Political Rants and other Butt-hurtness posts


Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
Our country suffers from information bloat. Especially today. The Internet was supposed to bring widespread Truth, but instead is filled with so much misinformation we can't possibly know what's real and what's
I have a hard time figuring out if the Internet has been net good or net bad in terms of information spread and discussion. Information can travel faster than ever, but people can also choose what information to listen to more than ever. Echo chambers validates your own opinion and makes the spread of false (or at least very biased) information easier. Cementing an "us and them" mentality and creating Internets signature hate.
At the same time I can access almost any published scientific research paper I want and use Wikipedia to look up smaller bits of information from my phone...
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Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
I have a hard time figuring out if the Internet has been net good or net bad in terms of information spread and discussion. Information can travel faster than ever, but people can also choose what information to listen to more than ever. Echo chambers validates your own opinion and make the spread of false (or at least very biased) information. Cementing an "us and them" mentality and creating Internets signature hate.
At the same time I can access almost any published scientific research paper I want and use Wikipedia to look up smaller bits of information from my phone...
This is very true. Overall, I think it's best that so much information is so readily available, but with so much coming in, it's easy to get overwhelmed without a way to temper the flow. Apparently, most people get the news from Twitter now. People, including journalists who really should have been more aware of this, were surprised by this outcome because they stopped paying attention to so many differing viewpoints that they didn't realize there were real numbers in support of those differing viewpoints.

So many journalistic lines have been crossed that when you read a story, you can barely tell if it's an editorial, sales pitch, flat out propaganda, or someone's diary posted online. If it is an actual news story, you can't tell if the research went beyond Twitter. Maybe people forgot that "don't believe everything you read" also applies to the stuff they are reading and agree with.

This article sums up what has been happening with Internet news.

A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. And these are the people we should be worried about having access to the Internet.
A fake news site talking about how to avoid fake news. Sure, make a point about being wary of click-bait titles by using a click-bait title. In the meantime, they still get the clicks and can pretend to be above the muck they created.

These stories are popping up all over, even in places that previously had good reputations. I'm not a die-hard Trumpster, my political leanings didn't really have a candidate in this race at all. But if all these bloggers masquerading as journalists have to eat crow, I think it counts as a win for us all.

I can't help but find the absurdity of it hilarious.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
I actually saw that one didn't read though. Hard to tell if it's true. Who would be able to check that? Knowing whether someone voted or not seems like something too specific just to research on a whim.
How or if they voted isn't known, but whether or note they are registered to vote in OR is public information. Basically, either they never registered to vote and so didn't vote, or they registered to vote in another state and then came here to trash this city.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
How or if they voted isn't known, but whether or note they are registered to vote in OR is public information. Basically, either they never registered to vote and so didn't vote, or they registered to vote in another state and then came here to trash this city.
It's a bit odd since the article mentions they weren't registered or turned in a ballot. You do have to have ID scanned to vote, but I would think the specific named would be confidential.


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
It's a bit odd since the article mentions they weren't registered or turned in a ballot. You do have to have ID scanned to vote, but I would think the specific named would be confidential.
You don't need an ID to vote in OR, don't even need one to register, only to register online. Public records of who is registered is actually available here (for a fee, which I would assume is waived for press):

(EDIT: Messed around with it a bit and I can actually look up anyone by name at no cost and see if they've registered to vote. No personal info (age, address, phone, etc.), but still a little eerie how much information is actually publicly available.)
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Space Marshal
Sep 24, 2016
RSI Handle
I've been gone for a week. Is the USA still there?
Yes. Also of note: The sky's distance relative to the earth has not changed significantly in the last 10 days. Still up there. Oh and I still had to work to pay my bills and eat (and buy ships).

P.S. You can affect something or feel the effect of something. One is active/primary and one is passive/secondary.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Yes. Also of note: The sky's distance relative to the earth has not changed significantly in the last 10 days. Still up there. Oh and I still had to work to pay my bills and eat (and buy ships).
And buy ships. Isn't that the entire purpose of working? ;)
P.S. You can affect something or feel the effect of something. One is active/primary and one is passive/secondary.
So one affects change, and after will feel the effects of change.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I've been gone for a week. Is the USA still there?
US Americans always asked us Germans how the "third reich" could happen. Well, perhaps another example just started. What have been the Jews here between 1933 and 1942 are now the Mexicans over there. Lets wait four, five years and see what happens. Thats real life exercise.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Trump is already showing how he's going to run his country.

Traditionally Presidents put their assets in either blind trusts, where they don't know and have no communication with whoever is running their businesses prior to being President (as Bush Jr and Sr did) or invest their prior assets into Government bonds (as Obama did).

Trump has his Children running his businesses now. He had his daughter tag along with him meeting the prime minister of Japan. He is trying to get his kids security clearances. He is clearly making a point that a) his kids know what he is doing and b) he knows what his kids are doing.

When the Japanese government is deciding whether to grant permission to build a Hotel or resort is X place, they are not only deciding whether or not to grant permission based upon Trump Industries....they also have to worry about not offending the President of the United States.

This is a blatant conflict of interest and should never be allowed.

Not to mention the fact that Trump says he is planning on killing the EPA, appointing Koch Industries lobbyists to his Cabinet, making the Attorney General someone who thinks smoking pot is worse then shooting up meth, and one of his Supreme Court shortlists thinks gay should be jailed for having sex.

Not to mention the fact that all his tax cuts are for him and his wealthy buddies, his "drain the swamp" plan somehow managed to get all Washington insiders and lobbyists into his transition team.

He pulled the wool right over all the working class Americans who wanted to believe he would shake things up. Good job putting the worst candidate up against him Democrats, maybe next time have a fair primary and actually try to talk issues instead of parroting about how trump is a racist every 30 seconds, and you might have won.

What a shitshow, and he isn't even in office yet. Jesus.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Preface - I did not vote for either of the major parties for President. I did vote. My state went for Secretary Clinton. These are my OPINIONS, they do not reflect any company I work for or people I associate with.
I have also demonstrated conclusively to myself that my beliefs and opinions can change. For example, I was very much pro death penalty in my youth. Two things happened to change my mind. One, too many cases (all it takes is one, but there are a lot more than that) had a person on death row that was exonerated by new analysis of evidence. Two (and most importantly), I was called to be a potential juror in a capital case. After a LOT of soul searching, talking to my mother (who has a masters in christian education...aka, super sunday school teacher), and talking to my uncle by marriage (a judge on his tribe's supreme court) who is one of the people I respect most in this world, I now believe that the death penalty is retribution, not justice and I can not support it. That does not mean let them go free, but that's a different discussion.... (for those wanting to know, the defendant made a deal and there was no trial)

The point of what I've said so far is that I am willing to re-examine what I believe and change those beliefs if someone can create a sufficient case for it (of if I can make a sufficient case for it myself)

All this said, I think that too many people...on BOTH sides of the isle... are controlled by the fringes/most activist portion of their parties. WE keep sending the most extreme people to state and federal offices and then expect them to get along. I also believe the art of the deal has died in Washington these days. It's either my way or the highway from both parties. Now, SOME politicians do have tried to reach out and make compromises, most have not. Unfortunately, those that do reach out...especially those in leadership positions...are often pilloried by the vocal minority (and most extreme) members of their own party for doing so.

I also think that some of the more recent presidents (and not just the last one), have forgotten that they represent all Americans and they need to work for all Americans. It's not enough that you got enough electoral votes, you also need to represent those that voted for your opponent. You need to listen to them, understand their concerns, and work with them to address them, just as you work with the members of your own party. I hope that by doing so, you can satisfy at least 70-80 percent of all Americans (I recognize that some are just so far to either side that nothing you do will be happy)

Finally, I believe that with the rise of the internet and especially social media, the ability to sound off on a topic immediately has lead to knee-jerk reactions by most people...."That pisses me off and I am going to give them a piece of my mind right now"....type of reaction. No considered words, no going and thinking about it. This in turn throws more oxygen and fuel on the fire, resulting in more and more incivility towards each other. This kind of acting like children and saying "well, I don't like what happened so I want to take my ball and go home" just because the other side won the election needs to stop. It needed to stop when it was Texas saying it, it needs to stop now as California and Oregon say it.

In the end, it is my hope that people will realize they are burning down their own house and that they need to stop adding fuel to the fire and start trying to put it out. I hope that people will be able to calmly and rationally discuss the issues that face them and also realize that their opinion is not the only valid one. I hope that people can once again see others views as being equal to their own, and will work together to achieve common goals and can reasonably compromise on polarizing issues so that both sides win.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
"Heil Trump"...? Really? Wow. Just....wow.
Even as a very Leftist person, I have never been one to go "All Trump supporters are just racist/fascist and if you vote for him you're voting for Hitler!".

But a) these people make me sick and are legitimate racists and neo-nazis.
b) they are using your average Trump supporter as a shield to espouse their hate.
c) Trump has not disavowed any of these people, not even when David Duke endorsed him (former Imperial Wizard of the KKK)

Seriously, fuck these guys and anyone who doesn't disavow them.

We've got a "White Lives Matter" protest hosted by a white supremacist group with strong ties to the KKK coming up in a few week, and it plus the huge counter-protest are going to be a clusterfuck.
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