Having the final 4 being the cheapest from each pool would likely sell more "Best in show" packs too (Gladius $90 + Terrapin $220 + Cutlass Black $100 + MULE\Pisces $45 would have given a relatively affordable $455 package, with the possibility of LTI on the ships included): Cynically, I'm half expecting the total "value" for the "Best in Show" ships to reach\exceed $1000 (Redeemer\Vanguard Warden\Scorpius, 600i or Carrack, MSR, with the MULE or Pisces thrown in to make it seem like the scales weren't weighed in favor of profit).
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