My TITANFALL 2 addiction is cutting in to my STAR CITIZEN time. Any suggestions?


Jan 24, 2017
RSI Handle
I am a sucker for a good single player experience and TITANFALL 2 definitely brings it. As much as I love what STAR CITIZEN has to offer right now I mainly pledged for Squadron 42. I only have really played around in Arena Commander and Star Marine so far. I wanted to feel confident with my controls before I went exploring by my self since I known my Aurora and I will almost always be outgunned. I finally feel ready to explore but lately all of my limited gaming time is being sucked up by Single player TITANFALL 2. Damn you BT!!! So do I just ride out the TITAN FALL 2 single player since it is not too long or resort to drastic measures like uninstalling or loosing TITANFALL 2 so I can get back on my Aurora cockpit?


Space Marshal
May 9, 2014
RSI Handle
Play more Titanfall 2, it's an amazing, fun, and well built game. Star Citizen is still a wee baby. It will be here for years to come (arguably so will Titanfall 2 but it's prime is nearer than SC). Besides, if we ever get 3.0 that will really open up a lot in SC, so go shoot some big giant robots until then.
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