Here's my modest fleet. I just went ahead and applied all the CCUs to BMM (some time ago, but I think I've not mentioned it here). I couldn't envision a WB CCU or other offer that could've knocked more from the price. I know some have succeeded in the past, but I couldn't find a way. And I'm pretty darn happy with it anyhow.
Also figured that the F7A nerf wasn't that bad, and I absolutely love Hornets. So I went ahead and built the F7A Hornet, $85, decent.
Cutlass black has been there forever. Also $85, lmao.
As for the other 4 chains, I did venture from Vulture to San'tok.yai, wanted to test it out a bit. It'll probably be Starfarer Gemini soon. As for the finale for that chain, I'm not too keen on Crucible with the current specs, could end up being a Reclaimer instead. Or if CIG releases some new cool capital salvage ship, I'd be very interested.
The Orion and Hull D are pretty firm, for the longest time I've liked the idea of those ships. I hope they turn out fantastic. Though I was manning a Polaris the other day, fighting an Idris, legendary, so I'm just a teensy bit considering something like a Perseus. Though honestly, BMM could scratch a very similar itch with the S6 top turret and S8 pilot cannons. That NPC idris won't know what hit it.
Endeavor, I'm very excited about. What I'm not excited about is the timeline. But I'll endeavor to endure.
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PS. Applying some CCUs to make that F7A Hornet and San'tok.yai, also melting a few to make store credits to fill in the gaps in the F7A hornet chain, cleaned up my hangar quite a bit. I went from 55 CCUs to like 32. I feel... conflicted. Partly, I'm fulfilled that my CCU game is coming to the final stretch. Partly I'm as empty as my hangar now is. My spreadsheet was so colorful with all those extra CCUs. But it's not like I'd just keep the CCUs forever.