Official Division Logos

Krystal LeChuck

Meme Meister
Staff member
Jun 10, 2014
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
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I am Montoya and I approve of this message.

To elaborate, there will be official TEST divisions which will serve the orgs interests such as dominating the galaxy, destroying all those who oppose us and helping new players have fun!

This will be our initial foray in divisions, we will break it down further as needs dictate, for example, the Yellow Jackets are part of the combat division.

The current logos and names are placeholders until such time that we deep dive into the actual profession in actual game play.

Roles which are not mentioned here like salvage (which will fall under Mining) and data running (logistics) will be expanded upon once more information and game play becomes available. This is a starting point, not the end all of division creation and branding.

These logos will serve to start building identity and branding within smaller specialized groups in TEST.

You are free to start using them in your sigs here on our forums if you wish. We prefer that you keep using the TEST logo for all other propaganda and branding outside of TEST.

Q and A:

awesome dude said:
Many of these already have logos and communities, how does that fit in?

There is only one logo and one community, and that is the TEST logo and the TEST community.

If randomguy29 and his five friends want to create their own little exploration group, make their own logo and go exploring, they can, but they are not an official TEST Exploration group.

Once the PU comes out and we have actual time spent exploring, we may elect to fold an existing group into being the official group.

At the moment only racing is an actual division that exists, we have taken Shives falcon logo and incorporated that into being the official racing division.

salt lake said:
Maybe yellow jackets could be a sub org for the fighters? Bombers have their own? And then cap ships?
Yes, there will be many specialized subdivisions, but for the sake of simplicity, we are keeping it broad and generalized for now.

So I am asking the question in this thread because the logo title's are not matching up with the divisional threads that I have seen
We have no official division threads yet. What you have seen are members creating their own groups, which was not the intended purpose of that section.

Simply starting a thread and "calling dibs" does not make you the leader of a division.

We will be starting new subsections for official divisions soon.

Thanks to Krystal for making these!

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Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
Combat? isint that yellow jackets? or was that disolved? has all my yellow jacket propaganda gone to waste?

Edit: i do like most of those new logos though
Maybe yellow jackets could be a sub org for the fighters? Bombers have their own? And then cap ships?

We will have to wait and see. Very anxious of the future.


Space Marshal
Nov 2, 2015
RSI Handle
These look awesome! Are we going to have a salvage division? I need to put my Reclaimer to good use.


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I love it!

A few questions:

1) Are these division names the new official names? IE: Is "Rock Raiders" being retired for "Mining", does "Exploration" replace "D.S.E.T", etc. ?

2) What about the roles that are not covered under these umbrella divisions? Will they be shoehorned in, or is there room for tweaking? Reclamation is not mining. It doesn't make sense to call it "mining". It's "raw material (or "resource") acquisition" at it's most simplistic definition.

3) What about roles that are specialized in how they are performed, but can be utilized by multiple groups? Data collection and scanning can fall under either Combat or Exploration and the general performance of such a task will probably be pretty similar, but those applications are very different.

4) Are we wanting to prioritize using these logos as they are instead of the classic "TEST Squardon" badge?

5) In what capacity are these to be used? Are they intended for any division specific propaganda that is created, or should they be kept in reserve for more "official" applications such as infographics or Twitch/Youtube video overlays?

6) Will there be a source file available for download and use?
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Vice Admiral
Apr 25, 2015
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Maybe yellow jackets could be a sub org for the fighters? Bombers have their own? And then cap ships?

We will have to wait and see. Very anxious of the future.
well i was under the impression that Yellow jackets was an umbrella for security. It seems we have plenty of marines, fighters, medics and whatnot in it.


Rear Admiral
Apr 1, 2015
RSI Handle
Really like all the logos but just to repeat what everyone else has said, I think we do need clarification on the usage and regarding subsets etc.
Basically Epileptic Crickets questions...


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
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Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
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I suck at photo shop..... Can some one help me with a sig??? I love the exploration logo and wanted to use it with the Cutlass Yellow in my current sig with "Come, Explore the Galaxy with TEST" on the right side.


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I suck at photo shop..... Can some one help me with a sig??? I love the exploration logo and wanted to use it with the Cutlass Yellow in my current sig with "Come, Explore the Galaxy with TEST" on the right side.

Plenty of guys in that thread that are excellent at creating forum sigs that can help you out. Also, it'll help keep all the sigs in the same spot for anyone that wants to use them :)


Vice Admiral
Apr 25, 2015
RSI Handle
I suck at photo shop..... Can some one help me with a sig??? I love the exploration logo and wanted to use it with the Cutlass Yellow in my current sig with "Come, Explore the Galaxy with TEST" on the right side.
I can hook you up bro, i got the day off so i can do that. what kind of background do you want? same background? PM me


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Guys, divisions are not the same as squads/groups.

In terms of hierarchy I believe we'll end up like this: top leadership > divisional leadership > squad/group leadership > whatever the groups need.

This allows groups like rock raiders and yellow jackets to retain their unique identity.


Space Marshal
Nov 2, 2015
RSI Handle
Guys, divisions are not the same as squads/groups.

In terms of hierarchy I believe we'll end up like this: top leadership > divisional leadership > squad/group leadership > whatever the groups need.

This allows groups like rock raiders and yellow jackets to retain their unique identity.
This is what I gathered and it'll make it easier to communicate to and organize such a large number of people.


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I will be the first to concede that I am not "in the know" when it comes to the direction and big picture planning done by our current leadership, so I'm just taking shots in the dark here.

However, with that said, my biggest [CONCERN] is that we don't want to get too far ahead of ourselves doing things piecemeal when it comes to division structuring at an organizational level. Especially if there is going to be a potential separation of internal imagery and branding compared to external propaganda used for recruiting and educational purposes. Obviously we don't have much to go on and all of the work that has gone into the currently existing groups is simply amazing, but until we have a better understanding of the game mechanics (as Montoya said).

Maybe make it a talking point in the next SoTS to clarify how things are intended to shape up given our current understanding?

Guys, divisions are not the same as squads/groups.

In terms of hierarchy I believe we'll end up like this: top leadership > divisional leadership > squad/group leadership > whatever the groups need.

This allows groups like rock raiders and yellow jackets to retain their unique identity.

Since the goal is to go from general to specific, my opinion is that mining seems better suited as a subdivision of some type of "Resource Acquisition Group" and then you've got the sibling activities of reclamation and salvaging that fall under that too.

I have some feedback on the logos. The logos look great but the ones on the left have some problems with the divisions and not the logos.

Combat is a much more ubiquitous term when it comes to... combat. Security implies reactive or preventative behavior, Combat has no such implication as there is often as much defensive activity as there is offensive.

Bomb Squad, Yellow Jackets, any black ops groups, etc, would all fall under combat as that is what those groups do. They each might perform a specialized function, but the end goal is to help TEST beat the other guys.

DSET falls under Exploration in the same way.

As Montoya said, the groups aren't going away, they're just being organized and placed within a more clearly defined org structure.

Edit for small clarification.


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
I will be the first to concede that I am not "in the know" when it comes to the direction and big picture planning done by our current leadership, so I'm just taking shots in the dark here.

However, with that said, my biggest [CONCERN] is that we don't want to get too far ahead of ourselves doing things piecemeal when it comes to division structuring at an organizational level. Especially if there is going to be a potential separation of internal imagery and branding compared to external propaganda used for recruiting and educational purposes. Obviously we don't have much to go on and all of the work that has gone into the currently existing groups is simply amazing, but until we have a better understanding of the game mechanics (as Montoya said).

Maybe make it a talking point in the next SoTS to clarify how things are intended to shape up given our current understanding?

Since the goal is to go from general to specific, my opinion is that mining seems better suited as a subdivision of some type of "Resource Acquisition Group" and then you've got the sibling activities of reclamation and salvaging that fall under that too.

Combat is a much more ubiquitous term when it comes to... combat. Security implies reactive or preventative behavior, Combat has no such implication as there is often as much defensive activity as there is offensive.

Bomb Squad, Yellow Jackets, any black ops groups, etc, would all fall under combat as that is what those groups do. They each might perform a specialized function, but the end goal is to help TEST beat the other guys.

DSET falls under Exploration in the same way.

As Montoya said, the groups aren't going away, they're just being organized and placed within a more clearly defined org structure.

Edit for small clarification.
One of my proposed structures can be found by searching for "divisions of test" and "brainstorm" in the same search query.
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