Cut shields, then weapons, and then pretty sure quantum drive (edit, just looked it up, wasn't the QD. Not sure what I turned off last)
Wow. Thanks for this! Those are insanely low sigs. With the weapons turned off the Razor IR sig is 1/5 that of the Eclipse. The EM didn't ever go down quite as far as the Eclipse--1400 when the Eclipse was 1100, but the IR went down to 420 when the Eclipse was 2400.
I have never seen footage of the Raven with its gear turned off, but with it on it has HUGE EM and IR sigs. You can't use the EMP without giving away your position as if you were waving a road flare, and because of the charge time it is not then useful from stealth. I like the Raven and want one, but the EMP is wasted when the mission is stealth recon. Likewise, the heavy guns and hull of the Hornet is not best for stealth recon. IMHO, best is small, fast and as little EM and IR sig as possible. If you could reduce the Radar Cross Section (RCS) by cutting all the control surfaces off the Razor with a beam laser like on the Prospector, I'd do that as well, but fat chance of that working. Odds are the game will not even note changes in orientation create different RCS. My guess is they'll just assign a single RCS value to each bird. If rather, the game actually calculates RCS based upon target orientation, that changes everything about how you have to fly a recon bird so as to keep the smallest RCS toward your target. It would also be reason to get out your saw and cut the control surface bits off space stealth birds that have no reason to fly outside atmosphere.
Yes, I'm sure we need to wait and see what can reasonably be fit into the Polaris hangar. Its well to note though, you don't have to have multiple birds fit into the hangar all at once. You need to be able to refit and refuel birds one at a time, in theater. You really want to do this after arrival in a sector but before a confrontation with the enemy, so each bird can flee when necessary, but you don't have to have all your recon scouts fit in the hangar unless you want to exit the game and respawn all birds at once (which would be extremely handy on deep penetration recon, search and destroy.)
Also, we really need to see the difference in the scan range between S, M, L and C. While it could be you could get 6X more coverage from 4 Razors than you would from one Ghost Tracker, Raven or Eclipse, if the M radar in the Terrepin has 3X the scan radius of S, then it is 9X the area. So even moving at 2/3 the speed of a Razor, a Terrapin would scan as much as 4 players in Razors. That would make the Terrapin much more efficient, even though it would be much more dangerous.
I have never seen a vid of the Terrapin with its EM and IR sigs displayed on the HUD. Is weird people review it in combat and all, and don't note what kind of sigs a supposed stealth ship offers, and no one has put out a vid of the scan as compared to S scan on little birds. Go figure. I do like that they raised the Terrapin's speed up so high--1205 afterburner is quite high! but it is not enough to escape Vanduul scout craft like the Blade (1240), and I am sure that is quite by design. It is so close, you could reasonably make a run in the Terrapin for the cover of Daddy Polaris' S3 Arrester IIIs, but from 50 km out to 9km range of the Arreser's is a long sprint made much longer by any attempts to dodge. My guess is you'd be quite dead trying to run 40 km from a couple Blades in a Terrapin. Can you survive half miniute of attack? Would be exciting to find out! Lucky we have Owl to test it for us. . .
Need to wait and see. I confess i do love the combination of stealth and speed and prefer recon running away rather than fighting when detected.