New Concept Sale - Legionnaire

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Think I just repost my YT comment and see who get it 🤭🤪

Great video as always... hmm my thought.. well yeah...right...
Another useless or think we should call this one a suicide ship
... 🤭
A Big Ship on route in a Galaxy far far away..: 🤭🤭🤭 - Oh look someone trying to dock..
4 guys with railguns and grenade launchers waiting inside docking door...
- Captain.. we're ready, Open all ship doors,...
Men with railguns and grenade launchers: -all fire inside the little hacking turtle docking collar catwalk.. Little hacking turtle explode... 😊🤭
- Okay, that was fun.. ..lunch anyone.. 👀😋
The Legionnaire is like the Terrapin brother.. The idea look good on paper, but in reality in game it have a very, very, very, narrow usefulness.
But it's kind of cool looking,.. kind of... hmm... Well until next time. 🤪
SideNote: ( gatekeeper that don't understand irony, restrain yourself from making a comment! )
This type of entry into a ship are exactly what laser trip mines and noob tubes are for..

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
If it also works as a drop ship then this ship serves a role the other dropships don't serve.
You can deliver Marines from an Idris, Liberator, or similar size landing bay, to the target.
As a dropship, this is the right size to deliver a squad.

I'm still a bit dubious about the whole "enter through the docking port" idea.

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
As a dropship, this is the right size to deliver a squad.
Aye. That's what makes me wonder about the value of retaining a Valkyrie.

As I consider how these ships' roles overlap and how they most will be used, I wonder if the Legionnaire's boarding tech / stealth / hacking will make it the top choice for ship boarding actions?

If so, does that relegate the Valkyrie to being more of a ground-based drop ship, which the Legionnaire also could do?

The Valkyrie still benefits from 2X+ troops, medium shields, and 30 SCU cargo. So I guess it boils down to how important these feature are for boarding/drop missions.
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Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
This is another specialized ship, it is not to be used by itself in operations any more than a Mantis is. This ship is designed to stealthily approach a target ship, and when the rest of the fleet springs the attack, that is when it goes to work.

Suddenly a squadron of fighters pop out of Quantum, you go to fire up your drive, but there is a Mantis jamming your engines. All hands to their stations, suddenly your turrets are off-line, shields are dropping and then there are the twin explosions of breaching charges and the sounds of weapons fire. Two Legionnaires have attached to the hull and are dispatching troops that are taking over key positions of the ship.

I can see this ship being very useful for larger Orgs during larger operations.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
This is another specialized ship, it is not to be used by itself in operations any more than a Mantis is. This ship is designed to stealthily approach a target ship, and when the rest of the fleet springs the attack, that is when it goes to work.

Suddenly a squadron of fighters pop out of Quantum, you go to fire up your drive, but there is a Mantis jamming your engines. All hands to their stations, suddenly your turrets are off-line, shields are dropping and then there are the twin explosions of breaching charges and the sounds of weapons fire. Two Legionnaires have attached to the hull and are dispatching troops that are taking over key positions of the ship.

I can see this ship being very useful for larger Orgs during larger operations.
I have not seen a think where is says the hacking can take turrets offline. It can just force the ship to allow docking.

In addition, I strongly suspect that ships will be able to counter hack to prevent this docking operation, forcing the Legionnaire to use breaching charges...all while being attacked by turrets that have eaten through the shields on a ship that is probably low in maneuverability, and is probably going to die quickly under sustained heavy fire.

To be frank, the Cutty Steel is probably going to feel like a fortress compared to this ship. Do not kid yourself in thinking this will be able to withstand heavy fire directed it's way. The only way it's going to survive and work is if the objects gets target fixation on something else and ignores you until it's too late, You catch a person operating solo, or after your heavier ships have reduced it's defenses such that it can't actively resist you with ship mounted weapons. Even then, let's say you blow a hole in the hatch. If you are right up against the door when it happens, I bet the laser trip mines that have been planted are going to take out one or two of your lead people in that tunnel, making everyone else a little slower getting out. At that point, just launch a bunch of grenades or a rocket into the boarding tunnel and bye bye boarding party, and maybe even the ship.

I know it's all fun and all to think about actively boarding a ship during combat and taking it over, but I would point back to the old Cutlass Black commercial. You are going to need to disable the ship, get inside, and then hope you didn't bite off more than you can chew.
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Aye. That's what makes me wonder about the value of retaining a Valkyrie.

As I consider how these ships' roles overlap and how they most will be used, I wonder if the Legionnaire's boarding tech / stealth / hacking will make it the top choice for ship boarding actions?

If so, does that relegate the Valkyrie to being more of a ground-based drop ship, which the Legionnaire also could do?

The Valkyrie still benefits from 2X+ troops, medium shields, and 30 SCU cargo. So I guess it boils down to how important these feature are for boarding/drop missions.
It, IMHO, comes down to what size unit you are trying to move.

If we go with 8 man squads, then it takes 2 Valkyries to move a platoon and the Hoplite is pretty useless.
With 6 man squads, then 4 Hoplites, 3 Legionaires, 2 Retaliators or one Valkyrie move a Platoon. (Though the Valk is short 2 seats.)

Consider the Valkyrie the Chinook equivalent, while the Legionnaire is the Blackhawk equivalent.

The advantage the Hoplite offers is range, firepower and, presuming it is modular, versatility.
The Legionnaire trades range, tankiness and firepower for size and lower cost.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Your right, it is an absolutely horrible ship, don't buy it. Sheesh.
You can certainly buy it, just keep in mind that just because you can dock, doesn't mean it's going to be easy to get in and take over ships 90+ percent of the time. It's a good ship to use in some situations, but you are going to need to be in a big enough group to set those situations up correctly in your favor. It's going to take time, planning and coordination to make it work in most situations, but when you do have that type of coordination, it could be a useful ship.

A part of me also wonders if hacking also allows you to open the hangars on ships like the 890, Carrack, idris, Javelin, Odyssey, and Polaris.

Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
How many did you buy?
Oh, there are so many reasons to hate this ship. Remember when people used to be able to just enter your ship and fly away with it? Then they finally gave us locks? And now they give us this abomination! Mark my words! This is a vessel suitable only for piracy!…………..and that’s the reason I only bought one. :drunk:


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I actually thought of a good use for the Legionnaire. For small systems like Stanton, you can use it as an Uber type vessel. You have a person that wants to join their buddies out on their ship, but they don't want to leave their own ship sitting there. You take them on out, dock with their friend's ship, and then let them head in...all without the need of a vacuum suit. For larger systems, you just need a Liberator to haul the Legionnaire around


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Think I just repost my YT comment and see who get it 🤭🤪

Great video as always... hmm my thought.. well yeah...right...
Another useless or think we should call this one a suicide ship
... 🤭
A Big Ship on route in a Galaxy far far away..: 🤭🤭🤭 - Oh look someone trying to dock..
4 guys with railguns and grenade launchers waiting inside docking door...

- Captain.. we're ready, Open all ship doors,...
Men with railguns and grenade launchers: -all fire inside the little hacking turtle docking collar catwalk.. Little hacking turtle explode... 😊🤭
- Okay, that was fun.. ..lunch anyone.. 👀😋
The Legionnaire is like the Terrapin brother.. The idea look good on paper, but in reality in game it have a very, very, very, narrow usefulness.
But it's kind of cool looking,.. kind of... hmm... Well until next time. 🤪
SideNote: ( gatekeeper that don't understand irony, restrain yourself from making a comment! )
While the Legionnaire is like a little brother to the Valk, the plus side to this scenario over real life siblings is that if the Legionnaire doesn't suit your needs, you can always CCU it up into something that will take care of you better.

This type of entry into a ship are exactly what laser trip mines and noob tubes are for..
Didn't CIG recently add in trip & proximity mines into the game, or is that still coming "Soon (tm)"?

To be frank, the Cutty Steel is probably going to feel like a fortress compared to this ship. Do not kid yourself in thinking this will be able to withstand heavy fire directed it's way. The only way it's going to survive and work is if the objects gets target fixation on something else and ignores you until it's too late, You catch a person operating solo, or after your heavier ships have reduced it's defenses such that it can't actively resist you with ship mounted weapons. Even then, let's say you blow a hole in the hatch. If you are right up against the door when it happens, I bet the laser trip mines that have been planted are going to take out one or two of your lead people in that tunnel, making everyone else a little slower getting out. At that point, just launch a bunch of grenades or a rocket into the boarding tunnel and bye bye boarding party, and maybe even the ship.
For starters, If you think that the Cutty Steel will have better survive-ability & seem like a fortress than the Legionnaire, good luck with that. If anybody in a Steel or Black farts with a bit too much gusto, the ship's air pressure will possibly bust open some seams, killing anybody not prepared if not have them ripped out of the ship. (Would be funny to watch though.) Yes, the Steel has more firepower, but only medium shields & no armor, so turrets will turn it as well as any inside into swiss cheese instantly.

I do agree that most likely the best way to use the Legionnaire will be to 1st have other ships disable the target ship's ability to maneuver as well as any defending ships, then eliminate any guns or turrets that would be able to target the boarding craft. This will definitely be a limited use case ship that will require group support to function effectively. They did state that it can also be used to breech into space stations, which I take as a hint towards something CIG has planned for both the Pyro system as well as for SQ42. This ship was definitely 1 of the assets we gained from CIG putting their focus on completing SQ42 & I'm good with that.
  • Glorious
Reactions: Mich Angel

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
*Makes a mental note to play Bodies by Drowning Pool as breaching activities are about to commence.*
Army cadance, old school:
Throw a grenade in a jeep
Watch those bodies in a heap
All I ever want to see are bodies, bodies, bodies.

See that plane up in the sky
Dropping napalm from on high
Watch the enemy burn and die
All I ever want to see are bodies, bodies bodies


Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
Pondering it more, I'm thinking that the Legionnaire now replaces the Vanguard Hoplite in my line up, giving me a more valuable ship (the Hoplite) to CCU to something else. I have other Vanguard variants and don't plan to use the Hoplite for more than a troop transport vessel. Any reason to keep the Hoplite over the Legionairre (same functionality for half the price) otherwise at this point?

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Pondering it more, I'm thinking that the Legionnaire now replaces the Vanguard Hoplite in my line up, giving me a more valuable ship (the Hoplite) to CCU to something else. I have other Vanguard variants and don't plan to use the Hoplite for more than a troop transport vessel. Any reason to keep the Hoplite over the Legionairre (same functionality for half the price) otherwise at this point?
Range, tankiness and firepower are the obvious answers.
The Vanguard line are not supposed to be variants. One Vanguard should equal all Vanguards with Combination kits. Though the Hoplite was only implied not stated outright as being part of the equation.

So, if you dump your Hoplite in favor of the Legionnaire, you should still be able to, once we have modules and full components, turn one of your other Vanguards into a Hoplite.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I have not seen a think where is says the hacking can take turrets offline. It can just force the ship to allow docking.

In addition, I strongly suspect that ships will be able to counter hack to prevent this docking operation, forcing the Legionnaire to use breaching charges...all while being attacked by turrets that have eaten through the shields on a ship that is probably low in maneuverability, and is probably going to die quickly under sustained heavy fire.

To be frank, the Cutty Steel is probably going to feel like a fortress compared to this ship. Do not kid yourself in thinking this will be able to withstand heavy fire directed it's way. The only way it's going to survive and work is if the objects gets target fixation on something else and ignores you until it's too late, You catch a person operating solo, or after your heavier ships have reduced it's defenses such that it can't actively resist you with ship mounted weapons. Even then, let's say you blow a hole in the hatch. If you are right up against the door when it happens, I bet the laser trip mines that have been planted are going to take out one or two of your lead people in that tunnel, making everyone else a little slower getting out. At that point, just launch a bunch of grenades or a rocket into the boarding tunnel and bye bye boarding party, and maybe even the ship.

I know it's all fun and all to think about actively boarding a ship during combat and taking it over, but I would point back to the old Cutlass Black commercial. You are going to need to disable the ship, get inside, and then hope you didn't bite off more than you can chew.
Which is why I think this will be used far more often against NPC ships than player ships. I have a feeling using a ship like this will be critical to being able to secure a Bengal. It should also help in being able to acquire alien ships from NPC's. But you are right in that it will require a coordinated effort to not only lock the ship from being able to warp away but also engage the turrets enough to allow these kinds of ships to sneak in and dock.
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