if I had that dream I would wake up to sticky sheets
Not that kind of round the world tour... ;)
I was more or less making a "behind the scenes vlog" of their tour. Partying at a german rock concert, shopping, waiting for a train to go to the beach, watching them practice choreography and badmouthing other kpop groups.
The only thing close to... sticky... was a part where due to something happening at the hotel we where staying at, we didn't get all the space we needed. So the whole tour-group was in a very smal hallway of the hotel and only had a few rooms. For some reason everyone choose this time to start walking around in their underwear. Even the bands boyfriends, sound guys, everyone! Way to surreal to be sexy when it happened. ^^'
At least I'm guessing there where boyfriends there. Because two of the girls entered one of the few rooms we had with two of the boys and closed the door. And then I woke up.