Only Affiliated


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2017
RSI Handle
  • Australia
  • Clan mates talking about SC.
  • Taking on missions (PvE or PvP) with the crew.
  • I'm thinking a dos version Commander Keen as 1st game, c. 1991-92 I think...
  • Skyrim, Warframe, Don't Starve, Darkest Dungeon... some others.
  • I've been a member of Test Squadron for over a year... maybe 2, I've only recently joined here as I'm starting to be more active with 3.0 coming up.
  • I don't care for Star Trek but Darth Vader seems cool.
I'm only an affiliate with Test, I'm posting as head of my clan... or now Org, we started as a clan in another game alpha that ultimately died (a game that shall not be named) and all decided to put our efforts into something new, we as a group decided on Star Citizen and have been just playing intermediate games while we wait, we've been together as a core group for about 6 years.
Our clan name does not really fit the SC universe, but we voted to keep it non-the-less, we just refer to ourselves as "The AI" most ppl assume it stands for Artificial Intelligence, we don't bother correcting them.

I don't know what Test Squad's position on affiliate Orgs is, but we'd be happy to participate in offensives or be hired as for escorts etc. by anyone who needs a group who work closely together and come with their own private mini-fleet.

We're pushing towards UEE jurisdiction bounty hunting, freelance and privateering but plan to live in the grey area when it comes to pirate/UEE relations.
For the few ppl we have, we have a good amount of punch for a small consolidated group, Polaris, Vanguards, Sabers, as you can see we're geared towards fast strikes and military operations.
We can also act as a support if need be with an Endeavour kitted out with Medical respanws, the ship bay and Cutlass Reds, a Star. G. for refuelling and even a Reclaimer, all of our primary fleet is LTI, we're pretty set for launch.

Ultimately my goal is to make connections and have lager affiliated organisations we can participate in operations with as a consolidated force.
Welcome ... how large... eve Big Bang battle like???
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