Attention all TESTies! Rock Raders is hosting the first ever Prospector Mining Competition! Go find rocks! Mine them! Sell them! Then post your best results! We are offering prizes for First Place, First Loser and Second Loser! We will also be holding a raffel for some extra goodies!
The Rules...
1. The competition time will run 3 hours.
2. Everybody will start at Port Olisar, however you can mine wherever you choose!
3. Prizes will be awarded based on the profit earned for a single sale, not cumulative.
4. Players are not limited to one mining run. Mine as much as you can and post your most profitable run!
5. Screen Shots must display server time and date to qualify by using the "r_displayinfo=3" command.
The Prizes!
1st Prize: Mustang Alpha Vindicator CitizenCon 2948 Edition donated by @LoicFarris.
2nd Prize: TBD
3rd Prize: TBD
Raffel Prizes: TBD
Final post will nailed down rules and such will come at a later date. We're looking at an end of May date. You guys are getting first notice with the formal event post going up next Friday. Start grinding those helix lasers and consumables. If anyone wants to donate raffle prizes please post here and what you're willing to put in. Thank you.
The Rules...
1. The competition time will run 3 hours.
2. Everybody will start at Port Olisar, however you can mine wherever you choose!
3. Prizes will be awarded based on the profit earned for a single sale, not cumulative.
4. Players are not limited to one mining run. Mine as much as you can and post your most profitable run!
5. Screen Shots must display server time and date to qualify by using the "r_displayinfo=3" command.
The Prizes!
1st Prize: Mustang Alpha Vindicator CitizenCon 2948 Edition donated by @LoicFarris.
2nd Prize: TBD
3rd Prize: TBD
Raffel Prizes: TBD
Final post will nailed down rules and such will come at a later date. We're looking at an end of May date. You guys are getting first notice with the formal event post going up next Friday. Start grinding those helix lasers and consumables. If anyone wants to donate raffle prizes please post here and what you're willing to put in. Thank you.
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