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Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
They say you can't turn back time, no matter how hard you try.

But for skateboarding legend Tony Hawk, time reversed Monday as he landed a 900 -- or a two-and-a-half aerial spin -- at the age of 48, exactly 17 years after he first performed the historic stunt.
In a video released June 27, Hawk commemorated the anniversary of landing his first 900 by attempting to recreate a piece of skateboarding history. After a few failed attempts, Hawk finally hit the trick at an indoor halfpipe to the applause of those watching.
"I never thought I would be doing this at my age when I was young," Hawk says in the video. "I'm still going. I'll keep on going until the wheels fall off."


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
As Yoel and his parents walked inside there home after a long day at the beach.Yoels mother said in her kind voice”Yoel its time to go to sleep becouse you have your first day at school tomarow.The next morning Yoel woke up and got ready for his first day at Diplomat elementary.As he got to his school the teacher asked him his full name to the class and he responded back by saying YoeI Enrique Munoz.Then the class introduced themselves and one of the students name was Asia and YoeI asked her if shes asian and Asia took that offensive so she told on him to the princible.Later that day Yoel spoke with the princible and Yoel got so mad that he grabed him by the neck and snaped it.Yoel had that mourderous feeling and he fleed the scene from police for hourse and then he stumbled on his home.3AM Yoel grabed a knife from his kitchen and went to his parents bedroom and killed them and then he went to his brother Lazaros room and sliced him in half.”Young unkown killer still at large.”Said the wink news reporter.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
They say you can't turn back time, no matter how hard you try.

But for skateboarding legend Tony Hawk, time reversed Monday as he landed a 900 -- or a two-and-a-half aerial spin -- at the age of 48, exactly 17 years after he first performed the historic stunt.
In a video released June 27, Hawk commemorated the anniversary of landing his first 900 by attempting to recreate a piece of skateboarding history. After a few failed attempts, Hawk finally hit the trick at an indoor halfpipe to the applause of those watching.
"I never thought I would be doing this at my age when I was young," Hawk says in the video. "I'm still going. I'll keep on going until the wheels fall off."

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
As Yoel and his parents walked inside there home after a long day at the beach.Yoels mother said in her kind voice”Yoel its time to go to sleep becouse you have your first day at school tomarow.The next morning Yoel woke up and got ready for his first day at Diplomat elementary.As he got to his school the teacher asked him his full name to the class and he responded back by saying YoeI Enrique Munoz.Then the class introduced themselves and one of the students name was Asia and YoeI asked her if shes asian and Asia took that offensive so she told on him to the princible.Later that day Yoel spoke with the princible and Yoel got so mad that he grabed him by the neck and snaped it.Yoel had that mourderous feeling and he fleed the scene from police for hourse and then he stumbled on his home.3AM Yoel grabed a knife from his kitchen and went to his parents bedroom and killed them and then he went to his brother Lazaros room and sliced him in half.”Young unkown killer still at large.”Said the wink news reporter.
Well that escalated quickly
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