New Star Citizen concept ship: The Paladin $260

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
So you could leave the side turrets with the pilot, the big turret with a dedicated gunner, and have dedicated missiles and engineer. 6 missile launchers, each with 4S2, say you load Rattlers is 4 salvoes of 24k damage. . .that is quite a lot.

I like it but I think this would have been the perfect ship for twin Hellion VII launchers. Still not seeing them on ships and Hellions would have made this ship much more a threat to other gunships in its class. I think they could have fit them. Also disappointed in the lack of armory.

I like it but I want to see it compared to the Perseus. View:


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
So you could leave the side turrets with the pilot, the big turret with a dedicated gunner, and have dedicated missiles and engineer. 6 missile launchers, each with 4S2, say you load Rattlers is 4 salvoes of 24k damage. . .that is quite a lot.

I like it but I think this would have been the perfect ship for twin Hellion VII launchers. Still not seeing them on ships and Hellions would have made this ship much more a threat to other gunships in its class. I think they could have fit them. Also disappointed in the lack of armory.

I like it but I want to see it compared to the Perseus. View:
That Perseus is going to be my favorite, I can feel it!


Grand Admiral
Nov 27, 2020
RSI Handle
I actually like the look of this more than the Redeemer which I assume is the equivalent. I appreciate the Anvil aesthetics.
Well you're supposed to considering they just nerfed the FUCK out of the 'Deemer. Dropped from S3 to S2 shields, S5 down to S4 gatlings on the turrets. I *would* have liked the Paladin were it brought in as an 'equivalent' competitor to the Redeemer but this seems awfully heavy-handed intervention intended to make it a *replacement* instead which I don't love as much. . .


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
So you could leave the side turrets with the pilot, the big turret with a dedicated gunner, and have dedicated missiles and engineer. 6 missile launchers, each with 4S2, say you load Rattlers is 4 salvoes of 24k damage. . .that is quite a lot.

I like it but I think this would have been the perfect ship for twin Hellion VII launchers. Still not seeing them on ships and Hellions would have made this ship much more a threat to other gunships in its class. I think they could have fit them. Also disappointed in the lack of armory.

I like it but I want to see it compared to the Perseus. View:
The Perseus is an Anti-Large ship design. It's designed to to up against ships like the Connie, Cat, 600i, etc. It's not designed as an anti-fighter platform. BUT, put a couple hammerheads and a couple of Perseus ships together and you got a good group that can handle most. Add a Polaris and a few escorts and you are good for most anything.


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Well you're supposed to considering they just nerfed the FUCK out of the 'Deemer. Dropped from S3 to S2 shields, S5 down to S4 gatlings on the turrets.
While I get your point you might consider that they left the 2 x S3 Powerplants in the Redeemer. They only gave 2 S2 Powerplants to the Paladin.
So either you go ballistic or you`re very carefull where you spend your voltage in that thing.
It is gonna be a brick with little juice but a lot of armor.
Like the Paladins in WoW if I remember correctly... :o7:

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
I’m in agreement. I prefer the Paladin over the Redeemer, but like the Perseus best.

The Redeemer is on my ‘potential trade’ list now.
  • o7
Reactions: Talonsbane

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The Perseus is an Anti-Large ship design. It's designed to to up against ships like the Connie, Cat, 600i, etc. It's not designed as an anti-fighter platform.
Yes but the Perseus has a small hanger that can fit perhaps 4 Fury. So once again, the key to expanding the utility of one of these size ships is beds. If we can hot cotton the Perseus bunks so we get an additional 4 or so beds, ships like the Perseus won’t have the prime vulnerability you’re noting. This doesn’t make them especially mighty, but it does remove their Achilles Heal.

Another way would be assign some Guardian escorts since they have beds. Doing both Furies and Guardians offers much more complex and effective defense. (Mixing light fighters in with heavy removes the limitations of both far better than settling for Medium. Furies are fast.). In fact, as I consider it, the Guardian may become the go-to escort since it offers its own bed. A savvy pilot should be able to sell escort service to larger ships especially if he has 2-3 friends who want to do likewise and sell escort protection as a team.

We did not have this choice with the Vanguard because it won’t fit in the Carrack, Perseus, nor Polaris hanger bays to refuel, but the Guardian should fit all these, so we have brand new options.

Note too, getting players to fly escort is not nearly the chore that getting them to sit a turret is. They’re in the pilot seat of their own craft. Players like that and may gravitate to Fury and Guardian purchase of their own accord. TEST could facilitate this by offering a sign up board for escort service, but it won’t take all that much encouragement to get players signing up to serve as Fury or Guardian escort pilots. Grinding is boring. Escort piloting is cool, and it gives a much larger group of players the opportunity to gather reputation. In the end, things like reputation are going to matter a lot more than how much credit you can grind.

On an escort pilot sign up board, lemme note there are a lot of ships that could benefit from a standard contract arrangement. Give the escorts a sliver of reputation and a share of the profits, and a bigger share of profits if you’re not running a mission with a reputation payout, and contract in some sort of consequence if the escort does not stay for the entire run, or fails to fight if a fight comes. Lots of ships and operations would benefit if TEST offered to standardize escort service.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Another contender to consider in this range is the StarLancer TAC. It didn’t inspire much discussion but it has some serious advantages, especially for exploring. Has another turret. Has two tier 3 med beds. Has a dedicated Fury bay. Has life support for 7 or 8, I forget. Long story short it may be a match. Same number of guns but the S5s are in two separate turrets. S4 missiles but fewer launchers. In a fight the Paladin might win but for exploring, the TAC is the better whip. Thing is if you’re going that big why not get a Carrack? The workshop, drones, cargo and cartography lab are all key.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper

Interesting point that all of the guns are remote, leaving all players on the small bridge for easy communication. That has always been my preference and the design of my Jedi Sojourner in ffg TTRPG.

Also he’s saying the missile launchers are indeed not proprietary, so yeah you can have 24 S2 or 6S2 x 4, which is my pick. So min crew a pilot and a gunner. Add a missileer and engineer for a full crew. It totally rocks that third seat has such a formidable missile package. You will always want that seat full in a fight.

I would not recommend removing the guns from the pilot, and it speaks very poorly of CIG they are so bloody clueless on this issue. It clearly demonstrates a detachment from common sense that they think a pilot would prefer to have an additional two bodies on board just so the pilot can go without guns. Just moronic. It is deeply disturbing to me that CIG should prove to be so very far removed from their customers and from all common sense to make this mistake. Very alarming.
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