If this was yellow instead of blue, I would have preordered and been happy about it!
It's lacking the trackballs for gimbals if that were the case, assuming they were keeping that idea for the high end version. This looks more like an update to the X55 for space sims, can't see much different bar two micro-sticks for strafe, though admittedly that's a great addition. Watched the video and that was *all* they talked about!Looks awesome!
I wonder if this is the Star Citizen HOTAS, unbranded? I imagine it probably is.
What if it is something of a prototype for the SC one? Maybe the SC version has a few extra features.Curious that they would reveal this ahead of the Star Citizen branded stick.
Odds are every person buying this one, is NOT buying the Star Citizen one in a few months.
You don't need that much precision on the strafe axises, just enough to not slam into the landing pad when landing manually. I know at least my left stick is not used as a precision device most of the time. In dogfighting inertia beats the precision anyways ;)Hope the little sticks are accurate enough