Please don't like my thread-campaign


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle


Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
Hookers have herpes? Uh-oh.
And "tread" that the newfie way of saying thread?
It was a typo I embraced because it made me laugh thinking of that one episode of family guy lol "is there any tread left on the tires or is it like throwing a hotdog down a hallway?"

Soven Taliesyn

Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I thought I'd deleted those pictures of me. Damn interwebs. Haha.

Oh boy oh boy. Ignite my life! I sure as shit wouldn't say no. :)

I did that once. Ate the sauce. Went for a piss.
Ouch it burns
Ouch it burns
Ouch it burns
It burrrnnnnnnnnnsssssss.
I forgot what I was going good to say here when I multi-quoted this

is this thing still going? Who won?
When is it not? Everyone won.....everyone.

Holy shit. Good save. I think we fell off the home page.
Close call
TEST heroes at work.

something goes here
That's what she said

I'll just move that over here.
That's also what she said

now a little to the left
Still what she said

No no, too far. Back right just a hair.
She's still saying goes it

now its to far the other way!
Husbands quoting their wives

What if we move it forward just a bit?
That's what

that just might work
She said with a slight sigh of relief

Perfect. Now (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
That's TESTing
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Beautiful. Simply beautiful. It's also amazing that people who alt, and even main, healers will completely forget how to work with them when they switch classes too.
I don't know what that means

Sometimes I let it fall off so people think we stopped, then a little later BAM! I shit post hard and fast and the tread is stuck at the top like herpes on a hooker :eek:
True TEST faahion

>implying spelling matters to TESTies
It's does? Iz this new?

I read "Effort" and skipped six pages. Then all I saw was "effort".

What is this "effort" you speak of?


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I forgot what I was going good to say here when I multi-quoted this

When is it not? Everyone won.....everyone.

TEST heroes at work.

That's what she said

That's also what she said

Still what she said

She's still saying goes it

Husbands quoting their wives

That's what

She said with a slight sigh of relief

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I don't know what that means

True TEST faahion

It's does? Iz this new?

Man, you missed the mark with this. You never multi quote a dozen posts at once in this thread. You reply to every single person individually so you can whore yourself for likes.
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