Space Marshal
OMG @Blind Owl LOOOOOOOK! LOOOOOK AT IT!This one looks like it matches Blind Owl's no-coffee picture.
OMG @Blind Owl LOOOOOOOK! LOOOOOK AT IT!This one looks like it matches Blind Owl's no-coffee picture.
HOLY CRAP! @Blind Owl LOOOOOOK AT THESE PICTURE LOOOK AT THEM!Okay I started that as a joke, but holy cow there are some neat images out there for "owl jedi" in GIS
I'm really starting to like your posts. Especially now that I have an internet connection. I actually like them. Not sure what it is...weekend k-bump
aah, the subtlety
LIKES!Tuning back in.
Please forgive my absence, it was unavoidable.
View attachment 7949
So we got to be on 3.8 by now... 4.0 maybe?
Missed you lot. Let me know what's happening!
And give me all your likes! Right now!
Not sure if I like the guy having a heart attack or the house plant more...
He's blind.... @Blind Owl can't see it. :(IT IS BEAUTIFUL!
does it come with a big hydraulic jack so you can shotgun it?
Went on a long camping trip and got kind of used to not hearing phones ring and not answering to computers. Took a while just to shackle myself back to a wristwatch. Didn't want to come back a be a wet blanket, telling everyone there was more to life than video games and shitposting.LIKES!
Where'd you go bro?
You came back too eh!
I'm a winner because I'm no guy without a like. If somebody likes this posts the negativity is reversed to me being a winner again as minus and minus makes plus. Logic restored, mods can close this Thread. Solution found.
Not gonna lie that picture has decided I will visit an Irish pub today for some Guinness.
seems reasonable add entirely how i perceive things. There is more to living than... my...48" tv and high-speed internet... access... hold on I'll finish talking at the next saveWent on a long camping trip and got kind of used to not hearing phones ring and not answering to computers. Took a while just to shackle myself back to a wristwatch. Didn't want to come back a be a wet blanket, telling everyone there was more to life than video games and shitposting.
Now that I am back to a somewhat normal routine of a basement dwelling neckbeard who never sees the sun, I thought of TEST Squardon!
View attachment 7954
Welcome to the Thunderdome! Have a like and keep trying!
Lol, no logic can work in this thread. :PI'm a winner because I'm no guy without a like. If somebody likes this posts the negativity is reversed to me being a winner again as minus and minus makes plus. Logic restored, mods can close this Thread. Solution found.
HERESY...Logic restored, mods can close this Thread. Solution found.
HERESY!!!Logic restored.
Awww man. I wrote my greasy comments while pooping at 6am and forgot to post until coffee break and my joke got stolenHERESY
you obviously haven't devoted enough time to reading it
this thread embodies the Essence of TESTicularity
it must appear on the homepage for the edification of our n00bs
a small army of loyal TESTes has dedicated itself to making it so
TWICE!Lol, no logic can work in this thread. :P
And copyed:Awww man. I wrote my greasy comments while pooping at 6am and forgot to post until coffee break and my joke got stolen