Polaris is in Erkul

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Yeah. Have a look. Much quieter than expected. Three of the five manned turrets have been upgraded to 4S3. The others are upgraded to pair of S5. The remote chin turret is downgraded to 4S3. 4S4 for all manned turrets would have made more sense. I think some kid just decided to change stuff for the sake of changing stuff.

The torpedos are downgraded to S9. I suspect that’s just because we don’t have stats for S10 torps yet and should change. If they stick us with S9 torps there will be hell to pay. Recall when they sold this it was “hey, these are the biggest torps” and then later invented the S12.

The power plant is not locked as it should be—cap class ships are built around the power plant and it should not be swappable. The Reclaimer power plant looks like an obvious upgrade. That’s wonky. The shield and cooler are locked and should not be. More of CIG screwing things up deliberately so that fixing it later looks like work, methinks.

The Q drive is swappable. Key take away is you can carry spare Q drives and swap out for speed, range or quick start. That’s better than expected and another reason to have a real, skilled player in engineering.

The chin mount is troubling. Let’s hope they plan to invent a twin S6 gun for that. Quad S3’s are not delivering on the promise. Chin should be quad S5 at the least.

So, I think much of this will change. The signature is surprisingly low at 16k IR, but does not change no matter what you shut off I’m sure the ship would not fly like that. We’ll have to wait and see. I’m still disappointed the cooler is locked down. Still fighting off serious depression they cheesed-out on the holodisplay.
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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Remember that the Polaris is supposed to be more of a patrol boat than anything. The big stick it carries around is its torpedoes (Size 9 or otherwise). Turrets onboard are primarily for point-defense and fighter screens, and the rate-of-fire on 4 weapons saturates the sky a lot better than two humongous weapons can. For ship-to-ship combat (Sub-Capital) the Polaris will most likely act as a backstop to deploy its own fighter to go out and deal with the threat. If you are looking for more of an offensive machine, you would be looking for the Perseus. THAT is the one with the big honkin' turrets. And as far as components are concerned; I am sure they will figure all of that out once they figure out how folks are going to moor their ships at a Dumper's Depot for hull alterations and component swapping. All the downsides of playing an alpha, I'm afraid.


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
I’ll be wary about taking Erkul at face value. Their information isn’t always accurate and CIG is known to change ship values as they see fit.

This. The ship is WAYYYYY too far from being done to spend any energy getting worked up about the placeholders being put in for QA testing. John Crewe himself stated that they were looking at the idea of upgunning it to have more ship-to-ship options than just the torpedoes. Because those will be expensive and a very deliberate choice to launch, and the as-sold armament is inadequate to 'naval combat'.

Personally I'd go with dual size 6 or even 7 energy cannons on the chin mount, and quad 4's everywhere else. It IS a couple of steps up from the Perseus in functionality, and fills a very different role than that of the brawler.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Why are you treating
like it's chris roberts's boss? I dont think
gets to decide what the components are?


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I treat Erkul as those that observe & report the gear that come equipped on a vehicle that is in the Verse at that time & then after each patch they retest the various components to keep the data updated. As for those vehicles that are in their system but not in game yet, I suspect that they assign the gear based on what's been reported by CIG so far as well as what is shown in the game at events such as ILW & IAE, even if those are just holograms. Which makes it pretty much speculation as to which parts to assign. There's also the data that some find based on sorting through the game codes for new info. Some of which is accurate, others can be plants to throw players off placed there by CIG. They're so cheeky at times.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
CIG releases stats to erkul for publication, so it is as official as CIG wants to be. And yes, those stats always change and will until beta.

However, since it is CIG that told erkul to lock down some components as fixed and others not, it is worth looking at that. The fact you can upgrade the reactor in Erkul is significant, because we were told cap class ships build around the reactor and it thus cannot be changed without huge expense.

I’m guessing CIG will revert to their original intent here and scrap what we see. However, there’s a good chance that the Q Drive will remain swappable. That’s a key find because it means you can swap out drives on the fly and replace range for speed and perhaps even quick spool times for when you’re in battle. Just makes sense to have several options.

It looks like the cap class shield will be locked at the number we see, which is I think 25% less than the Idris, but 7X more than a standard S3. That’s nice to see since we were warned it won’t be like the Idris. This number is twice what I expected.

The torp tubes are marked “10710” and following missile launcher protocol probably means size 10, battery 7. That’s what we were sold. Just looks like CIG hasn’t bothered to create a size 10 torp for erkul to use.

And like I said, the IR spec is unresponsive to changes, so we really can’t tell how quiet this will be. The number they gave us is lower than I would have guessed. The EM spec is very responsive to changes and goes absurdly low when you shut stuff off. Odds are it will be very low if you use ballistics in all the turrets and switch off the shield. Since we’ve been told you can refill the magazines, ballistics ought to interest us all. Just you need engineering crew, both PCs and NPCs. Quad Revenants would make the turrets very dangerous, and certainly worth a few powder monkeys. Using ballistics also draws so much less you may be able to choose a quieter reactor.

Best use case is probably to lay in wait with most systems off, until a target gets pretty close. Then launch torps and shepherd them to the target with fighters, to stop other fighters shooting the torps down. The torps only move about half the speed of a fighter, so launching from 20km without fighters against targets that have fighter cover is probably just wasting your very expensive torps.

~little powder monkey Jim handing up the powder from the magazine below
~when he got struck by a ball that laid him so low
~heave ho, on we go, heave me lads heave ho-o!
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
CIG releases stats to erkul for publication, so it is as official as CIG wants to be. And yes, those stats always change and will until beta.

However, since it is CIG that told erkul to lock down some components as fixed and others not, it is worth looking at that. The fact you can upgrade the reactor in Erkul is significant, because we were told cap class ships build around the reactor and it thus cannot be changed without huge expense.

I’m guessing CIG will revert to their original intent here and scrap what we see. However, there’s a good chance that the Q Drive will remain swappable. That’s a key find because it means you can swap out drives on the fly and replace range for speed and perhaps even quick spool times for when you’re in battle. Just makes sense to have several options.

It looks like the cap class shield will be locked at the number we see, which is I think 25% less than the Idris, but 7X more than a standard S3. That’s nice to see since we were warned it won’t be like the Idris. This number is twice what I expected.

The torp tubes are marked “10710” and following missile launcher protocol probably means size 10, battery 7. That’s what we were sold. Just looks like CIG hasn’t bothered to create a size 10 torp for erkul to use.

And like I said, the IR spec is unresponsive to changes, so we really can’t tell how quiet this will be. The number they gave us is lower than I would have guessed. The EM spec is very responsive to changes and goes absurdly low when you shut stuff off. Odds are it will be very low if you use ballistics in all the turrets and switch off the shield. Since we’ve been told you can refill the magazines, ballistics ought to interest us all. Just you need engineering crew, both PCs and NPCs. Quad Revenants would make the turrets very dangerous, and certainly worth a few powder monkeys. Using ballistics also draws so much less you may be able to choose a quieter reactor.

Best use case is probably to lay in wait with most systems off, until a target gets pretty close. Then launch torps and shepherd them to the target with fighters, to stop other fighters shooting the torps down. The torps only move about half the speed of a fighter, so launching from 20km without fighters against targets that have fighter cover is probably just wasting your very expensive torps.

~little powder monkey Jim handing up the powder from the magazine below
~when he got struck by a ball that laid him so low
~heave ho, on we go, heave me lads heave ho-o!
I learned something new. Cheers!


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I like the 775k shield and 100M hull HP! Don't really expect that to stay put either but nice and beefy! XD
Well, the hull HP certainly seems high, but then again the current time to kill on all playable ships is just way too little for any meaningful engineering gameplay... so who knows, perhaps it's other ships that are getting buffed instead. Or most likely a combination of the two: other ships get a massive buff and this 100M gets adjusted down.


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
CIG releases stats to erkul for publication, so it is as official as CIG wants to be. And yes, those stats always change and will until beta.
Hey mon.. Erkul, Cornerstone, spviewer.eu and other websites use datamining tools that pick out the desired information from the patch .pak files. The accuracy of what they display depends on how well the tool and user do the mining. It is worth pointing out that Erkul often has errors, as the web front end doesn't always match up nicely with the mined data.

According to boredgameruk's sources, the Polaris is in for Greybox review this week. That is a very long way from being anything resembling a finished product. I can say that internal QA is having a fun look at it; anything beyond that is pure speculation.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Polaris interior here. I call BS on why they pulled the holoviewer. They said there wasn’t enough room. Obviously there is still enough room. Move the Captain’s chair forward a meter and make it spin 180*. Put a viewer just behind it the size of that on the 400i, but built into the floor so people can walk right through. Add two more chairs on the stearin bulkhead for tactical analysis and security.

The ship is beautiful. It wastes way too much space. Military vessels do not look like this. The staircase is grandeous and I like it, but it is not military.
View: https://youtu.be/uAiF_AAyD00?si=dpuV4fxrU5czehCv
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Polaris interior here. I call BS on why they pulled the holoviewer. They said there wasn’t enough room. Obviously there is still enough room. Move the Captain’s chair forward a meter and make it spin 180*. Put a viewer just behind it the size of that on the 400i, but built into the floor so people can walk right through. Add two more chairs on the stearin bulkhead for tactical analysis and security.

The ship is beautiful. It wastes way too much space. Military vessels do not look like this. The staircase is grandeous and I like it, but it is not military.
View: https://youtu.be/uAiF_AAyD00?si=dpuV4fxrU5czehCv
With respect, I slightly disagree with your assessment of moving the Captain's chair forward a meter to fit the holo viewer behind him. Instead, I feel that moving that chair backwards a meter, so that the captain can pull up the holo nav in front of him without having to get up, yet still able to look through to what's ahead, would be a better option. Everything else I completely agree with.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
My Jedi Sojourner bridge in ffg TTRPG has six seats in a circle with a holoviewer in the floor dead center. The bridge is much smaller than this but everyone important is in the same room and has access to their role-flex console, the front view and the holodisplay. Makes for great teamwork.
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