Polaris Crew


Oct 22, 2024
RSI Handle
Hello everyone, just an idea.

As you may know the Polaris's official release date is in 11 days at the IAE 2954 event. So I have an idea to have a giant Polaris multi crew experience, doing extreme risk bounties, high paying mercenary missions, PVP combat and loads of other things.

Just going through a video of the Polaris's interior and seeing what available roles we could have on the Polaris. I created a list of roles we could have on the ship, involving how many people we could have and colour code it depending on if we defiantly need it or not. Varying from Green (High Priority) to Yellow (Mid Priority) Orange (Low Priority)

Section 1- The Bridge

1. Captain - In charge of the ship, making sure that everything stays in order. - X1 (🟩)
2. Pilot - Pilots and navigates the Polaris. - X1 (🟩)
3. Co-Pilot- Will be in charge of the ships Communications and power supply across the ship - X1 (🟨)
4. Support Chairs- Will be responsible for manning the unmanned turrets and reporting any damages done to the ship - X2 (🟨)

Section 2- Gunners

1. Side Turrets - People manning the turrets will be responsible for shooting down hostile aircrafts - X2 Person (🟨)
2. Back Turrets - Same role as side turrets X1 (🟩)
3. Torpedo Bay - A crucial role in the Polaris, the people in this sector will be responsible for the maintaining the torpedo's as well as reloading them X2 (🟩)

Section 3- Hangar Bay

1. Fighter Pilot - Will control a fighter varying from an Aurora to an F8 - X1-X2 (🟩)
2. Hangar Control - The person operating this will be controlling the launch bay and the roof of the Polaris X1 (🟧)

Section 4 - Engineering

1. Ship Engineer's- The people working in this are will be responsible for keeping the ship's engine and core features operational and repair them if they get damaged during battle- X1 (🟩)
2. Component Engineer - The person working here will be responsible for maintaining the ship's core components X1 (🟧)

Section 5 - Cargo Bay

1. Cargo Worker - The people working in the cargo bay are to maintain cargo in the Polaris and steal valuable cargo from bounties ships. As well as making sure no ground vehicles no-clip outside the Polaris - X1 (🟧)
2. Ground Vehicle Driver - If we ever decide to raid a drug lab or go to Jumptown or just go exploring we will need a few ground vehicles like an Ursa Rover or a Nova Tank -X2 (🟨)

Section 5 - Other Roles

1. Security - People working in the Polaris's security will be responsible for several factors, keeping guard of the ships Brig, watching the security cameras and making sure nobody tries to forcefully bored the ship - X1 (🟨)
2. Medic - These People will mostly be working in the medical bay of the Polaris so if anyone gets injured during a battle they will be the first to respond - X1-X2 (🟨)
3. Other- Making sure that the Polaris is always stocked with food, drinks, torpedo's and maintaining the crew facilities -X1(🟧)

In total we have 22 spaces available, however we're aiming to have around 12 people, since we don't want to crash the server and that's how many seats there are in the mess hall.

I for one would like to be in either the support chairs or security roles.

If I have missed anything then pls let me know. Thank you


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
To be honest I can't see it really being that fun to have 22 people doing all those roles as half of the roles are like non roles and we don't want people being bored with nothing to do or they wont play.. You could probably get away with easy 12 people and run two polaris's.

it would be interesting to try both!


Space Marshal
Nov 24, 2018
RSI Handle
A lot of those roles could be condensed to reduce the count which is probably the better play. Havng been doing stuff on PTU the last coupole of days, co-pilot would be managing many of the interior control roles (hangar and systems), where most likely the remote missile turret operator would take over many support functions as there is only 12 missiles preventing that being a priority function leaving the remote quad turret operator to man full time.

Your count is off on manned turrets as there are 4 total (2 top and 2 side) with the rear seats of the bridge taking the rear remote turrets, and given the cargo bay shares space with the torpedo loading magazine, those roles would be mixed and shared probably by the same crew as in combat you won't be dealing with ground vehicles or cargo, and be focusing on rearming torpedos and ships (when in game allows) as the elevators in the rear of the cargo area go to the hangar.

Once the ship goes live, if AC allows, it would be in the interest of many to hop in and rent the Polaris to get comfortable with layout as well as run events simulating combat (or we fight those nasty Xenos and pirate scum)

Definitely a good start and idea that can get better as time goes on and TEST begins total galactic domination!

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I have never been able to figure out the crew complement the ship is designed for. There are five bridge members and one supposes at least one person standing at the holoviewer during battle—something like the CAG on an aircraft carrier who is directing fighters based upon a superior view of the battle space. So six bridge (which includes two remote gunners), five manned turrets?, one engineer, is twelve, plus add NPC engineers, etc. and there is a second estate room for a fighter pilot, but I would give it to a CAG (needs a new name) and plan at least a full wing of Scout craft. Use the Guardian as a place holder. If you want more than a single Scout, the Scout craft need their own bunks. Maybe add at least one Turtle and the ship on the hanger deck does not need a bunk so. . .Mantis? Pair of Ravens? Maybe leave that as mission dependent?

Cargo handling can be anyone aboard. That’s more a duty than a position. We never had CIG confirm their earliest statements that the torps require crew to load and with rotary launchers, hopefully not.

I want to just enjoy how shockingly beautiful the ship is inside and out, so holding my complaints for now. Did you notice the mirrors work in the bathrooms? No vampires allowed on this ship. This is a Paladin ship—the bane of all vampires.

I’m in love, but holding some serious complaints. The ship feels much homier than the more industrial Idris, but still austere and dire with all the blue lighting and splashes of red. It feels like danger incarnate.
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
It is top notch quality. It bodes well for my Perseus that's for sure.
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