Noob Q about buying from the marketplace


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
I would like to buy one or more LTI ship(s), Multi-Role/Cargo, but interested in everything that’s reasonably priced.

cant make out how current these threads here offering LTI stuff are, some date from 2017 originally and it doesn’t say „Updated on xx-xx-xx“ in the OP, so I thought I‘d just open my own request.
Most of us sellers have a general rule of you have to be part of test for a minimum of 3 months and main org as test. The deal with our posts are we sell at the original melt value of the ship and only charge for the paypal fees. We do this primarily to make the fleet stronger in house so other orgs and such do not try to use our kindness to their advantage and get all of our discounted LTI ships that are no longer available. As for updating posts..... yeah some of us(Points at self) have been very very very slow about updating due to real life stuff and can't dedicate alot of time like we use to. Keeping prices updated is very difficult because we have to go through our entire buyback list make sure we have those ships still available, update CCU prices etc(as ccus price will always match what current data is unless its in our inventory unlike concept sale ships). So biggest thing i can suggest is just be active on the forums and gain some reputation maybe join some events we have going on so you have some good points of reference out there. We are always willing to help others in our org.


Oct 5, 2019
RSI Handle
Most of us sellers have a general rule of you have to be part of test for a minimum of 3 months and main org as test. The deal with our posts are we sell at the original melt value of the ship and only charge for the paypal fees. We do this primarily to make the fleet stronger in house so other orgs and such do not try to use our kindness to their advantage and get all of our discounted LTI ships that are no longer available. As for updating posts..... yeah some of us(Points at self) have been very very very slow about updating due to real life stuff and can't dedicate alot of time like we use to. Keeping prices updated is very difficult because we have to go through our entire buyback list make sure we have those ships still available, update CCU prices etc(as ccus price will always match what current data is unless its in our inventory unlike concept sale ships). So biggest thing i can suggest is just be active on the forums and gain some reputation maybe join some events we have going on so you have some good points of reference out there. We are always willing to help others in our org.
Will do, Sir! :o7:
Made it to LT in 3 days, took me 3 yearsIRL 😂


Staff member
Jan 16, 2016
RSI Handle
First, welcome to Test!

Second, I don't sell ships, but if I did, I'd want to prioritize giving good deals to members with a history with us, who are more likely to stick around, than someone who just joined.

So it's not about a scam or whatever imo, it's just about trying to make sure that resources in very limited quantities stay in the org long term as much as possible.

Finally, I highly recommend you buy ships directly from CIG at the anniversary sale. It's going to have like 7+ years insurance this time, I think. That's effectively LTI and your money goes to support CIG rather than to reduce someone else's past support.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I would like to buy one or more LTI ship(s), Multi-Role/Cargo, but interested in everything that’s reasonably priced.

cant make out how current these threads here offering LTI stuff are, some date from 2017 originally and it doesn’t say „Updated on xx-xx-xx“ in the OP, so I thought I‘d just open my own request.
My suggestion is wait about 7-8 weeks. When citizencon and the anniversary sale hit, usually there is a cheap ship that can be used as an LTI token.

Buy that ship, then get an upgrade from that ship to the ship you want. Only a few ships are limited, and I can’t think of any in the range you at looking at that would be. (Unless you want the Connie Phoenix).

This way will let you get a ship with LTI, and more importantly, it will start building your purchases with CIG instead of helping someone else build their way up.

Now that you know that, what ship do you WANT...not what can you get, but which one do you want?


Oct 5, 2019
RSI Handle
My suggestion is wait about 7-8 weeks. When citizencon and the anniversary sale hit, usually there is a cheap ship that can be used as an LTI token.

Buy that ship, then get an upgrade from that ship to the ship you want. Only a few ships are limited, and I can’t think of any in the range you at looking at that would be. (Unless you want the Connie Phoenix).

This way will let you get a ship with LTI, and more importantly, it will start building your purchases with CIG instead of helping someone else build their way up.

Now that you know that, what ship do you WANT...not what can you get, but which one do you want?
To me the UEE Explorer 2948 package looks very attractive. I‘m mainly an explorer, secondly a trader. I know that the Carrack splits opinions, to me it looks like a nice ship once it’s implemented which isn’t long down the road. If I were to go more trade heavy the CAT looks pretty attractive.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
To me the UEE Explorer 2948 package looks very attractive. I‘m mainly an explorer, secondly a trader. I know that the Carrack splits opinions, to me it looks like a nice ship once it’s implemented which isn’t long down the road. If I were to go more trade heavy the CAT looks pretty attractive.
Both are amazing choices, and both have been on my favourites list for quite some time. I chose the Carrack because of the multi-use aspect. However, if the Cat ever gets her modules, she may end up being the most versatile ship in the game.


Oct 5, 2019
RSI Handle
Good choice my friend. I also have the exploration package. She's a beauty eh?
Definitely a great starting point for a noob, great bandwidth from fighting all the way to exploring with the loaners in there, too! The Mantis I‘ll have to test drive a bit first, may CCU it to a Vanguard or a Defender if she doesn’t resonate...

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Definitely a great starting point for a noob, great bandwidth from fighting all the way to exploring with the loaners in there, too! The Mantis I‘ll have to test drive a bit first, may CCU it to a Vanguard or a Defender if she doesn’t resonate...
I certainly like the idea of interdiction, but the platform does not resonate at all with me at this point. I personally upgraded to the Vanguard Harbinger, as I do like firepower. I also managed to find a Sentinel BUK to cover off the EWAR aspect of the Vanguard as well. Defender is looking like a beautiful ship. I intend to fly her a bit, and see how she feels. I may end up with that as a secondary fighter.


Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
I certainly like the idea of interdiction, but the platform does not resonate at all with me at this point. I personally upgraded to the Vanguard Harbinger, as I do like firepower. I also managed to find a Sentinel BUK to cover off the EWAR aspect of the Vanguard as well. Defender is looking like a beautiful ship. I intend to fly her a bit, and see how she feels. I may end up with that as a secondary fighter.
Flew the band last night, flys and handles great however the rest I fleet is a let down.

I got the lti mantis but not really keen on this ship, if the rate of fire was higher I’d probably keep it, i’ll End up ccu it though.

Excellent to see @ColonelWolf was able to get some help. I myself got a lti off a testie early in my time here. Amazing community, always someone to help.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Flew the band last night, flys and handles great however the rest I fleet is a let down.

I got the lti mantis but not really keen on this ship, if the rate of fire was higher I’d probably keep it, i’ll End up ccu it though.

Excellent to see @ColonelWolf was able to get some help. I myself got a lti off a testie early in my time here. Amazing community, always someone to help.
How's it a letdown?


Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
How's it a letdown?
Guns rate of fire is too slow, i don't care much for the damage as it's not to be a fighter but i'd like a better rate of fire. I also think you should get a crime stat if you interdict someone who doesn't have a crime stat, so if you're stopping a player who already has a crimestat you shouldn't get a crime stat for stopping them.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Guns rate of fire is too slow, i don't care much for the damage as it's not to be a fighter but i'd like a better rate of fire. I also think you should get a crime stat if you interdict someone who doesn't have a crime stat, so if you're stopping a player who already has a crimestat you shouldn't get a crime stat for stopping them.
Cool. Thanks for the input.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
So I'd like to share some stories on why I prefer selling at cost (melt + pp fee) and why I usually only sell to test mains and ONLY to those that are PayPal verified without exception.

Do unto others as you'd have for yourself.
I don't like spending money but I do have a spending problem... I love collecting... hence I have this ridiculous notion of having one of every ship so I feel accomplished for some insane reason. Having this spaceship collecting addiction, I don't feel like paying a large premium on general grey-market ships I missed out on before I got involved in late 2015. So since I don't like paying premiums, I do not charge others premiums. Having collected and melted, and realizing I could leverage my large amount of floating RSI credit (back when RSI credit could get you LTI ships) I bought and melted a ton of LTI ships for ORG mates. I had no intention of selling outside the ORG at first iirc. I then later tried the reddit marketplace. And to my horror read plenty of stories of people getting ripped off. So I refused to trade with anyone who had no reputation on the Reddit marketplace for our community. I also learned from buying from @makute (one of the first Testies I bought from) and Reddit that I should ONLY sell to those that are PayPal verified. It provides an extra level of protection for me as the seller against a fraudulent buyer.. which was alarmingly common on the subreddit.

Now.... that I had a good process to follow by 2017, I ran into some other issues.
So in spite of my generosity of selling at cost to other TESTies, there was a forum active affiliate who took advantage of us and sold the same ships he bought from us here on eBay at a very high premium within a couple of weeks after. I didn't discover this until a few months later. I found this an absolute disgusting abuse of trust. I didn't secure my buybacks for those that want to make a cash profit off of other backers as a bloody career/hobby/etc. I secured my buybacks for TESTies that really wanted the ships for themselves. Not to try to make real money off of by reselling to others at a premium. What irked me even more, I sold him one of my original Glaives before you could CCU to them. They were rare, and I found he later sold it on eBay as well as other ships he bought at cost from TESTies here and from people on the base SC website and elsewhere. He was in a different country and English was not his primary, but in my book, he was still a filthy bastard for doing what he was doing.

Those of us that have been here a while know stories similar to this or have our own experiences which is why TRUST is so important.
It's not like a physical in-person trade where it's nearly impossible to get an item back without actually breaking entry for theft.
With digital items through PayPal, the risk is very high for sellers (original owners), especially in the dollar amounts common for rare Star Citizen ships.
Hence, why many who have expensive rare ships and packages do not sell to brand new guys or affiliates in general.
Though I have made exceptions myself so long as the buyer is PayPal verified, which is why I traded with you @ColonelWolf

Hope this helps paint a more detailed picture for you.
Last edited:

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
So I'd like to share some stories on why I prefer selling at cost (melt + pp fee) and why I usually only sell to test mains and ONLY those that are PayPal verified.

Do unto others as you'd have for yourself.
I don't like spending money but I do have a spending problem... I love collecting... hence I have this ridiculous notion of having one of every ship so I feel accomplished for some insane reason. Having this spaceship collecting addiction, I don't feel like paying a large premium on general grey-market ships I missed out on before I got involved in late 2015. So since I don't like paying premiums, I do not charge others premiums. Having collected and melted, and realizing I could leverage my large amount of floating RSI credit (back when RSI credit could get you LTI ships) I bought and melted a ton of LTI ships for ORG mates. I had no intention of selling outside the ORG at first iirc. I then later tried the reddit marketplace. And to my horror read plenty of stories of people getting ripped off. So I refused to trade with anyone who had no reputation on the Reddit marketplace for our community. I also learned from buying from @makute (one of the first Testies I bought from) and Reddit that I should ONLY sell to those that are PayPal verified. It provides an extra level of protection for me as the seller against a fraudulent buyer.. which was alarmingly common on the subreddit.

Now.... that I had a good process to follow by 2017, I ran into some other issues.
So in spite of my generosity of selling at cost to other TESTies, there was a forum active affiliate who took advantage of us and sold the same ships he bought from us here on eBay at a very high premium within a couple of weeks after. I didn't discover this until a few months later. I found this an absolute disgusting abuse of trust. I didn't secure my buybacks for those that want to make a cash profit off of other backers as a bloody career/hobby/etc. I secured my buybacks for TESTies that really wanted the ships for themselves. Not to try to make real money off of by reselling to others at a premium. What irked me even more, I sold him one of my original Glaives before you could CCU to them. They were rare, and I found he later sold it on eBay as well as other ships he bought at cost from TESTies here and from people on the base SC website and elsewhere. He was in a different country and English was not his primary, but in my book, he was still a filthy bastard for doing what he was doing.

Those of us that have been here a while know stories similar to this or have our own experiences which is why TRUST is so important.
It's not like a physical in-person trade where it's nearly impossible to get an item back without actually breaking entry for theft.
With digital items through PayPal, the risk is very high for sellers (original owners), especially in the dollar amounts common for rare Star Citizen ships.
Hence, why many who have expensive rare ships and packages do not sell to brand new guys or affiliates in general.
Though I have made exceptions myself so long as the buyer is PayPal verified, which is why I traded with you @ColonelWolf

Hope this helps paint a more detailed picture for you.
Huzzah to you, Gunny Bunny. You're a good man, and I'm glad you hooked up the good @ColonelWolf . Cheers to you both.


Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
So I'd like to share some stories on why I prefer selling at cost (melt + pp fee) and why I usually only sell to test mains and ONLY to those that are PayPal verified without exception.

Do unto others as you'd have for yourself.
I don't like spending money but I do have a spending problem... I love collecting... hence I have this ridiculous notion of having one of every ship so I feel accomplished for some insane reason. Having this spaceship collecting addiction, I don't feel like paying a large premium on general grey-market ships I missed out on before I got involved in late 2015. So since I don't like paying premiums, I do not charge others premiums. Having collected and melted, and realizing I could leverage my large amount of floating RSI credit (back when RSI credit could get you LTI ships) I bought and melted a ton of LTI ships for ORG mates. I had no intention of selling outside the ORG at first iirc. I then later tried the reddit marketplace. And to my horror read plenty of stories of people getting ripped off. So I refused to trade with anyone who had no reputation on the Reddit marketplace for our community. I also learned from buying from @makute (one of the first Testies I bought from) and Reddit that I should ONLY sell to those that are PayPal verified. It provides an extra level of protection for me as the seller against a fraudulent buyer.. which was alarmingly common on the subreddit.

Now.... that I had a good process to follow by 2017, I ran into some other issues.
So in spite of my generosity of selling at cost to other TESTies, there was a forum active affiliate who took advantage of us and sold the same ships he bought from us here on eBay at a very high premium within a couple of weeks after. I didn't discover this until a few months later. I found this an absolute disgusting abuse of trust. I didn't secure my buybacks for those that want to make a cash profit off of other backers as a bloody career/hobby/etc. I secured my buybacks for TESTies that really wanted the ships for themselves. Not to try to make real money off of by reselling to others at a premium. What irked me even more, I sold him one of my original Glaives before you could CCU to them. They were rare, and I found he later sold it on eBay as well as other ships he bought at cost from TESTies here and from people on the base SC website and elsewhere. He was in a different country and English was not his primary, but in my book, he was still a filthy bastard for doing what he was doing.

Those of us that have been here a while know stories similar to this or have our own experiences which is why TRUST is so important.
It's not like a physical in-person trade where it's nearly impossible to get an item back without actually breaking entry for theft.
With digital items through PayPal, the risk is very high for sellers (original owners), especially in the dollar amounts common for rare Star Citizen ships.
Hence, why many who have expensive rare ships and packages do not sell to brand new guys or affiliates in general.
Though I have made exceptions myself so long as the buyer is PayPal verified, which is why I traded with you @ColonelWolf

Hope this helps paint a more detailed picture for you.
I’ve only traded once and that was with @SpudNyk
I was nervous as hell as well I’m new to all this. Went flawlessly and I’ll only buy off those who have had a good transaction response from previous buyers.
Dangerous world out there and there is too many who would take cash and run.
It’s amazing to find a community on this scale that has so many trusted sellers and buyers and that for me is gold.


Oct 5, 2019
RSI Handle
So I'd like to share some stories on why I prefer selling at cost (melt + pp fee) and why I usually only sell to test mains and ONLY to those that are PayPal verified without exception.

Do unto others as you'd have for yourself.
I don't like spending money but I do have a spending problem... I love collecting... hence I have this ridiculous notion of having one of every ship so I feel accomplished for some insane reason. Having this spaceship collecting addiction, I don't feel like paying a large premium on general grey-market ships I missed out on before I got involved in late 2015. So since I don't like paying premiums, I do not charge others premiums. Having collected and melted, and realizing I could leverage my large amount of floating RSI credit (back when RSI credit could get you LTI ships) I bought and melted a ton of LTI ships for ORG mates. I had no intention of selling outside the ORG at first iirc. I then later tried the reddit marketplace. And to my horror read plenty of stories of people getting ripped off. So I refused to trade with anyone who had no reputation on the Reddit marketplace for our community. I also learned from buying from @makute (one of the first Testies I bought from) and Reddit that I should ONLY sell to those that are PayPal verified. It provides an extra level of protection for me as the seller against a fraudulent buyer.. which was alarmingly common on the subreddit.

Now.... that I had a good process to follow by 2017, I ran into some other issues.
So in spite of my generosity of selling at cost to other TESTies, there was a forum active affiliate who took advantage of us and sold the same ships he bought from us here on eBay at a very high premium within a couple of weeks after. I didn't discover this until a few months later. I found this an absolute disgusting abuse of trust. I didn't secure my buybacks for those that want to make a cash profit off of other backers as a bloody career/hobby/etc. I secured my buybacks for TESTies that really wanted the ships for themselves. Not to try to make real money off of by reselling to others at a premium. What irked me even more, I sold him one of my original Glaives before you could CCU to them. They were rare, and I found he later sold it on eBay as well as other ships he bought at cost from TESTies here and from people on the base SC website and elsewhere. He was in a different country and English was not his primary, but in my book, he was still a filthy bastard for doing what he was doing.

Those of us that have been here a while know stories similar to this or have our own experiences which is why TRUST is so important.
It's not like a physical in-person trade where it's nearly impossible to get an item back without actually breaking entry for theft.
With digital items through PayPal, the risk is very high for sellers (original owners), especially in the dollar amounts common for rare Star Citizen ships.
Hence, why many who have expensive rare ships and packages do not sell to brand new guys or affiliates in general.
Though I have made exceptions myself so long as the buyer is PayPal verified, which is why I traded with you @ColonelWolf

Hope this helps paint a more detailed picture for you.
So I'd like to share some stories on why I prefer selling at cost (melt + pp fee) and why I usually only sell to test mains and ONLY to those that are PayPal verified without exception.

Do unto others as you'd have for yourself.
I don't like spending money but I do have a spending problem... I love collecting... hence I have this ridiculous notion of having one of every ship so I feel accomplished for some insane reason. Having this spaceship collecting addiction, I don't feel like paying a large premium on general grey-market ships I missed out on before I got involved in late 2015. So since I don't like paying premiums, I do not charge others premiums. Having collected and melted, and realizing I could leverage my large amount of floating RSI credit (back when RSI credit could get you LTI ships) I bought and melted a ton of LTI ships for ORG mates. I had no intention of selling outside the ORG at first iirc. I then later tried the reddit marketplace. And to my horror read plenty of stories of people getting ripped off. So I refused to trade with anyone who had no reputation on the Reddit marketplace for our community. I also learned from buying from @makute (one of the first Testies I bought from) and Reddit that I should ONLY sell to those that are PayPal verified. It provides an extra level of protection for me as the seller against a fraudulent buyer.. which was alarmingly common on the subreddit.

Now.... that I had a good process to follow by 2017, I ran into some other issues.
So in spite of my generosity of selling at cost to other TESTies, there was a forum active affiliate who took advantage of us and sold the same ships he bought from us here on eBay at a very high premium within a couple of weeks after. I didn't discover this until a few months later. I found this an absolute disgusting abuse of trust. I didn't secure my buybacks for those that want to make a cash profit off of other backers as a bloody career/hobby/etc. I secured my buybacks for TESTies that really wanted the ships for themselves. Not to try to make real money off of by reselling to others at a premium. What irked me even more, I sold him one of my original Glaives before you could CCU to them. They were rare, and I found he later sold it on eBay as well as other ships he bought at cost from TESTies here and from people on the base SC website and elsewhere. He was in a different country and English was not his primary, but in my book, he was still a filthy bastard for doing what he was doing.

Those of us that have been here a while know stories similar to this or have our own experiences which is why TRUST is so important.
It's not like a physical in-person trade where it's nearly impossible to get an item back without actually breaking entry for theft.
With digital items through PayPal, the risk is very high for sellers (original owners), especially in the dollar amounts common for rare Star Citizen ships.
Hence, why many who have expensive rare ships and packages do not sell to brand new guys or affiliates in general.
Though I have made exceptions myself so long as the buyer is PayPal verified, which is why I traded with you @ColonelWolf

Hope this helps paint a more detailed picture for you.
Thank you so much, I‘ve come to understand the background now, with the input of all the long-timers and esteemed members. I really appreciate that you made that exception and thereby gave me access to an awesome array of ships for me to experience and use to building up my own small collection as time passes. I hope I have also made the first step in presenting myself as a worthy and trustworthy trading partner for the future.


Space Marshal
Jun 2, 2016
RSI Handle
...there was a forum active affiliate who took advantage of us and sold the same ships he bought from us here on eBay at a very high premium within a couple of weeks after.
You gotta be kidding, right? Right?

I've seen my share of shaddy practices on my years as ship seller, but this is some disgusting shit D:
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