Please don't like my thread-campaign


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Does make you wonder how it really would go down.
Yeah, I don't really need to wonder lol

Considering that there is no "easy" escape from the classroom (door isn't just locked but stops existing as an option):

I know for a fact how it would have went down for us, cos I remember we "discussed" this back then (well, more of a half hour long shouting match), that in my class with 28 girls and 6 boys, and me being the biggest source of cooking fat, I would've been the second to go (cos I wasn't enough of a jerk to be marked as first, that honor went to the self appointed "leader" of us guys) and then the rest of the guys. Teenage gals are kinda vicious like that lol Dumb, but vicious.
Numbers would have won regardless of a difference in strength. Also, they weren't small skinny bulimic gals , so the advantage of extra muscle strength we guys were supposed to have wasn't there to be found lol
soo yeah, it was not a good outlook for us guys...

And before you ask: Nope, that ratio made getting a date that much more impossible actually... but that's another story.

Fire wasn't an issue, it's highscool (middle school? whatever you call it), obviously 7 out of 10 has a lighter for smoking. There was plenty of wood around to burn for cooking, and breaking them up would have been no issue considering the soviet era laminated wooden desks were falling apart on their own anyways. We had plenty of windows to open or break (it was high in the building, maybe around 4th-5th floor height in a normal building, so no escape through there) for air, and plenty of ppl to cook. We had a few knives around, at least 2 of guys had some small ones, the tables had metal pipe legs, and we had some commemorative plates on the wall, so that's all the tools you need really.

As for the hierarchy, obviously it was already established (it's a school, it's established the very second you step through the door the first day), and would have been kept the same after the deletion of the unnecessary members (us guys). The upper-class elite bitches ladies would have kept abusing the more obedient types, as it was customary, and slowly used them all up until they had no one else left, but to tear each other apart. That ending would have been something to behold really, the most interesting part, both scientifically and just for the fun of wathching the " bestest besties" beat one another to death with each others arms they just tore off...

So the TLDR is, We would have been all dead within a week or two, considering that drinking blood can't replace water for long, and anyone who would have been smart enough to figure out that there was a source of water in the class room would have been dead the first day... (actually two sources if you count the heating radiators that were fed from the central heating, and it was a rather large building so lots of water to go around, but that's kinda nasty and probably really really highly toxic lol)
This is how we "agreed" it would happen.

Now, for how it would actually go down imo: we would have had our king and queen (as we already had just no so openly), with 2-2 trusted "vice presidents" or whatever, and they would have ordered us all around to do stupid shit that would demean us, until half the girls would have had enough, did some conspiring and stabbed them in the back. Literally. Then it would have been the usual descent into madness as the backstabbers slowly start dying off to other backstabbers and everyone realizes that no one is safe. Meanwhile everything gets worse cos lack of any water or food. Outcome would have been the same anyways. I'm pretty sure even if we came up with a viable way to exit the "island" via the windows (form a human chain and dangle that down or something along those lines), we would have been silenced immediately. If Ego had a picture beside it in the dictionary, it would have been half this classroom...

This was one of the few mandatory reads that I actually enjoyed. A bit rough and has some holes in it, but an interesting thought experiment to read nontheless...


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Yeah, I don't really need to wonder lol

Considering that there is no "easy" escape from the classroom (door isn't just locked but stops existing as an option):

I know for a fact how it would have went down for us, cos I remember we "discussed" this back then (well, more of a half hour long shouting match), that in my class with 28 girls and 6 boys, and me being the biggest source of cooking fat, I would've been the second to go (cos I wasn't enough of a jerk to be marked as first, that honor went to the self appointed "leader" of us guys) and then the rest of the guys. Teenage gals are kinda vicious like that lol Dumb, but vicious.
Numbers would have won regardless of a difference in strength. Also, they weren't small skinny bulimic gals , so the advantage of extra muscle strength we guys were supposed to have wasn't there to be found lol
soo yeah, it was not a good outlook for us guys...

And before you ask: Nope, that ratio made getting a date that much more impossible actually... but that's another story.

Fire wasn't an issue, it's highscool (middle school? whatever you call it), obviously 7 out of 10 has a lighter for smoking. There was plenty of wood around to burn for cooking, and breaking them up would have been no issue considering the soviet era laminated wooden desks were falling apart on their own anyways. We had plenty of windows to open or break (it was high in the building, maybe around 4th-5th floor height in a normal building, so no escape through there) for air, and plenty of ppl to cook. We had a few knives around, at least 2 of guys had some small ones, the tables had metal pipe legs, and we had some commemorative plates on the wall, so that's all the tools you need really.

As for the hierarchy, obviously it was already established (it's a school, it's established the very second you step through the door the first day), and would have been kept the same after the deletion of the unnecessary members (us guys). The upper-class elite bitches ladies would have kept abusing the more obedient types, as it was customary, and slowly used them all up until they had no one else left, but to tear each other apart. That ending would have been something to behold really, the most interesting part, both scientifically and just for the fun of wathching the " bestest besties" beat one another to death with each others arms they just tore off...

So the TLDR is, We would have been all dead within a week or two, considering that drinking blood can't replace water for long, and anyone who would have been smart enough to figure out that there was a source of water in the class room would have been dead the first day... (actually two sources if you count the heating radiators that were fed from the central heating, and it was a rather large building so lots of water to go around, but that's kinda nasty and probably really really highly toxic lol)
This is how we "agreed" it would happen.

Now, for how it would actually go down imo: we would have had our king and queen (as we already had just no so openly), with 2-2 trusted "vice presidents" or whatever, and they would have ordered us all around to do stupid shit that would demean us, until half the girls would have had enough, did some conspiring and stabbed them in the back. Literally. Then it would have been the usual descent into madness as the backstabbers slowly start dying off to other backstabbers and everyone realizes that no one is safe. Meanwhile everything gets worse cos lack of any water or food. Outcome would have been the same anyways. I'm pretty sure even if we came up with a viable way to exit the "island" via the windows (form a human chain and dangle that down or something along those lines), we would have been silenced immediately. If Ego had a picture beside it in the dictionary, it would have been half this classroom...

This was one of the few mandatory reads that I actually enjoyed. A bit rough and has some holes in it, but an interesting thought experiment to read nontheless...

I think most people really underestimate how hard it is to kill someone else.
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I think most people really underestimate how hard it is to kill someone else.
Mentally? Sure!
Even shooting at my friends with a BB gun for the first time was way harder then I thought it would be after a lifetime of shooting digital people.

Physically? Dunno. Never tried to actually kill anyone.
Ppl dying from trivial shit like an "unlucky" fall in the bathtub make me think we are way too soft and squishy. On the flip side, seeing all the stories of ppl who (almost) fully recover from stuff like fully penetrating headshots makes me rethink that.

My story above is from when we were like 14, so obviously it's kinda silly. But as you can see we did give it some thought regarding the supplies and hierarchy situation. But we might have jumped to the conclusion that everyone turning into beastmen capable of murdering anyone bare handed is a certainty hahahaha

Anyways, I don't have internet in the house so I'm really frustrated... I wanted to watch Mr.Bald's shenanigans in India but now I can't ☹


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Wow, I did not see this one coming, especially not from Carbot.

So you know the phrase "this hits close to home" rigth?
For me, this wasn't just close to home, this was being on Alderaan on Death Star day!


I could have written 6 posts long wall of text about how WoW was the greatest thing ever, why it was awesome, and how it fell, it would have taken me a day to re-check and re-word and re-format the whole thing 5 times at least.. Instead he did it in less then 3 minutes, and conveyed everything that was great and then bad about the game. My hats off to Carbot.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Wow, I did not see this one coming, especially not from Carbot.

So you know the phrase "this hits close to home" rigth?
For me, this wasn't just close to home, this was being on Alderaan on Death Star day!


I could have written 6 posts long wall of text about how WoW was the greatest thing ever, why it was awesome, and how it fell, it would have taken me a day to re-check and re-word and re-format the whole thing 5 times at least.. Instead he did it in less then 3 minutes, and conveyed everything that was great and then bad about the game. My hats off to Carbot.
i honestly missed wow’s first two expansion’s as I was playing EQ2 then battlefield 2. It wasn’t until lich king I was talked into giving it a try. It was fun but if not for the community I don’t think I’d would have stayed for the game it’s self was simplistic and frustrating rng loot gates.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
... Even shooting at my friends with a BB gun for the first time was way harder then I thought it would be ...
my Uncle managed to shoot my Dad in the eye when they were kids

no Red Ryders under the Christmas tree for me growing up
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
my Uncle managed to shoot my Dad in the eye when they were kids

no Red Ryders under the Christmas tree for me growing up
Oof, that sux!

We did wear goggles, well at least some of us did, the rest wore sunglasses and everyone had shitty little plastic spring or aeg guns from the chinese market, so pretty low fps.
Apart from me. I bought my gear off of EBay, back in the glory days when they didn't give a fuck about selling or shipping gun shaped objects or anything like that. So I got 2 full metal blowback gas operated pistols (WE Hicapa 5.1 and some offbrand Beretta) and a real TM Python (357 magnum) with the medium barrel length. I still use that to hunt down the huge chernobyl wasps (horse wasps or whatever they are called in english) that enter my home.
So while I never had a real Red Ryder BB rifle or shot metal BBs, at least I had a very low chance of getting shot in the eye with one as well lol
I once made a silencer from some plastic cans and rubber baffles and made a fluted barrel extension from a plastic pens housing. It was surprisingly effective (for the 5 shots it took to blow it off cos it wasn't concentric with guns barrel). It sounded exactly like in a 90s action movie, it was glorious lol

Only thing I'm sad about really is that now that I could afford all the nicer Airsoft guns, it's not possible to buy one unless it goes through a police certification process that costs a fortune which I'm not willing to pay cos it costs as much as JG G36... which I'd really like to have one day.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2015
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Breaking the trend of terrible musical stuff...
Let's talk terribly fun but deranged books!
I remember reading a book about a half-orc, I think (sure about the orc part, not sure about the half), who was cursed to have a very very strong affection towards anything horse shaped. It even had some drawings in it I think? Anyone knows it maybe? Cos I can't find it for the life of me, but I remember it was insanely funny and I wanna read it again!
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