Record: Norrin Radd


Jun 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Officer Record


Name: Norrin Radd (callsign Silver Surfer?)

Rank: Lieutenant

Joined: 06.07.2929

Security Clearance: Whatever is proportional to his rank (and occasionally proportional to what he could afford)


Born to a wealthy single mother on Terra, he's been eager to become an engineer for as long as he can remember. His scores in school, while good, were not strong enough in the competitive atmosphere of the larger manufacturers. So like any overeducated, disillusioned, and rambunctious young man he joined the military.

While there he picked up the usual habits and grew into the roles imposed upon him. His education allowed him to be adaptable in what he was capable of. Not a great pilot but above average, skilled technician but not quite specialist, occasional spurts of tactical ingenuity but hardly leadership material.

Commanders Notes:

Decent pilot with lots of potential. Has a lot of technical know-how that is sometimes helpful. Really just needs a focus, a goal, to bring out the best in him. He scales his ambition to the size of the mission, but hardly an ounce more. Would do well to throw him in over his head every once in a while.


Blood type: O+

Height: 5'6"

Age: 35

Sex: M

Sobriety: High Functioning alcoholic

Fitness Grade: B

Mental Fitness: B


Fastest rounds in basic - known to get all chores and errands done in record times even during the middle of the night. Gets his work done fast.


While he's definitely a team player he's occasionally prone to unlikely tactics, sometimes bordering on insubordination, but only for the greater good.

Nearly charged for awol one evening when he took a ship out for a cruise where he was reported "jamming that dub music and hotboxing a 300i"
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