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Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
when a ducky eats bread it makes their tummy blow up :eek:
If that'd be the case, there would be no more ducks on this planet. Looots and lots of bloody duck pieces all around ;) Infact, I think its - as every time - the quantitiy/the dose that makes the poison. Bread is for ducks like pizza or taccos (or beer) for us. It will not harm them if they still paddling around and searching their "natural" food for the rest of the day. Thus having a pizza or taccos once a week is o.K. if your food/eating is healthy the rest of the week.


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
If that'd be the case, there would be no more ducks on this planet. Looots and lots of bloody duck pieces all around ;) Infact, I think its - as every time - the quantitiy/the dose that makes the poison. Bread is for ducks like pizza or taccos (or beer) for us. It will not harm them if they still paddling around and searching their "natural" food for the rest of the day. Thus having a pizza or taccos once a week is o.K. if your food/eating is healthy the rest of the week.
It's dried rice that birds gorge on, then when it re-hydrates in their belly, expands to their detriment (throw bird seed at weddings instead ;)). They don't explode, they get blockages in their intestine. I think the "no bread for birds" mostly is about our (American) breads that are mostly bleached starches (more like cake) that birds will fill up on and not get real nutrition from.
Kept a couple ducks and geese too when I raised chickens way back when. For a treat, the ducks went mad corn kernels and the chickens loved strawberries :D. All in all, bread wasn't so big a deal as long as it wasn't their only food source.
Never rice though :eek:!


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Hm, I've read about that American food industrie is based on white (wheat) bread and corn. Not the best way of a healthy living.
Thats the point why I hardly would move to another country. This bread culture over here in Germany is unique - can't live without it (well, could perhaps - but don't want to ;) ).


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
Hm, I've read about that American food industrie is based on white (wheat) bread and corn. Not the best way of a healthy living.
Thats the point why I hardly would move to another country. This bread culture over here in Germany is unique - can't live without it (well, could perhaps - but don't want to ;) ).
The breads that are cheaply available in grocery stores are not very good. Kind of like unflavored and unsweetened cake, to be honest. Of course, if you take the time to go to actual bakeries, you can get some nice breads. But given that convenience is king here, finding good food can become a bit of a niche hobby rather than a regular practice. Some towns, decent eats can be nearly impossible to find and if you want what's best for you (and best tasting), you are better off growing it yourself.
The corn thing is pretty absurd. Mostly, it's due to gov't policies from the 1970's (maybe earlier). So much corn is grown now that most of it will rot before it can be used, so industries have been built solely to process subsidized corn into whatever it can be made in to before it goes to waste.


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
The breads that are cheaply available in grocery stores are not very good. Kind of like unflavored and unsweetened cake, to be honest. Of course, if you take the time to go to actual bakeries, you can get some nice breads. But given that convenience is king here, finding good food can become a bit of a niche hobby rather than a regular practice. Some towns, decent eats can be nearly impossible to find and if you want what's best for you (and best tasting), you are better off growing it yourself.
The corn thing is pretty absurd. Mostly, it's due to gov't policies from the 1970's (maybe earlier). So much corn is grown now that most of it will rot before it can be used, so industries have been built solely to process subsidized corn into whatever it can be made in to before it goes to waste.
No wonder almost everything about America is so corny.


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
I thought corn was over grown since the WW1 since it made great airplane fuel, then subsidized in the depression, then again for airplanes in WW2, and then the Cold War stockpiling, and the anti masturbation cereal Corn Flakes was how they used up the excess.
Corn flakes invented before both World Wars and yes, it was invented to reduce masturbation. The thinking was something like flavorful foods got people all worked up and antsy in their pantsies.
I couldn't say if corn ever made good airplane fuel, but I doubt it. The ethanol they make with it now can run some cars, but still not as well as oil. Gets mixed with gasoline to stretch the use of the actual petroleum.
The farm subsidies were meant to get farmers to stop playing the market for whichever food they could make the most cash from, occasionally leading to no actual food being produced and people having nothing to eat. But they never stopped the subsidies when things got less erratic, so now corn goes on as far as you can see in several states. Actually pretty rare to see wheat, beans, potatoes, cotton or fruits, outside specific areas of the country.
So now corn is main ingredient in nearly every cheap processed food for human and animals alike. But lame-ass puns are plentiful here too!


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
The breads that are cheaply available in grocery stores are not very good. Kind of like unflavored and unsweetened cake, to be honest. Of course, if you take the time to go to actual bakeries, you can get some nice breads. But given that convenience is king here, finding good food can become a bit of a niche hobby rather than a regular practice. Some towns, decent eats can be nearly impossible to find and if you want what's best for you (and best tasting), you are better off growing it yourself.
The corn thing is pretty absurd. Mostly, it's due to gov't policies from the 1970's (maybe earlier). So much corn is grown now that most of it will rot before it can be used, so industries have been built solely to process subsidized corn into whatever it can be made in to before it goes to waste.
Exactly my point. In the meantime, due to my health issues, I'm baking and cooking nearly a 100% for myself. Bread, cake, marmelade, spread etc. Most ingredients I buy from the market or grab it from nature (i.e. apples from trees growing here on public land, or berries for marmelade). Veggies I buy at the weekly market; more seldom I buy a pot of (curd) cheese now and then. Basically, every day I am very happy to live in a land where I can live like that and where such high valuable food is available.


I find this guy hilarious. Maybe don't watch if your boss can hear you, lots of swearing. Your kids probably already know more dirty words than this though.
Okay, thanks for the warning - will watch this at home this evening. Looking very forward to it :D
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