

Oct 18, 2019
RSI Handle
Hello Org,

Just joined in the universe bandwagon, backed this game when it was just announced, 6 years later (or was it 5?) Alpha 3.7 makes it all worth it, playing this version of the game and getting pretty much hooked. The graphics, and the ability to do random funny stuff, not to mention the occasional ship porn. Still trying to get the hang of things and the persevering through the incessant bugs. Hope to play and see with you guys on the verse.

Where you from stranger?

What drew you to Star Citizen?
What Chris Roberts promise, of a space sim where you could do anything and everythingish, got me hook and loved the wing commander series, got me interested in this project, happy that i down that money, Alpha 3.7, seems very promising.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)

Probably Exploring, morally ambiguous missions as long as it pays.

What was the first game you remember playing?
the first thing that got me hooked on games was probably the first Mario on the Japanese family-com

What other games do you play?
Too Many, but with life responsibilities, gonna stick with Star Citizen for the time being.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?
Gottahave, heard he joined here, always good to play with friends

Picard or Kirk?

Always Picard, hands down Picard.
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