New system to be announced at the end of the year?


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Hmm, not sure if anyone has noticed it before, but Planet Content Team has an unannounced deliverable with same number of members, same duration and same roles as Pyro system has, and more than what Nyx system has. (As well as more than what Stanton polish has). Deliverables that aren't entire systems have just 1-2 workers assigned. (Well, okey, there is "miscellaneous support" with 8 people but I think that's bit of a special case). The work is starting in Q4/End of Q3 2021.

So, I'm smelling a teaser coming in IAE2951.



Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Well they now have a full studio that is suppoes dedicated to develope systems... I suppose CIG don't want them to be just sitting on theyr ass...
My guess whould be Terra... to be able to expand the viable space into two separate way: on one side with less lawfull sistem (Pyro, Nix), on the other with a more lawfull systems so that there is a place for every taste and wit very different visual style.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Hmm, not sure if anyone has noticed it before, but Planet Content Team has an unannounced deliverable with same number of members, same duration and same roles as Pyro system has, and more than what Nyx system has. (As well as more than what Stanton polish has). Deliverables that aren't entire systems have just 1-2 workers assigned. (Well, okey, there is "miscellaneous support" with 8 people but I think that's bit of a special case). The work is starting in Q4/End of Q3 2021.

So, I'm smelling a teaser coming in IAE2951.

It all depends on the network/server team's ability to bring about multi shard technology for the servers. This has been a bottleneck for a long time as the servers have been tapped out for years. So it's entirely possible to have the assets done but not be able to bring them online.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
It all depends on the network/server team's ability to bring about multi shard technology for the servers. This has been a bottleneck for a long time as the servers have been tapped out for years. So it's entirely possible to have the assets done but not be able to bring them online.
Well, you only need to have the assets done to make a teaser and announce it. I didn't mean that we'd necessarily go from having just Stanton to flying around Pyro, Nyx and the third one.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
It makes good sense to me when finally opening gate travel to open more than one new system, if for no other reason so the players aren't all focused in the same place. Hard to test a system with every player doing the same couple things.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Well, you only need to have the assets done to make a teaser and announce it. I didn't mean that we'd necessarily go from having just Stanton to flying around Pyro, Nyx and the third one.
well given we had the pyro teaser two years ago your right on that front.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
It makes good sense to me when finally opening gate travel to open more than one new system, if for no other reason so the players aren't all focused in the same place. Hard to test a system with every player doing the same couple things.
I certainly wouldn't rule it out, but I can also definitely see them starting with just one system to have us test out the mechanisms and see how players interact with a 'popular' jump point. Like see what sort of bottleneck it'll be, does it result in pirate ambushes etc.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
They'll very likely start with one system, not to "limit" the testing to one system but to limit the potential backfire if the jump gate travel work... not in the expected reliable way.
Release one system in a patch, test if the server meshing and jump mechanics works, if it all (most of) fine then at the next patch release another system.

But before doing all fo that CIG need to fix some problem with mission giver, personal inventory, player ejected from ship during QT and so on...


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I'd bet on the only one system release. If they have any sense left in them.
Everything they add is a potential source of bugs, they can barely handle the system we have now, I'd very much doubt they want to increase that to.3x as much...

Adding more then one would make sense if things worked near a 100%.
Or, if they are willing to fully break the game for a couple of months, and move all possible assets into bug fixing instead of development to make this huge keep work. It is a possibility, but I think we are too far along for something like this to happen, because the consequences would be brutal and could potentially stem the flow of income.
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I expect to see the Montreal studio pump out systems regularly in the near future. At least double the current count from 1 to 2!
I agree but @Lorddarthvik is right the back end server shard/mesh code needs to be sound first and at the moment 30ks show its having issues. But once it’s done then adding new systems to the pu would be trivial. Shards will allow new systems easily but mesh is still required for player cap increases.
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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
It all depends on the network/server team's ability to bring about multi shard technology for the servers. This has been a bottleneck for a long time as the servers have been tapped out for years. So it's entirely possible to have the assets done but not be able to bring them online.
A good "emergency situation" solution could be to implement the new systems as a stand-alone istance: in the log in page instead of just selecting "Stanton" you'll be a ble to choose the system you'll like to log into... this while keeping all the info on ship location and all.
In this way there could be differet game play experience while also start to testing mission giver and location on new system, then when SM finally came on-line, CIG could finaly introduce Jump Gate and tide all the system together in one single universe.

I expect to see the Montreal studio pump out systems regularly in the near future. At least double the current count from 1 to 2!
That's a 100% increase in productivity! Holy efficiency batman....
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