Need some hanger advice - a "fighter" ship


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
I am not a great pilot so a brain numb ship of: aim, shoot, kill would be my preference. Not looking for advanced and technical things to do. I am also more of a lone wolf so would have NPC's with me if larger than 1 person ship.
Gladius or Sabre.
The Gladius is a very good agile fighter. The Hawk has more firepower then the Gladius, but it lacks maneuverability and speed. The Arrow is even more agile then the Gladius, but it lacks one shield. The Sabre is less agile but is OP

Vanguard is a tank, MIS is a missile boat
Considering what OP said about its skills (and needs), i'm not sure the Gladius or Sabre would help. They are a bit for advanced skilled pilots if you dont want to die quicly, you need to master agility.

The MIS is tankier, and have better DPS plus some decent cargohold for a combat ship.

I would go for a MIS for a jack of all trade, or a Cutlass black (less dps, but more agile).


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
If all else fails, remember that you're in TEST Squadron & we've got both all the ships as well as more of each ship than any other org in the Verse. Given that there's still plenty of time before the Verse goes live, you've got plenty of time to TEST out each of the ships you have in mind before taking the pledge dive on them. Welcome to the greatest party of wonderfully wild & wacky (often intoxicated) cats around.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Hi all

I need some help deciding on a "fighter" ship. I am looking at something that can take down Buccaneers to Caterpillars (or even Hammerheads :) ). It should be almost an everyday ship that can do many types of shooting. With all the research I have done the Vanguard or MIS seem to be the ones to talk about? Not sure?

My main use would be the PVE content (kill ppl, defend ppl, take out bases, etc). If it had PVP capability that would be a bonus but that would be <5% of my gameplay at launch. I am not a great pilot so a brain numb ship of: aim, shoot, kill would be my preference. Not looking for advanced and technical things to do. I am also more of a lone wolf so would have NPC's with me if larger than 1 person ship.

I have a Hawk - which is actually pretty good 1v1. I have taken Buccaneers to Andromedas with no issues. It gets hairy when Sabres come in, or its 3v1. As soon as my wings pop, then its GG. I need to last longer or kill quicker. I also have a Cutty Black, but it feels like a paper-thin pew pew, not sure I want to keep this... But am hoping the multifunction aspect of this ship will play out in the future. Particularly the tractor beam which is gameplay I will have as a scavenger.

1 more thing to consider is that I have a ping of 180 - 320ms, so I don't think bounty-hunting will ever be a thing for me (its hard to disable a ship with high ping, things should just die). If I want to I would then just rather get a BH ship in-game.

I love the beds, storage (for gear, etc), gun rack. The guns seem decent, coupled with missiles seem amazing! It is meant for long range which is very handy - can stay out for an extended period of time. Has a large shield and great armour (maybe?). But many people have issues with it, and I am struggling to understand what it is? I heard that it was also heavily nerfed in the refresh?... One concern is that it is a jack of all trades master of none. It will eventually be able to do many different things but not 1 thing well - almost like the Cutty Black.

It also has the beds and actual cargo space which is great! Feedback is that this is the best ship for this as it can do everything except mine - but because of its immense dps capability, it is more geared for fighting. The DPS is insane and is much cheaper than the Vanguard, so insane value for money (but info is 200+ days old). However, there is a concern that down the line it will not be as tanky as its hull is a civilian ship, where Vanguard is military. I also heard that missiles were nerfed, so not sure if that is true and if the MIS has thus been heavily nerfed?

I have a MAX so not sure I want 2 lancers. Can the MAX be a great combat ship? Or should I CCU it for the MIS? I have the Star Runner so think I'm sorted for cargo runs... The MIS also has cargo space so should be able to get me to a point where the Star Runner's cargo space can be filled. I can also rather CCU the hawk as I don't think its for me long term.

Are there any other ships to consider? Like the Hurricane? But I don't ever see it in-game, no one talks about it, and not a lot of info on it. It feels meh?

TLDR: Which combat ship would you recommend for all PVE fighting content (killing small to large ships, destroying bases, etc) and why?

I have had a Sabre, an Eclipse, a Hornet, a Hornet Ghost, and recently added a Hawk. My better half has a 325, and Super Hornet.
The Eclipse and Sabre were both just melted. The Hornet is a loaner. The Hornet Ghost is getting melted during the Anniversary sale.
I have found myself using my Vanguard Warden almost exclusively for combat missions. I also have a Vanguard Hoplite loaner. For me the Hawk Is a placeholder. I figure I need a Carrier Bird for the Org, I am not sure the Hawk is it but since there are only 3 ships that can take a prisoner, and I figure I need one until they get the Bounty Hunter profession more built out. So I have been using the Hawk for small one and done combat missions while I get good flying it. We have also been using Connies (We both have one.) for the occasional combat mission, mostly as a test. If you have a light or medium fighter, even with the shield holes, stay away from the front of a Connie.

My better half has been flying one of the two Vanguards, and now wants and is getting a Warden during this anniversary sale.

The Vanguard is good for killing everything from Buccaneers and Arrows up through Cats, and when not flying alone Carracks and Hammerheads. It is a great general purpose fighter, it is difficult to kill and it kills everything. The Vanguard's biggest advantages are not even in game yet, armor and range. It doesn't even have a proper choice of weapons yet.

Yes, it takes stick time to get good with a Vanguard. You have to get good at putting your nose on target. You need to know when to open up the range. It is not an easy button, but it has demonstrated, for us, to be worth the stick time.

One other point, the Vanguard is a specialist. It is a fighter and nothing else, with modularity it is a versatile fighter but it is still just a fighter. If you have nothing else in your hangar, and you want to do more than combat, then the Vanguard is not it.
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I am going to point out one other minor thing. I don't see a major advantage of the MIS over the base Freelancer. Yes you have more missiles with the MIS, but with the missile load out of the base Freelancer you generally have the target dead before you get to the point where you are using the extra missiles.

(Says the guy with the 52 missiles on a Connie. :) )


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I am going to point out one other minor thing. I don't see a major advantage of the MIS over the base Freelancer. Yes you have more missiles with the MIS, but with the missile load out of the base Freelancer you generally have the target dead before you get to the point where you are using the extra missiles.

(Says the guy with the 52 missiles on a Connie. :) )
Right now the only advantage is being able to carry lots more missiles otherwise there is no advantage of the MIS over the Base Freelancer. But its suppose to be more heavily armored which should help some with survivability.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Right now the only advantage is being able to carry lots more missiles otherwise there is no advantage of the MIS over the Base Freelancer. But its suppose to be more heavily armored which should help some with survivability.
I don't get a "Heavily Armored" impression from any of the sales literature. I get a trade cargo space for missiles and give the ship a better chance to explode due to the ad hoc missile storage impression. Every other ship, where armor is a feature, says so on the sales page. What did I MISs?


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
In terms of larger fighters I have a freelancer MIS (yes i do count it as a fighter, just ask the combat testies there like "butuz we said fighters only" im like IT IS A FIGHTER WATCH ME BRRT like a leaf on the BOOM) and i love it, yeh it's a bit of a brick to fly around but don't get cought in the crosshairs or you'll know about it!

I also live the vanguard, tanky decent weapons lovely looking and nice to fly - I may buy mine back as it must be nice now that fixed wepons are viable again.

I picked up a Ares too but I mean it's got a heavy gun but it's not really a heavy fighter as supposedly will be fairly weak armour etc.

Not flown the cutlass much maybe I should.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
If all else fails, remember that you're in TEST Squadron & we've got both all the ships as well as more of each ship than any other org in the Verse. Given that there's still plenty of time before the Verse goes live, you've got plenty of time to TEST out each of the ships you have in mind before taking the pledge dive on them. Welcome to the greatest party of wonderfully wild & wacky (often intoxicated) cats around.
Along those lines, I have a pair (At least until I figure out what I am going to do with the Redeemer) of Vanguards, that you can fly, or we can fly together to get the feel for it.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I don't get a "Heavily Armored" impression from any of the sales literature. I get a trade cargo space for missiles and give the ship a better chance to explode due to the ad hoc missile storage impression. Every other ship, where armor is a feature, says so on the sales page. What did I MISs?
Based on it being a military variant and its 6000kg heavier then the base model.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Do you think its worth having both the MAX and the MIS? It feels like a waste to me? Or am I being dumb?
Not sure if anyone answered this, but the MIS and MAX are two totally different ships/roles. Even a base Freelancer is different to a MAX.

Good part of having both is that if you're accustomed to the MIS, then you'll have little to no readjustment when hopping in to fly a MAX. They're both similar flight models.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Psssst don’t get a freelancer

can you join someone in game and have a spin in the ships your considering to see which you feel works for you and which ships are inferior to the warden ?
Yes, you don't even need to be in the same party. And they can even be in game purchased ships. :)

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Previously you could fire a volley of missiles with the ships like the Connie, so it would be another factor in taking down tough targets if this functionality comes back.

24 missiles armed

View attachment 18984

24 missiles locked

View attachment 18985

24 missiles out

View attachment 18986
Current limitations is one missile per rack with a max of four missiles of the same type. The Connie has 8 racks with 2 different missile types, so a max of 4 at the moment. With the current state of missiles I wouldn't bother.

Yes that is supposed to change, especially for missile boats.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
In terms of larger fighters I have a freelancer MIS (yes i do count it as a fighter, just ask the combat testies there like "butuz we said fighters only" im like IT IS A FIGHTER WATCH ME BRRT like a leaf on the BOOM) and i love it, yeh it's a bit of a brick to fly around but don't get cought in the crosshairs or you'll know about it!

I also live the vanguard, tanky decent weapons lovely looking and nice to fly - I may buy mine back as it must be nice now that fixed wepons are viable again.

I picked up a Ares too but I mean it's got a heavy gun but it's not really a heavy fighter as supposedly will be fairly weak armour etc.

Not flown the cutlass much maybe I should.
The Ares is supposed to have armor and maneuver about the same as a Vanguard or Freelancer. My impression, from the Q&A, is the Inferno is supposed to have thicker armor than the Ion. While the Ion has 3 shields vs. 2 on the Inferno.
They should both be fairly survivable, though, like the Vanguard, they will require stick time to get good with them especially against more nimble fighters.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
The Ares is supposed to have armor and maneuver about the same as a Vanguard or Freelancer. My impression, from the Q&A, is the Inferno is supposed to have thicker armor than the Ion. While the Ion has 3 shields vs. 2 on the Inferno.
They should both be fairly survivable, though, like the Vanguard, they will require stick time to get good with them especially against more nimble fighters.
It will be interesting to see how effective they do end up being against fighters given their intended target is larger ships.

Chip Hazzard

Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2018
RSI Handle
It will be interesting to see how effective they do end up being against fighters given their intended target is larger ships.
I have CCU to one in buy back. I think the Ares Ion will probably be able to one-shot a light/medium fighter if they can get it targeted from long range, but will depend on how far it can target. I like the idea of being a ship 'sniper', but if you miss and get caught by a anything smaller than a Cutlass/Freelancer sized ship, I think you will most likely get FUBAR'd from there agility and not being able to bring that massive gun on them. But then again, it might be pretty nimble... Who knows 😆
Either of them are going to bring the pain on slow/static, or larger targets though.
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