Update on my tutorial to convert SC builds into useable assets.
How to unpack and convert Live 3.8.2 Files
First download Alluran's newest unpacker from Jan 2020,
https://github.com/dolkensp/unp4k/releases ,
download the unp4k-suite-v3.3.75-master.zip file.
Then download MarkEmp's newest conversion tool
released 5 days ago cgf-converter.exe.
None of these programs need admin privileges and they scan virus free.
Unzip unp4k-suite-v3.3.75-master to your working folder
run unp4k.gui.exe from that folder
in his program click File>open archive
Navigate to your Star Citizen 3.8.2 installation folder,
find the Data.p4k file and open it.
Go to Data in the displayed directory tree in the program once unp4k loads and deserializes the p4k.
Right-click Data and click Extract file in the context popup menu.
Select your working folder.
The SC 3.8.2 build will now be extracted to your working folder
You'll see something like this.
Try not to do too much while the build is extracting, a lot of data will be being written, and accidentally pressing the wrong hotkey while having unp4k window active can prematurely stop the export.
Don't ask me how I know... lol.
If the GUI crashes on you, follow these instructions for command line or drag and drop methods
When running in the command prompt the unpacker will look like this
After your unpacking is complete, it does take a while even if you are using an Optane drive or raid array, you can then run MarkEmp's newest converter to convert the geometry-based files. For traditional hard drives, the extraction can take a LONG time. Enough time for dinner and a show, at least.
Copy MarkEmp's converter to your working folder that you extracted the SC 3.8.2 build to. You can now follow MarkEmp's instructions on how to convert your extracted build files with this link
I have had the best success in PowerShell (it's like command prompt, included in windows, but more dangerous if you screw anything up) with the following command
foreach ($file in (get-childitem -recurse *.cga,*.cgf,*.chr,*.skin)) { E:\Created\SC382C\cgf-converter-v1-0-5.exe $file -noconflict -objectdir "E:\Created\SC382C\Data" }
Powershell may take a while to start the script once you hit enter,
you can modify the above to fit your directory tree situation.
When you run the above PowerShell command it will look like this
Enjoy! Thanks to Alluran and MarkEmp for being awesome!
It does all work to convert most of the ingame assets, there is some errors on just a small percentage of items, but for the most part it all converts nicely.
New textures are not convertible yet, but I read MarkEmp is working on that, so stay tuned to his updates.