Perseus Upgrade

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
Interesting Perseus update. Thanks!

Just wish that channel cited their info source(s) so when they say 'what they heard' about changes we can better judge its merit. Is that info from a first-hand 'leak' being cited, or is it from a forum post of a forum post of a forum post of a forum post citing a leak someone claims but no one really knows where it comes from. Gotta keep the channel interesting with so called 'leaks', I guess.

CIG did a nice job with the CTO interview. They should do a similar interview on all rumors about ships.
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
It does need the S4 and does need the PDCs so hopefully it gets through.

Also does need a bit stronger shields IMHO than bog standard cargo ships. 3 x S3 would be good 4 x S3 would be ideal
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I’m happy for the Perseus, but I am still disturbed they are spreading these PDCs around and thus relegating the Polaris’ S10 torps to coup de grad rather than first strike. Making ways for players to solo big ships is to my mind, just wrong. With automatic weapons, you know people are going to try to fly this with just 1 or 2 crew members.

And I have to agree this disrupts the nice rock-paper-scissors triad they had created with the gunboats. Especially after the Redeemer nerf, this just seems too much. The Redeemer is a bit small to compete now. If they gave it stealth and all S2 components, that would be something. Most players seemed to stop flying it after the nerf. Maybe CIG will notice.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I’m happy for the Perseus, but I am still disturbed they are spreading these PDCs around and thus relegating the Polaris’ S10 torps to coup de grad rather than first strike. Making ways for players to solo big ships is to my mind, just wrong. With automatic weapons, you know people are going to try to fly this with just 1 or 2 crew members.

And I have to agree this disrupts the nice rock-paper-scissors triad they had created with the gunboats. Especially after the Redeemer nerf, this just seems to much. The Redeemer is a bit small to compete now. If they gave it stealth and all S2 components, that would be something. Most players seemed to stop flying it after the nerf. Maybe CIG will notice.
Makes me wonder if they've got some boarding actions planned which don't involve lowering shields or doing any more damage to a ship than to the entry door. A large ship being Solo'd is a sitting duck for boarding action, my Starfarer has been beached several times thanks to that unlocked door on the back fuel gantry. Mostly they boarded at the spawn pad when the ship spawned back when Olisar was all external, but one time I'm certain I was boarded at the point you drop out of Quantum over a planet, that drop point is going to be pretty damned predictable. When you're in the pilot seat and you hear small arms, all you can do is hit the self destruct and accept your fate.

That's my logic anyway, I doubt Point Defence is going to be able to shoot down a boarding craft, I'd call that a "point offence" system :like:

I think a lot of the other large ships are going to be getting some form of PD too, the Phoenix may end up being the smallest ship with PD but imagine fitting one of those to replace the turret of a Vanguard or the rear turret of a Freelancer. A bit of active defence rather than additional offence.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
If CIG keeps their word, there will be no self-destruct on any UEE ships by beta. Only Vanduul ships will be able to self destruct, and that is to stop players from growing too wealthy by boarding NPC ships.

Boarding actions are intended to be the most challenging part of the game, and self-destruct would forbid that to pirates and privateers alike.

This is btw, why I have suggested The Outsiders on Leir are the best place to board and steal ships. They’re populated by arrogant assholes who think they’re better than human, fly UEE ships, and need to hand ‘em over.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
If CIG keeps their word, there will be no self-destruct on any UEE ships by beta. Only Vanduul ships will be able to self destruct, and that is to stop players from growing too wealthy by boarding NPC ships.

Boarding actions are intended to be the most challenging part of the game, and self-destruct would forbid that to pirates and privateers alike.

This is btw, why I have suggested The Outsiders on Leir are the best place to board and steal ships. They’re populated by arrogant assholes who think they’re better than human, fly UEE ships, and need to hand ‘em over.
I'm sure TEST Weapons Research Lab can find a way around the removal of Self Destruct :-)

Raider: "Erm... whys this S5 gravity bomb on the bridge?"
Captain: "You." *Shoots bomb with single bullet*
- Booom -


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm sure TEST Weapons Research Lab can find a way around the removal of Self Destruct :-)
Raider: "Erm... whys this S5 gravity bomb on the bridge?"
Captain: "You." *Shoots bomb with single bullet*
- Booom -

I want the game to give scope for creativity and choice

but I also believe self-destruct should cost the character far more than the worth of the ship and its contents

you should have diminished capabilities in your new incarnation


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle

I want the game to give scope for creativity and choice

but I also believe self-destruct should cost the character far more than the worth of the ship and its contents

you should have diminished capabilities in your new incarnation
I believe that's the plan, and if they're taking me out I'm going to want to be takin' them with me if I can.
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