Questions and Queries

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
If you are stand still, your velocity will be 0. If you hit full throttle, then your max speed will be reached in a certain time. Acceleration.
Boost (single hold) will speed up the time between 0 to max speed. Boost increases your acceleration.
Strafe is just a vector on a straight line. Boost also affects that vector. Your speed on the HUD is the speed straight forward, not the vector speed.

While strafing and turning, your are actually making more G-forces then you would have if you are only turning. G-safe tries to keep you G-forces within safe limits by correcting you max vector speed. Boost overrides G-safe and accelerates to your max vector speed.

Afterburner (double tap) will raise your max speed so you can go beyond your maximum vector speed. I don't know if afterburner also increases your acceleration. Afterburner also overrides your G-safe.

Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong :)
I'm bumping this up, because I had forgotten about this thread. I'll be home in a few days, and intend to put all this knowledge to use.
Thanks Marcsand.
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