Officer Record
Name: Mahat Boors
Rank: Second Lieutenant
Joined: 11/05/2938
Security Clearance: Two
Mahat Boors is the third son of the founder of Boors-Head Industries. A high-class Terran socialite, Boors was notorious for his drunkeness, promiscuity, and lewd behavior.
He was signed into military service at the behest of his parents after a particularly embarassing gala where he threw up on three senators and broke several indecency laws. His parents were quoted as saying, "the best our son could accomplish is to die in the name of the UEE."
Commanders Notes:
"He's lazy, ill-mannered, and a constant self-medicator. When he's not drunk, he's chewing on stim-capsules like candy. Average pilot at best."
Medical Report
Blood type: O
Height: 5' 3/4"
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Sobriety: Haha
Fitness Grade: B
Mental Fitness: B
None on an official capacity.
Disciplinary Notes
27 counts of disorderly conduct
9 counts of public intoxication
4 counts of insubordinate behavior
Painted an Idris's full complement of Hornets like sharks in order to "strike fear into the hearts of our enemies."
Tampered with a training Aurora's controls, causing a first year trainee to crash the Aurora into several other ships. When interrogated, Boors explained he did it because he "wanted to teach one of the pilots wrong, as a joke." Mahat was nearly discharged for this, but managed to squeek by on some technicalities.