Political Rants and other Butt-hurtness posts


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
We've decided to move our "discussions" from the PDLMTC thread to a new one so we don't sully the purity of that thread with nonsense...:laughing:

Seriously though, I think we all need a place to put in our own $.02, share ideas, be heard, vent, rant, and generally feel better about the world.

Please remember we are all friends and even though we have differing opinions, there's no need for name calling or general rudeness. This should be a safe forum of discussion. That said, you will probably be offended by someone at some point, let's try to keep it amiable.

(Mods, if the thread gets too heated, let us know, perhaps we can dial it down instead of removing the post.)

So with that out of the way, here is the discussion so far...

Extremely charged political rant from me. Don't watch/read if you're even a little bit sensitive!

This 100%
Calling Trump voters racist/sexist is just whining. People need to take responsibility for their actions and Trump winning was a result of the Left alienating not only the Right, but those of the Middle and Left who try to sympathize with their group. Calling people privileged who aren't doing so well themselves just pisses them off!

I work extremely hard for what I have and being called privileged completely trivializes my sacrifices! When's the last time you agreed with someone and became their friend when they belittle you and ignore your hard work?

When someone tells me I'm privileged I think they're a whiny bitch that can't take care of themselves.

Calling people names and lumping them together with labels just because you THINK they're wrong or evil...is EXACTLY what racists and sexists do!

SJWs and Liberals are the new hate groups.

Right there with you, @Grimbli .

The alienating is occurring on both sides (And not only in the US, but most places with two parties/groups of parties). No one is willing to discuss and make compromises anymore. A big part of a modern democracy is different parties getting together and putting forth a lot of different ideas and then pick the best idea for as many people as possible.

Side note: Why do Americans, the most proud to be liberal people on the planet, use "Liberal" to degrade people?

Here in the States, "liberal" and "conservative" are both used as insults and boasts. Neither of the terms are much used in relation to their actual meanings anymore, rather the terms are used colloquially to refer to the partisan political parties.

(Disclaimer: I do not intend the following as insults, but they easily will be taken as insults, especially given the topic.) The "liberals" here are less interested in liberty and more interested in equality. They tend to be more liberal with gov't spending on social projects. The "conservatives" are less interested in conservation and more interested in tradition, politically and often religiously. They tend to be more conservative with gov't intrusion into the economy (which, historically anyway, is a liberal tradition).

Often, our colloquialisms make it very confusing when trying to communicate with people in other countries. I imagine, from the outside looking in, it must make it rather difficult to understand what we Americans are going on about when we bicker internally, especially since we have a tendency to bicker very loudly.

Sorry for all the spoiler clicks, but we've tried to keep it contained in the other thread so others aren't forced to read. Please feel free to give input at your leisure!


Vice Admiral
Oct 10, 2016
RSI Handle
My big worry with Trump is the agenda he has for climate change.

I'm currently in China and I'm surprised to see so many cars and scooters driving fully electric here, as well as the effort to recycle materials. Its clear that they take it seriously here. So him calling it a hoax has me thinking he might actually have other dangerous reasons to say such things.

Also, I was so happy to hear that both China and America had agreed to the resolution... The two biggest polluters! So I'm extra sad to hear that Trump wants to back out of it. I hope America doesn't turn into some kind of Mad-max land! :thinking:

Also: I don't understand the American voting system, it seems like a fake democratic system. I'd say, its clear that both parties have a lot of following, thus the needs of both parties must be heard... now I feel like whenever one party wins the other gets sidelined? This doesn't really help the growing gap that's developing between the two groups I think.

Anyways, my biggest concern is the well being of this planet, if we can't guarantee that, then how can we guarantee the well being of ourselves?


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
This new thread is probably for the best. Someone might actually win the "please don't like" contest if we all start calling each other commies and fascists over there.
I know I've been getting a bit heated with the political banter lately, but I'll do my best to keep polite. My town has been having riots nightly since the election and that has got me more than a bit agitated.
Do you want to set any rules, @Grimbli ? Should we stick to spoilers? How much meme magic will be permitted?


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Do you want to set any rules, @Grimbli ? Should we stick to spoilers? How much meme magic will be permitted?
Basically keep it friendly. Don't want to attack people, but some will get their feelings hurt because of the nature of the thread.

The idea is that we're all adult enough to handle others' opinions.

We shouldn't feel the need to restrain ourselves, but if you feel it's a pretty wild view, then spoiler it if you like.


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
Also: I don't understand the American voting system, it seems like a fake democratic system. I'd say, its clear that both parties have a lot of following, thus the needs of both parties must be heard... now I feel like whenever one party wins the other gets sidelined? This doesn't really help the growing gap that's developing between the two groups I think.
I've heard it called more of a democratic republic, but that only makes it clear as mud also. It is a real democratic system, it was just designed around this being a union of several countries rather than as a single monolithic super country. Early in our history, it was meant to keep the 2 major parties from constantly plotting against each other when sharing one office. Now it serves to keep high population states from being the only decision makers in elections and running roughshod over smaller populated areas. If anyone wants to further read up on it, it's the 12th Amendment to the Constitution and before that, it was Article 2. When people reference "the popular vote" (which only gets brought up when one side loses), they're talking about a vote that never happened. We have 50 popular votes, and the winner of the majority of those is elected to office.

The losing party doesn't usually get sidelined as badly as they did this election. The winning side this round really did sweep, securing both houses of Congress and most of the individual state's legislatures. We have a staggering election cycle, so in two years, the losing party can make another play for controlling one of the houses. The losing party won't go unheard, but they won't be able to win on partisan political lines like so much of our legislation devolves in to.

It's the third parties that really got sidelined this time, and this was a weird election for sure. We had the Green party (environmental platform, traditionally getting traction on the left) making the case for the Republicans to avoid nuclear war, and the Libertarian party (individual liberty platform, traditionally getting traction of the right) practically supporting the Democrats in the hopes of open borders. To say the least, they got completely eclipsed by how viciously the 2 bigger parties campaigned. I would've thought with the main parties' candidates so reviled, the third parties could have made some gains. But none of the third parties had great candidates and people got really focused on "lesser of two evils."

More to your other point, @Lythan , the environmental issues will surely drop in priority, especially when they come in conflict with economic issues. I can't say I've followed that topic too closely, but the solutions I heard proposed had some serious flaws that I rarely heard addressed.

The idea of a sin tax on carbon just opens a massive tax revenue the gov't becomes dependent on. If industries use less carbon because it becomes too expensive, they first sack thousands of jobs and the gov't would end up with incentive to promote the use of polluting carbon for its own income.

Grants and tax breaks to new renewable energy industries are also at issue because of the threat of cronyism. Funds would be doled out to supporters of the politicians holding the purse strings, regardless of the industries' effectiveness or merit. Even if the gov't support went to people doing quality work (which is not where it ends up usually), the people doing that work would have to become independent of the gov't support as soon as possible, because their funds would always be on the chopping block as soon as it became an option.

All that said, they've got two years to make their case in the upcoming elections, and I hope they do. Even before then, they could be making their case if they didn't let this become such a partisan issue. Hurling insults back and forth sure does make people stop listening to each other quick.

(EDIT: That was a long winded spiel, sorry about that. Well, this was a rant thread, so not that sorry. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)
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Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
holy walls of text, Batman!

I fear the 'normalization' of expressing bigotry and hatred

we are stronger when we emphasize the things we have in common

and we weaken ourselves when we play up our differences

the pendulum has always swung between liberal and conservative

but this heightened incivility is new and scary


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
no matter how you try frame it, the bottom line is "I am right and those who disagree are fucking idiots!"
I disagree. I believe that's a symptom of modern politics. There was once a time people could sit down and discuss their views with each other, possibly try to change their minds or get them thinking. The only way for growth to occur is to have your ideals challenged and forced to reevaluate your stance.

This, of course, requires participants to be mature and open minded; but I think if an area were created for such discussions, such as this one, it would set the mood for people to get their point across without needing the name calling and childish behavior.

We're all (mostly) adults here.


Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
I disagree. I believe that's a symptom of modern politics. There was once a time people could sit down and discuss their views with each other, possibly try to change their minds or get them thinking.
This is my biggest problem with modern politics (together with politicians not being held accountable for lies (Or walking around with iron pipes in the capital threatening people. Real incident, they got a promotion.)).
I would guess that this is a result of lacking education on what politics are. A healthy democracy is all about compromises, combining your own ideas and those of a different view, for the benefit of as many as possible. But most people don't like compromising, giving more power to politicians that don't (or at least say that they don't) in the next election.
Give this a election or two and everyone that is willing to compromise will have to face someone who isn't willing to. When your opponent doesn't want to even think of a compromise you yourself will dig in your heels and stand your ground.

There are more reasons people/politicians will stop discussing compromises, but the result will still be the same.


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
I disagree. I believe that's a symptom of modern politics. There was once a time people could sit down and discuss their views with each other, possibly try to change their minds or get them thinking. The only way for growth to occur is to have your ideals challenged and forced to reevaluate your stance.

This, of course, requires participants to be mature and open minded; but I think if an area were created for such discussions, such as this one, it would set the mood for people to get their point across without needing the name calling and childish behavior.

We're all (mostly) adults here.
Not necessarily limited to modern politics...
But certainly it is being exacerbated by this campaign cycle.
I would like to think we can discuss things without resorting to cruelty and disrespect, but I would understand if @Montoya or the rest of the staff thinks it would be best to delete thread. A bummer, but I would not riot over it.


Space Marshal
Apr 22, 2016
RSI Handle
This election made me examine my ideas and beliefs. I used to believe only Government could bring about the changes and laws needed to restore the American dream. I had many debates with my family and friends about the candidates and their visions. It was a good friend I made while in the Marines who opened my eyes to the dangers posed by Democratic expansion of the government. I always believed it was Roosevelt and the government lead initiatives of the New Deal that burgeoned the greatness of the USA. After over a year of looking at politics through a new perspective I see how government has been corrupted by the business elite, the lobbyist, and their puppet politicians. Right now, I feel pretty optimistic about the future with President Trump. I only hope that the laws of our country will be re-activated and enforced fairly among all Americans. Trump won the election BIGLY, so I think it is time we give "Grandad" a chance.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I how y'all don't mind me lurking. I find this dialogue refreshing, especially in light of what's happening in the US of A right now. I'm also very intrigued by the points of view being exposed here. Enlightening and enriching.

I honestly hope that Mr. Trump can effect (affect? This one's always bungs me up) the change that seems to be much needed for your great nation. end the corporate BS, lobbying, etc.


Oct 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I how y'all don't mind me lurking. I find this dialogue refreshing, especially in light of what's happening in the US of A right now. I'm also very intrigued by the points of view being exposed here. Enlightening and enriching.

I honestly hope that Mr. Trump can effect (affect? This one's always bungs me up) the change that seems to be much needed for your great nation. end the corporate BS, lobbying, etc.
Well said blind owl. A healthy balanced point of view.
My point of view is not so healthy and I am not confident in my own intelligence or wisdom for I have done so many crazy things in my life
My humble opinion =
1 human race is insane and the evidence is we believe in strange things like gods , idols, kings and queens . We hate and fear and yet love Kardashians
2 we are violent shaved apes with great potential and but some how made iphones and beer
3 we are killing the planet .. If it moves shoot it and it doesn't move chop it down
4 science and intelligence is not celebrated
5 My Bronze Age religion is better then yours = we are retarded
All this and more = stupid political parties on both sides. It's a reflection of all of us as a group.
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Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Well said blind owl. A healthy balanced point of view.
My point of view is not so healthy and I am not confident in my own intelligence or wisdom for I have done so many crazy things in my life
My humble opinion =
1 human race is insane and the evidence is we believe in strange things like gods , idols, kings and queens . We hate and fear and yet love Kardashians
2 we are violent shaved apes with great potential and but some how made iphones and beer
3 we are killing the planet .. If it moves shoot it and it doesn't move chop it down
4 science and intelligence is not celebrated
5 My Bronze Age religion is better then yours = we are retarded
All this and more = stupid political parties on both sides. It's a reflection of all of us as a group.


Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
I may have missed something.. but a lot of people in favour of Trump talk about how he isn't a part of the establishment and how he will bring an end to a lot of the lobbying. In short, stop the people with money from running the country from behind the scenes...
But isn't Trump a part of that group of people that used to run it from behind the scenes? The rich businessmen?
As capitalism says, nothing will be done unless there is a way to turn profit. So what is Trumps incentive to stop money in politics?
I'm not trying to bash anyone. I don't see the logic, but see this argument enough to question if there is something I missed.


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
I may have missed something.. but a lot of people in favour of Trump talk about how he isn't a part of the establishment and how he will bring an end to a lot of the lobbying. In short, stop the people with money from running the country from behind the scenes...
But isn't Trump a part of that group of people that used to run it from behind the scenes? The rich businessmen?
As capitalism says, nothing will be done unless there is a way to turn profit. So what is Trumps incentive to stop money in politics?
I'm not trying to bash anyone. I don't see the logic, but see this argument enough to question if there is something I missed.
Not sure where capitalism as a practice ever dictated that nothing happens without profit. Sure, laizzez-faire (free market, non-interventionist) capitalism would mean businesses that failed to make a profit would be allowed to fail and not be propped up artificially by tax revenue. But along with that, people wouldn't be restricted from spending or donating their capital as they individually saw fit. Most of this comes from the roots of Liberalism and we could get into Objectivism versus Marxism, but I would probably have to do some refresher reading first.

Trump's incentive to limit lobbying influence would be the support of the electorate. I know that may sound a bit over-simplified, but here in the US (and I elsewhere too, though I can't claim to be well versed), the public sees special interest lobbying run amok. Congress here does not have term limits, so politicians can make careers out of always running for office and collecting donations, often massive donations, in exchange for influence. If I had to speculate on why Trump decided to run rather than continue to donate as a lobbying force, I'd guess he wasn't getting the influence he way paying for anymore, but that would just be speculation. Campaigning on imposing term limits on Congress was one issue that spoke to a lot of people who've become disenfranchised while big donors got the actual representation.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I may have missed something.. but a lot of people in favour of Trump talk about how he isn't a part of the establishment and how he will bring an end to a lot of the lobbying. In short, stop the people with money from running the country from behind the scenes...
But isn't Trump a part of that group of people that used to run it from behind the scenes? The rich businessmen?
As capitalism says, nothing will be done unless there is a way to turn profit. So what is Trumps incentive to stop money in politics?
I'm not trying to bash anyone. I don't see the logic, but see this argument enough to question if there is something I missed.
The problem with people thinking Trump will shake things up in Washington is that they tend to have blinders on when it comes to politicians. Both sides do it.

Democrats ignored the stagnancy of electing Hillary simply because they wanted a woman president. Didn't matter what she offered, they wanted her as a symbol and ignored everything she stood for. I'd say Hillary represented the elite class as much as Trump. Personally, I still have no idea what her platform was, other than her being female.

Likewise, it doesn't matter what Trump had ever done or said, his supporters ignore that because they hear what he's saying now. He promises to bring jobs back, to control Washington, to "Make America Great Again".

My big worry with Trump is the agenda he has for climate change.
This is another reason lower and middle class love him. You have to understand that Climate Change was something that meant quite a bit of trouble for not only businesses, but also quite a few Americans. Some of the largest businesses in Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia is coal. It's a very dirty resource, but it's huge business. Trump's reversal on environmental laws would allow businesses to mine much more coal than they've been restricted to now. And that means more jobs for Americans who may have lost theirs when profits dropped.

They're not thinking of the impact to the environment, because they think it's a hoax. So much money has been poured into those areas in the form of propaganda that they honestly think they've been lied to and Obama is evil.

Then, here comes this White (figuratively and literally) Knight to save them from the politicians that took their jobs. Of course they're going to love him, they have no other choice. Who else do they vote for, Clinton? They've heard that name before and they hate them. Even though our country experienced one of the greatest economic growths our country has known under Bill, they've still been conditioned to believe he was a horrible president.

Our country suffers from information bloat. Especially today. The Internet was supposed to bring widespread Truth, but instead is filled with so much misinformation we can't possibly know what's real and what's not. Only those whom are incredibly skilled at digging through false information will know, but that's more than the average person can do.


Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
Not sure where capitalism as a practice ever dictated that nothing happens without profit. Sure, laizzez-faire (free market, non-interventionist) capitalism would mean businesses that failed to make a profit would be allowed to fail and not be propped up artificially by tax revenue. But along with that, people wouldn't be restricted from spending or donating their capital as they individually saw fit. Most of this comes from the roots of Liberalism and we could get into Objectivism versus Marxism, but I would probably have to do some refresher reading first.

Trump's incentive to limit lobbying influence would be the support of the electorate. I know that may sound a bit over-simplified, but here in the US (and I elsewhere too, though I can't claim to be well versed), the public sees special interest lobbying run amok. Congress here does not have term limits, so politicians can make careers out of always running for office and collecting donations, often massive donations, in exchange for influence. If I had to speculate on why Trump decided to run rather than continue to donate as a lobbying force, I'd guess he wasn't getting the influence he way paying for anymore, but that would just be speculation. Campaigning on imposing term limits on Congress was one issue that spoke to a lot of people who've become disenfranchised while big donors got the actual representation.
Not sure that it has anything to do with capitalism, I just associate that way of thinking with capitalism. Any and all terms I use are to be taken with a grain of salt. I'm barely able to use Layman's terms :p
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