need ship Advice

Chip Hazzard

Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2018
RSI Handle
What CosmicTrader said 👆
You could also look at the Freelancer DUR.
Has 36 SCU, has extra quantum fuel tanks, 2x med shields, 2x computers (will be able to blade the rear turret), has 4x S3 Lasers on turrets controlled by the pilot, so can pack a punch. Has bed, space toilet and food prep area for when that gets in play. It also has a refinery for creating hydrogen fuel from different sources. I'm pretty sure it is supposed to have a better scanner for exploration, but we will see. Has space for 4 people, so you can take friends, but is perfectly viable solo.
Cockpit view is a bit 'meh', but I have kinda come around to it, but it might not be to your liking.
I kinda prefer the DUR over the standard Freelancer, as I don't plan on being a full on hauler but want to be able to do some trading every now and then.

Just my thoughts :o7:


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
For an all rounder yes you are looking at cutlass black or my personal favourite the freelancer. Both are good but the freelancer is much tougher.


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
You wont be able to upgtrade to an avenger titan from a stalker (stalker melt cost is higher), but as other said Cutlass Black or Freelancer are great jack of all trade.

The Freelancer has more cargo hold, better guns (4 front S3 gimbaled + turret) but less missiles than the Cuttie, and no tractor beam.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm thinking the same as @Chip Hazzard. I like the Freelancer DUR. It allows you to participate in exploration when it gets into the game, and while I wouldn't go looking for a fight, it's got a punch. It's a little bit more pricey than some of the other options though so it depends what you want to spend.

For a lot of things, it might be worthwhile to buy a second ship instead of upgrading. For example right now the C8X Expedition has 4 SCU of cargo, no bed... I mean you don't really need a bed. It gets out of a planetary gravity well fast though, at least right now, and has a long range. You can get this for $45
It totally depends on what you want to do and how much you have to spend.

Oh yeah... you can also become a key player in the operation of a Carrack. They come with a C8X, but don't come with a pilot to fly it.

Chip Hazzard

Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2018
RSI Handle
It totally depends on what you want to do and how much you have to spend
Totally this!!! If you have $50 to $100 to upgrade your Avenger Stalker, you have so many options.

it might be worthwhile to buy a second ship instead of upgrading.
This could be a better route tho, you could get an Avenger Titan or Reliant Kore or C8X. Gives you a few more options for things to do? You can always melt the second ship and use the credit to upgrade the Stalker later too :like:


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
i am looking to upgrade from the avenger stalker for something that has cargo space plus speed and stopping power nothing too crazy not looking to break the bank here lol
Any tips , insight or recommendations?
There are many ships that could fall within the boundaries of your search, the key limiting factor will be the budget you wish to invest into upgrade wise.

thanks cosmic appreciate the suggestions will be looking into that
@CosmicTrader is awesome like that.

What CosmicTrader said 👆
You could also look at the Freelancer DUR.
Has 36 SCU, has extra quantum fuel tanks, 2x med shields, 2x computers (will be able to blade the rear turret), has 4x S3 Lasers on turrets controlled by the pilot, so can pack a punch. Has bed, space toilet and food prep area for when that gets in play. It also has a refinery for creating hydrogen fuel from different sources. I'm pretty sure it is supposed to have a better scanner for exploration, but we will see. Has space for 4 people, so you can take friends, but is perfectly viable solo.
Cockpit view is a bit 'meh', but I have kinda come around to it, but it might not be to your liking.
I kinda prefer the DUR over the standard Freelancer, as I don't plan on being a full on hauler but want to be able to do some trading every now and then.

Just my thoughts :o7:
Personally, I like the 3 variants of the Freelancer series over the original as they can be better in different roles, but the original is really good at performing all around as well.

I'd add the 300 series to that;
325A has a bed, 4 SCU cargo, good hardoints for weapons, inexpensive, good speed and its an Origin ship.

(buyers guide with loadouts)
This is a valid series of ship suggestions to look into for the tasks listed in the OP.

The next step up from avenger is generally the cutlass black, probably the best all rounder and most versatile ship
Yes, the Cutty Black is the next step up, but remember that it's cheap price will reflect its components & durability until those are upgraded by the player in game. Until then, I advise keeping plenty of rolls for space duct tape on hand to patch holes it its thin skin (hull).

You wont be able to upgtrade to an avenger titan from a stalker (stalker melt cost is higher)
I was about to make this point, but clearly @vahadar beat me to doing so. LoL

I'm thinking the same as @Chip Hazzard. I like the Freelancer DUR. It allows you to participate in exploration when it gets into the game, and while I wouldn't go looking for a fight, it's got a punch. It's a little bit more pricey than some of the other options though so it depends what you want to spend.

For a lot of things, it might be worthwhile to buy a second ship instead of upgrading. For example right now the C8X Expedition has 4 SCU of cargo, no bed... I mean you don't really need a bed. It gets out of a planetary gravity well fast though, at least right now, and has a long range. You can get this for $45
It totally depends on what you want to do and how much you have to spend.

Oh yeah... you can also become a key player in the operation of a Carrack. They come with a C8X, but don't come with a pilot to fly it.
@Vavrik makes some great points as well.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Totally this!!! If you have $50 to $100 to upgrade your Avenger Stalker, you have so many options.

This could be a better route tho, you could get an Avenger Titan or Reliant Kore or C8X. Gives you a few more options for things to do? You can always melt the second ship and use the credit to upgrade the Stalker later too :like:
If you're going to purchase a 2nd ship, I advise waiting until the Anniversary sale in Nov as you'll get the same ship with usually a drastic amount of ship insurance more for peace of mind all at the same price.

Chip Hazzard

Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2018
RSI Handle
If you're going to purchase a 2nd ship, I advise waiting until the Anniversary sale in Nov as you'll get the same ship with usually a drastic amount of ship insurance more for peace of mind all at the same price.
That is a good point (typed 'pint' initially... Think I need one), and there would probably be more ships available. Can you not get the anniversary sale ships with longer insurance with store credit? I thought you could?


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
That is a good point (typed 'pint' initially... Think I need one), and there would probably be more ships available. Can you not get the anniversary sale ships with longer insurance with store credit? I thought you could?
Yes you can get IAE ships with extended insurance with store credit.

But not for game packages with extended insurance, it is only for warbond version (as said on RSI 2 FAQs for insurance and warbond).

Sometime they do make mistakes, for exemple the last Invictus Launch Week sale, the avenger package was for sale for store credit too, before they corrected that 1-2 day after the start of ILW and removed it to leave only the warbond version.
I bought some of them with store credit, but if i want to buy them back, the item in buyback is not the store credit version, but the warbond version. I was planning to buy around 4-5 each day with store credit for my future npc crew, if i knew in advance i would have bought like 30-40 package the first day to be put in buybacks instead of buying each RSI ships then available.
In the end i just have 4 credit version package from the first day, then they were melted, i since bought back 3 of them with cash, so i have one last "collector" avenger package that will not exist anymore as store credit version if i buy it back hehe. 😉

I dont know if what they did is even legal, replacing one item with another for buybacks that has a different (cheaper) price. Because it means that for people that still have them in hangar, if they melt them, it will be the warbond version that they can repurchase.
As you can see under if i want to buyback the credit version, it shows the warbond version :


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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
i am looking to upgrade from the avenger stalker for something that has cargo space plus speed and stopping power nothing too crazy not looking to break the bank here lol
Any tips , insight or recommendations?
You might consider the 300 series. You don't give up any firepower from the Stalker.

Breaking the bank is relative. LOL.

Speed in normal space or in Quantum?

IMHO, the biggest issue with the Avenger series, the 300 series and the Cutlass is range. The Freelancer doesn't appear as comfortable for longer trips.

The Connie has quickly become one of my favorites. Yes, it has issues, currently, but overall, once the bugs are worked out it should be very solid. And 4 Size 4 gimbaled with 1 or 2, turrets (Depending on the model) and the ability to carry a Rover, should cover all of your needs. :)

<Edit>Note that the Constellation Taurus is $150 which puts it in the same general price range as many of the other ships in the recommended list. </edit>
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
If you're going to purchase a 2nd ship, I advise waiting until the Anniversary sale in Nov as you'll get the same ship with usually a drastic amount of ship insurance more for peace of mind all at the same price.
Yes, or there might be a good LTI token between now and then.

Chip Hazzard

Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2018
RSI Handle
thank you all for the amazing insight and recommendations i decided i'm getting a 2nd ship i think its the best move

you guys are amazing :)
Let us know what 2nd ship you go for!

@vahadar damn!!! Hahaha. I completely missed that. Sounds like your going to have your own army of NPCs to do your bidding :o7: can you assign one to to me to be my butler please? "JEEVES.... Bring me my beer!"

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
thank you all for the amazing insight and recommendations i decided i'm getting a 2nd ship i think its the best move

you guys are amazing :)
For a second ship, the greycat mining buggy, should come, warbond, with LTI (lifetime insurance). Depending on price that might make a great base to upgrade from. When upgrading a ship the insurance on the ship you upgraded from is the Insurance the new ship has, unless it is a special upgrade.

For example, my four ships all have LTI and started as Nox bikes.

The have claimed on, numerous occassions, that Insurance length is just a convenience but since it doesn't cost you more, and sometimes (like with my noxes) makes the final ship cost less, why not have the convenience?
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